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At the Victory Party: Soon to be Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava with Mayor Cindy Lerner |
The hard fought win is a victory against the permanent incumbency and by extension the unreformable majority of the Miami-Dade county commission. The Miami Herald misses the point in its headlining the election as a rare show of partisan politics. The organized special interests -- rock miners, FPL, big farmers, developers, lawyers, lobbyists and contractors who rely on county business -- aren't used to losing. (A few did contribute individually to Levine Cava, to hedge their bets.)
In other commission districts where informed citizens despair, Levine Cava's victory shows it IS possible to beat the machine. There is a recipe for success: a credible candidate who represents the public interest and not insiders, a candidate willing to walk every block of their district, a candidate smart enough to draw volunteers in a rational, orderly way and a way to raise enough money to be competitive.
Bell supporters are sore this morning at their narrow defeat. She skulked off without even addressing them last night. But in truth, Levine Cava would have won by double digits but for Bell's decision to bet her entire campaign on a bald faced lie. In terms of dirty politics, Bell's investment in tying her opponent to the highly unpopular deal for the Marlins Stadium ranks at the top. Although the Marlins' deal was highly unpopular, not a single incumbent county commissioner who voted for it has been held accountable at the polls.
One has to stand back and appreciate the audacity of campaign advisors who supported Bell AND the Marlins Stadium: Bell's team knew Levine Cava was strong and authentic and they needed a strong poison to undermine her appeal.
Throughout the campaign, and especially in the final weeks, Bell stuck to the script, she repeated the lie, and invested nearly a million dollars from her contributors to propagate it on television and in serial mailers to district voters.
In a low turnout election, the strategy very nearly worked. Levine Cava was caught off guard. And this is another lesson for prospective challengers: whatever lie the professionals can make stick, they will use it. Every moment Levine Cava spent on defending herself against their poison raised doubts among the uninformed about the key part of her campaign: giving citizens an honest voice on the county commission.
Had Bell lost while running an honest campaign, she might be able to count on a political future. But she didn't and she can't.
Who are the winners and losers? It is a good day for Good Government, for former county commissioner Katy Sorenson who supported Levine Cava quietly at first but increasingly visible in the final weeks, and for Cindy Lerner, mayor of Pinecrest, a smiling, optimistic and battle-scarred survivor of Florida's slash and burn politics. Today will be a very low day for any of the campaign advisors and lobbyists who supported Bell.
From the very start of Levine Cava's campaign, political insiders handicapping the importance of the race understood that District 8 -- because it encompasses the last developable farmland in the county -- was going to be hotly contested but also with the caveat: it is only one of thirteen county commission seats. Some constituencies -- like environmentalists who bore the brunt of Bell's antipathy -- feared supporting Levine Cava because there is still the unreformable majority to "persuade" on critical zoning issues. Some feared retribution and some, perhaps, recall that former county commissioner Katy Sorenson -- when she held the District 8 seat -- was the lone voice of reason on many losing votes. For those doubters, today is a reprieve.
Congratulations to the voters of District 8, and to the supporters, volunteers, and to Daniella Levine Cava.
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Commissioner Audrey Edmonson and (I am not sure). It will be a very different County Commission now. |
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Victory Party |
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Victory Pary |
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Daniella Supporters Lois Jones and Rosemary Fuller |
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Lynda Bell Earlier in the day with Miguel Diaz de la Portilla |
It's a new day in South Dade for sure...One question, will L. Bell and/or her supporters now pay to remove her name from the county vehicles that she plastered them so arrogantly on as free advertising for her failed re-election? Please send your checks to the Clerk of the County, and the sooner the better, would be the fiscally conservative thing to do.
Lynda Bell worked hard for and earned the loss she was handed last night. As a commissioner, she proved her basic inability to be conciliatory or have respect for any opinion other than her own which is rooted in her so called right to life posturing. However, I fear for what may be in store for deep South Dade in terms of being the last frontier (as Levine Cava calls it) for the relocation of those renters living on the fringes of downtown Miami whose low end apartments and dilapidated housing stand in the way of high end development. If you think what the do gooders brought to the busway corridor is bad, you aint seen nothin' yet. Yes, the unionized county employees do have contracts but when it comes time to renegotiate those deals, we need a Commissioner who can and will recognize that we the people can longer afford, nor is it fair for us to pay most, if not all of the cost of employee health coverage when most of us in the private sector still go without or have seen massive increases in our premiums. The answer to public safety is NOT more cops or giving raises but far deeper social issues that include jobs, education and immigration. Money alone to the MDPD will not solve the problem. Sadly, I have to agree with some other comments in that she is just one vote among 13 and most good ideas die before reaching the dais. Keep a close eye on the last campaign report. Look for payments to Bell's grandsons and their friends for holding signs and the big enchilada will be the fees paid to her consultant which are easily kicked back to Big Momma.
