Thursday, July 17, 2014

Charlie Crist Chooses Miami's Annette Taddeo As Running Mate.


Anonymous said...

Good choice, our lost is Charlie's gain.

on the up side, since Crist is eventually gonna flame out, she'll make lots of new contacts, get better at campaining and be tan, rested and ready to run against Gimenez in 2106.

Anonymous said...

Excellent choice! He needed a woman and a Hispanic. He got both!

Anonymous said...

She has done a great job fighting for local issues, against stadium giveaways and for fully funding our libraries. She will be a fantastic LG!

Anonymous said...

Best choice he could have made!!! We are exciting in South Dade.

Anonymous said...

Wow....another Sarah Palin style move of desperation by the Crist camp. This is just like the movie Game Change. This is one reckless ticket! I'm sticking with Nan!

Anonymous said...

Great choice!!!

Anonymous said...

Great choice!!!

Anonymous said...

Disgusting; she has NO political experience in elected office; two failed campaigns, and she is the chair of the MDC Democratic Party and the vice chair of the FL Democratic Party. All Charlie Crist did was pick a professional/career politician. He certainly did not pick her because she's smart (because she's an airhead), but because she's a WOMAN, a HISPANIC, and she's from South Florida.

Anonymous said...

I think it was just a stunt to one-up our current Hispanic Lieutenant Governor from South FL, he had to pick a woman. Crist is pandering.

Anonymous said...

Can all the Republican paid staffers please go back to commenting on the Herald article?

Annette has been a tremendous leader of the local Democratic party, winning local elections and recruiting candidates.

She will do a great job as LG.

Anonymous said...

We love you Annette. Let's get rid of that scumbag in the Governor's mansion.

Geniusofdespair said...

Good for you Annette. I think you are a good fit and you have done a great job of reviving the Democratic Party in Miami Dade County.

Anonymous said...

No offense... She is a nice person. But she lost 2 elections and couldn't even make a runoff in Pinecrest versus Lynda Bell or Eugene Flinn. As DEM chairperson she never supported local!candidates and just announced 6new candidates who are going to be left out to dry. Gelber was the better choice.

Anonymous said...

This is not about Taddeo and whether or not she is qualified. It is about getting rid of Rick Scott. It is about creating a female, Hispanic counterbalance to Lopez-Cantera. Politically, it is a good decision. The ticket makes sense. I'm all for it.

Gwen Sarah said...

Great pick! Crist definitely has my vote

Anonymous said...

The above anonymous comment has no idea what they are talking about. The local party played a role in many local elections including Jeff Porter, Mayor Stoddard in S Miami, and was heavily involved in electing Micky Steinberg on the beach.

Lots of leadership shown. Crist should be counting his lucky stars that she accepted. Go Annette!

Anonymous said...

She never ran for any office in Pinecrest.

Anonymous said...

She has never won a race. Not much business experience, either.

Anonymous said...

As we prepare to elect our first woman President, I am so pleased that we have a woman on the ticket. Looks like Florida is getting in position to make-up for lost time. She will help to excite women voters who represent almost 60% of the registered voters, and likewise almost 60% percent of the people who actually vote.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What are you talking about making up for lost time? May I remind you of former Lieutenant Governors Jennifer Carroll and Toni Jennings

Anonymous said...

Man, Annette has been trying to get out of Dade County since 2008!

She can't stay put. But it is the perfect choice. She's photogenic, a woman, a Hispanic and she doesn't have to speak much.

If she opens her mouth, its game over Charlie!

Anonymous said...

When I mentioned lost time I was referring to the time lost by the state on a whole range of issues that have been neglected under Scott's rule as governor that will be attended to under Gov. Crist's new administration. Things like suppression of the growth in the state's economic development; development of the state's ACA infrastructure; expansion of Medicaid and the provision of healthcare to hundreds of thousands of Floridians who need healthcare along with the creation of thousands of jobs for people who would provide these services; nurturing our democracy by encouraging voter participation and removal of obstacles that were created under Scott's leadership to prevent people from voting; establishing a functioning unemployment compensation apparatus; creating jobs; importantly getting the administrative infrastructure in place for tremendous growth and development that will occur through collaborations with the new Clinton administration; and many other crucial issues that are at a standstill and we have lost time under Scott.

Anonymous said...

Worst choice ever!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard her speak? Never a coherent sentence.

Anonymous said...

Wow! What poor choices we have this year!

Anonymous said...

Hooray for identity politics!

cheap crap from china said...

Annette is an excellent choice. She has brought new life to the Miami-Dade Dems and has been actively recruiting viable Dem candiates for state house and senate. The Dems are gearing up to take back the Congess in Florida and she has shown great leadership in this area. Hooray for Charlie doing the rigth thing,

Anonymous said...

That's the best candidate Crist could find? In the entire State of Florida?

Anonymous said...

As a Nan Rich supporter, I think it's a bit premature to pick a running mate when the primary isn't over. I think it speaks volumes why I wouldn't support him in the first place no matter what party he was with or NPA on any given day.

Annette seems like a very nice lady, but he could have waited until he actually won the race to announce.

I think picking her counters Lopez Cantera. But, at the end of the day, the GOP will keep the State House no matter what. The FL Dems just don't know how to win the House races.

Go Nan Rich!

Anonymous said...

She is a great candidate

Anonymous said...

FYI: the African-American democrat leadership is very angry at Crist. Don't take my word for it. Talk to people.

Anonymous said...

This woman has never proposed legislation, has no idea how a bill moves through committees, has never worked with anyone from the many diverse communities in our state...... WHO on earth is advising Charlie?

Anonymous said...

I love Dan Gelber but he would have overshadowed Crist and we can't have that.

You need Cute but Stupid or more accurately:

Teeth and Tits!

Anonymous said...

The Dems have never been so functional and that is all thanks to Annette. Don't sell her short.