I know everyone, it was stupid of the Commissioners to vote for the waterfront Cuban Museum that has no money. But they did because they are always pandering. They did so with a promise of a Black History Museum for Dennis Moss.
Well now Dennis Moss is calling in his favorable vote for the Cuban Community. He wants the Black History Museum. Maybe Commissioner Juan Zapata won't be far behind with a request for a Colombian Museum for his vote.
The strange thing is: Moss' choice of location preferences...He doesn't even mention my first choice, Virginia Key Park, with so much Black History, buildings already in place and a giant parking lot. (My second choice is the port property.)
Hear this Commissioners: WE HAVE ENOUGH MUSEUMS BLOCKING OUR VIEW OF THE WATER DOWNTOWN AND USING UP FUNDS WE NEED. Stop spending tax dollars and valuable land on edifices.
The logical place for a museum on Black History is Virginia Key Park that is owned by the City of Miami. However all the choices will be underwater in a few years. |
I am waiting for that Italian American Museum celebrating that rascal Columbus. We should serve spaghetti and honor MY ANCESTORS. They brought us some of my favorite food. We could have a wing for bricklayers and tailors (what my relatives did). I like Wiener Schnitzel, how about a German museum to amuse all the German tourists. Didn't Barbara Jordan give land to an Ethiopian (?) Museum?
Miami: Home to a museum honoring everyone!!!!
Build "The Miami Multinational Museum". 3M. Miami is the melting pot. I suggest rooms with dioramas could be built for each nationality. Let's not get hung up on who's Cuban, Venezualan, Costa Rican, Puerto Rica, a Great Britisher, or West African.
4M: the Many Modes of Mixing Miami. Anybody got 5?
Mixing Miami Melds Minds Maybe.
It would need a PPP for an MMMM.
Psst..ever hear of this thing called Climate Change sea level rise? There really shouldn't be anymore museums on waterfront property.
We already have a mega museum to cover everyone's history the MiamiHistory Museum (HMSF) on Flagler. What's wrong with exhibit and wings and events on everyone's contributions to our history? What's wrong with pooling our money for this community institution?
Agree with the last Anon that we already have the MiamiHistory Museum the details the history of Miami and surrounding communities. Expand the section that covers the migration of Cuban to our city, if you feel it is needed. Include a more robust section on the contributions of the railroad laborers, Bahamian fishermen and Black leaders. But for all of the taxpayer's sake, do not allow anymore museums to be built unless they have the land and funding and are not seeking funding or contributions from the government. Then, by all means, knock yourself out!
Ditch the kicked-around and downtrodden Main LIbrary and its $2.4-$5.1 rental price tag extorted from the Library's special taxing district to give to the County's ISD Dept. Add the building to the neighboring HIstory Miami. There's four floors so each one can hold displays by race or ethnicity as our politicians are promoting a trend of cultural segregation.
I like the building with separate floors for separate nationalities. Since the Cubans got in on the ground floor, let them take the ground floor.
What if we support Virginia Key Beach Park? Are we still a racist? I think people are objecting to ALL the museums and ALL the waterfront locations of ALL the Museums. I think you are all participating in discrimination against my Italian roots.
Let's not be stupid with blanket statements.
Scrap all the wasteful Cuban, Black, White, Jewish museums and open something serious like Human History Museum or Human Rights & Wrongs Museum.
UEL and Scenic Miami Board Member Peter Ehrlich showed up at the County Committee Meeting where Dennis Moss pushed through his scheme. Ehrlich told the commissioners not to approve any new museum or cultural facility unless it was fully funded by the private sector prior to the first shovel going in the ground. Moss got four commissioners to vote yes for a broke group on a no-bid basis to get free waterfront land and massive taxpayer money for construction. Hmm.
We already were planning a Black History museum at Virginia Key Beach Park. We also have a Black History Museum in Broward. We have multiple Cuban museums in the County. We are already museum rich for groups and museum poor for other groups. We can't afford these museums right now and they don't have to be on the waterfront. We have a plaza downtown built for museums that the art museum has vacated. We have the freedom tower. By the way I do not really want an Italian museum.
It is not ignorant to say we are funding and giving land to enough museums, it is reality. And to say they don't belong on a limited waterfront is smart. No one said there should not be museums: Where and when.
If the groups who want to build them would fund them no one would complain.
Let's look at the bigger picture that demonstrates what is wrong with the BCC. Moss did not vote for the give away because it was the right thing to do; he voted and explicity stated that he expected return support for his pet project. He sold his vote and sold out the taxpayers. Enough of this you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours...
Moss is a sell out. Always has been. Moss, when he was Chair, was a co-conspirator with Barrerio pushing through the Marlins Scam. Recently Moss turned his back on Audrey Edmonson as he pandered to the Cuban pols. Arsht Center loses $30 Mil per year. PAMM loses $15 Mil per year, maybe more. The County cannot afford any more fake and totally broke "museums".
A big problem is that none of the County or City commissioners have ever been successful in the private sector. They have no concept of risk and accountability. "Budgets? What me worry? I can divert money from the taxpayers to bail out my friends."
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