Note to the new Commissioner: you are well able to afford your own car gas and health coverage. Please set the example and decline these taxpayer paid benefits available to you.
Bell told one huge lie after another in order to keep her seat. Shameless. When the final numbers come in they will show the "usual suspects" and the "connected County vendors" who funded Bell's slash and burn campaign will have lost big. Now it is up to Cava to show she is not obligated to any of the unions that supported her campaign. She must prove she is a fiscal conservative. She must advocate for reducing County expenses. She must also prove she will fight to hold the UDB line.
Happy to see that Daniella won and Bell lost.
Also happy to see another loss for Jose Castillo/Green Point Group. Hope future politicians learn that selling your soul and future votes to a lobbyist so you can get elected does not always pay off.
I am looking forward to a brighter future for District 8.
Toot toot. Over 200 blogs for 4 or 5 years, branded: Pure Evil. Shouted to me at a precinct. Give me a little sugar.
Dear Genuis,
You earned your stripes, your title and tremendous appreciation for all you have done to shine a light on the corruption and conversion of the public good by Lynda Bell. Please keep shining that light Genius!
oops, it was pure venom not evil.
Cindy Lerner is the mayor of Pinecrest...
I look forward to the departure of the current Palmetto Bay mayor come November.
This is a great day for Miami Dade County. Your comments this morning were spot on.
Daniella's win is a "Beacon" for others to follow who believe in ethical and competent representation.
The lobbyists .. Developers...big money players . And the Gimenezites are all licking their wounds this morning . This win should send a strong message to others on the commission as well as the Mayor ....
People are fed up with business as usual at County Hall. The election of an individual is never a final achievement. But rather a call to a renewed dedication to address the public's work! One person can make a difference for each time an individual "stands up for an ideal .or acts to improve the lot of others or strikes out against Injustice they send forth a tiny ripple of hope and crossing each other those ripples can build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls"
The voiceless now have a voice ..
There is optimism this morning that good candidates do not have to bend to the will of the lobbyists and the never is enough bunch.
Daniella will help craft a vision for the future and we must all now stay the course and help her.. help us achieve it!
All who helped her win must now help her and others change the course of business as usual at county hall. The ripples can develop a wave .. A wave that can sweep the old guard and lobbyists out the door!
Hopefully others will heed the call like Daniella did and decide to run for the commission and Mayor
P.S. a whole truck load of sugar for you!
Daniella will be so refreshing to see on the Commission. I will no longer dread attending meetings concerning issues I'm interested in.
Ding Dong.
Having Lynda Bell gone from the Commission brings a smile to my face. Daniella Levine Cava is a bright star to a dim Commission. This should send a strong message to local politicians, that putting public health and environmental protections comes before taking care of special interests!
Sugar sugar? Really? Given your position on big sugar? How about i raise my glass of Redland wine to you?
But seriously Daniella could not have won this race without you. Banging your gong long and loud drown out those those damn bell-ringers. Thank God no more ding a ling.
Wait until you see the look on her face when Judy Waldman, Lois Jones and Tony Garcia show up as part of the transition team.
Some great comments this AM. I actually feel I can walk in to my commissioners office again or attend a commission meeting which I've avoided since Bell has been in office.
I love the photo of the two losers:
Bell and a Diaz de la Portilla(well, brother of a loser)but I still remember him being a shill for so much bad at the commission including the "ferro" application!
Good riddance Bell and her other bff Rosen. I'm hoping the future holds Government accountable to the people, not vice versa and this one election is not an anomaly. I can hope!
Keep an "Eye" on payments to Wendy Lobos on the ECO/PAC accounts. That's a direct pipeline to Bell's pocket.
This week Miami-Dade County property owners receive their Proposed Property Taxes Bills. Yup, massive increases. Many small businesses still struggle yet Miami-Dade County asks the taxpayers to continue to pay for massive salaries, fat pensions, generous health care plans and take-home vehicles for County employees. Take-home vehicles? Cava has her marching orders.
This is a happy day for me!!! I really enjoy knowing that Lynda Bell got what she deserved OUSTED!!!!
Again she is a one hit wonder doesn’t know what to do with power just like a bully. Adios cucaracha!!!!!!
MDP offered LB a job last night. She'll get her six figures comfortably.
Where is Lynda? No concession, no statement, nothing.
Lynda’s biggest mistake was in underestimating the people she screwed over and back stabbed. Wish I could be a fly on the wall during that first transaction meeting.
Way to go Castillo u da man!!!!! Thanks for the loss. I'm sure it will do wonders for your career. Now your nobody again.
now will kfr make arrests or is that going to be another case lost in space
yay. double yay.
Buckets of love. Buckets of sugar would get us both bopped by gim.
Hmmm… didn't see any of the suits at the Levine Cava celebration. Wonder where they were hanging er hiding?
There will be no concession. She is never graceful in victory or defeat.
To the Anon who claims that Lynda Bell was offered a six-figure salary by the Miami Dade Police Department ("MDP"): WTF have you been smoking? Although the Mayor has complete discretion on who to hire under our amended Charter, not even a feverish Carlos Gimenez would give Lynda Bell a job, let alone one paying $100K+ per year. Carlos Alvarez lost his job in part when he raised the salaries of his inner circle. To put Lynda in the midst of the cops who came out against her in force would cause them to assist the Gimenez recall effort. Gimenez has shown a lack of foresight, but he wouldn't be that stupid. There is a inkling of survival instinct in the Mayor.
Carefully review the final PAC/ECO distributions.
wow Lynda posted a concession speech on her facebook page, which has to be one of the least gracious concession speech I have ever seen. wow. https://www.facebook.com/VoteLyndaBell?fref=ts
You stay classy Lynda. Good riddance.
Not good! Unions will now take over. All the best!
This is what Lynda posted:
"The votes have been counted and although the results are not what we expected, the people have spoken and I respectfully accept their decision. While this election was a bitter battle"
My mistake. Here is he3r full statement:
The votes have been counted and although the results are not what we expected, the people have spoken and I respectfully accept their decision. While this election was a bitter battle between the demands of special interests and the values most of our County’s residents hold dear, I am profoundly honored to have taken a part in our cherished Democratic process.
As your County Commissioner and Vice Chair of the Board, I am tremendously proud of the accomplishments I have been able to achieve during my tenure as your representative at the County level. In just four years, we brought Term Limits to the County Commission - a feat 30 years in the making, as well as introduce significant Lobbying and Ethics Reform. I was given the opportunity to work closely with our community’s Chambers of Commerce and local business organizations to pass several important pieces of legislation which helped create close to 2,000 new small businesses, literally creating hundreds, if not thousands of jobs in District 8 alone. I have fought to keep your taxes low, brought government services back to South Miami-Dade, made the County Budget accessible to every resident and fought to make your County government more transparent, more accountable and more responsive to the needs of the residents it represents.
While I am disappointed in yesterday’s election results, you can rest assured that while I serve out the remainder of my term as your County Commissioner, I will continue to champion the causes and initiatives our community needs, while remaining true to my convictions and continue to uphold only the highest standards of excellence in public service that you have come to expect and so richly deserve.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for placing your trust in me all these years. May God Bless you and keep you, always.
Lynda Bell,
Vice Chair, Miami-Dade Board of County Commissioners
It’s a typical Bell concession speech I heard it when she was ousted from Homestead. She always talks about how she wishes the voters would have voted for her. Of course then she starts to talk about all of the “accomplishments”. What she forgot to add is that she was so vindictive and spent all her time threatening people if they didn’t do what she wanted. Some people were unable to support Daniella in public because they were afraid of Lynda’s wrath. Thank God that her reign is over and the people of District 8 are free from this tyrant.
The unions will take over. The unions are going to steal our children from our homes while we sleep. Please.
I realize that as a fellow resident of South Dade I am a second class citizen because I am a government employee. I've heard it so many times, keep jobs in Dade County, make workers live in Dade County. Well guess what. We do and many of us live in District-8,
We also pay taxes. When we look at other areas of the county and what the other commissioners have for service, we ask "what about us?" "Us" meaning the whole district. The second class citizens have not asked that you raise taxes. Despite that the tax rates were much higher ten years ago than they are now. The employees know where the money is being wasted. Now, they have access to a commissioner who will listen to them to identify the waste.
I realize that I don't pay $700 for health care insurance nor money towards my retirement. Despite that the county takes that much for those supposed items. No, my money goes into the giant black hole that generously gives donations to commissioners like Lynda Bell.
As for issues in your workplace and inability to secure benefits from your employer, I would suggest you organize. It's not my fault that your boss takes all of the profit and blows it on gas for his yacht and doesn't share it with you and the other employees. Enjoy Labor Day weekend. In fact, thank unions for your weekend.
Best phone call I heard today was to Lynda Bell's office. "Can I make an appointment with Commissioner Bell on December 1?" Silence.
Sugar Hill
Judy Waldman, Lois Jones and Tony Garcia congratulate Daniella on her spectacular win.
As supporters helping Daniella achieve victory, we cannot begin to tell you how proud we are of this highly admired, talented and principled addition to the Board of County Commissioners.
Please be assured that Daniella is quite talented to choose her own staff. No help from us are needed here.
We are simply honored to be a part of her campaign and success.
"Best phone call I heard today was to Lynda Bell's office. "Can I make an appointment with Commissioner Bell on December 1?" Silence."
I may be stealing this line and calling her office tomorrow for that appointment!
Anyone in South Dade notice how fresh the air is now? I can only hope for improvements on the rest of Commission.
I truly hope we can slowly clear out the URM. One commissioner at a time works for me. Cava worked for every vote she received. The money was secondary to the effort itself.
I am relieved. That this is over. I just fear for those of us who live in Homestead and have to deal with Lynda, who will still expect to be called commissioner. She will be bored and free to run for office again.
I live in Miami-Dade County and I have to pay $504 per month for my health insurance. I have no pension plan and I get no take-home vehicle. I am a private sector employee and I pay too much in taxes so my money can go to public sector employees who retire at age 47 with a $80,000 per year pension. Yes, we all know the County Attorney retired with a $175,000 per year pension and then came back to work making $350,000 per year. People are collecting pitch forks.
to above anonymous...no savings for retirement, no car at home and you have to pay taxes? ....sounds like your life sucks and I doubt $20 a year less is going to turn things around for you.. maybe consider another line for work...
A solid public servant Daniella will be. Next on the chopping block.....Bovo. There is a candidate in the works for the 13th district. Standby
We have a pact. I don't ask for your email, you don't go off topic. I am getting very tired of your stupid comments on the wrong post. There is a time and a place. If you don't know how to manage your money and get jealous of those who have more, I do not think it belongs here.
We hope Daniela Cava can work with her fellow County Commissioners to direct the Mayor to eliminate waste and corruption from County government. Further, we hope Daniela will direct the Mayor to eliminate the loopholes and minefields from all union contracts.
To Lois, Judy and Tony above
Thank you, Lois. Be transparent and let everyne know that each of the three of you have a personal axe to grind with Bell. She screwed Tony out of a commission on the new office space after he worked hard on her campaign. Lois was a true believer who was hired then fired from the office staff. Judy, well, its just ideology and a contest as to who was Wayne's best girl. Judy had the female spotlight on Homestead Council until Lynda came along and then beat Jeffie in the Mayoral primary.
If you are not making enough money you should think about launching a drive to unionize.
By unethically lying about the Marlins vote -- as if a citizen's input at the podium changed 13 commissioner's final vote - was outrageous. I do wonder which of Bell's campaign organizers chose that tactic? It was such an extreme and transparent falsehood. The fact that Bell ran with it and stressed the point during a debate shows that she is emotion based. It never made any sense at all.
It never made sense to you, but it was the kind of lie that confused a lot of voters. That's why she used it. I'm sure her advisors poll tested the deception, and it worked. Very nearly got her re-elected.
Genius, You have been shining a bright light on this cockroach commissioner for years. You have inspired people to get off their butts and grab the Black Flag. Thank you for your persistence and unwavering efforts to reveal all of her immense personal flaws. District 8 is a green meadow for all of Dade County to enjoy, and now will have a representative that makes us proud of our special region of the County. Thank you for helping us get rid of this one-woman plague of bad policy.
The fact that it could confused voters, means that anything can confuse voters. How do you think they get the ink within the lines of the bubble?
Maybe an IKEA sofa should be offered to one random voter on election day at each polling place to entice stupid people to vote.
Daniella Cava was spotted today in County Hall allegedly breaking sunshine with her new colleagues.
I agree. Attempting to ruin Daniela's reputation by blaming her for the Marlins Scam almost won her the election. It was a "hail Mary" that almost worked. Daniela should have never sent an aide to that Marlins Hearing. Too public.
I received an email from several fellow Republicans who believed every word of both the stadium pieces and/or the Cava raising taxes pieces.
Heck, we don't need a Mayor or the Commission, we have Ms. Cava and her supernatural abilities as a plain citizen.
I wonder if those same Republicans supported the Marlins deal! LOLZ.
The Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce lead by lobbyists Nesien Kasden and Ric Katz voted several times to aggressively support the Marlins Scam. The Miami Herald Editorial Board wrote editorials praising "the deal". Republican Marc Sarnoff voted for the scam along with Joe Sanchez and disgraced and oft-indicted Michelle Spence-Jones. Bruno baby loved that turkey!
Heard Jose Castillo (GreenPoint Group) is looking for idiots to hire him. Has a few in palmetto bay who have drank the kool aid and now is sniffing around cutler bay too.
Genius, I'd love for you to do a new post on this guys tactics. Let people know that the name GreenPoint on a finance report = puppet politician.
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