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The attack ad against Daniella - I took Daniella out and put Lynda in! |
The signs aren't even up but there is an attack ad or video against Daniella. I photoshopped this one and made a few changes. Without seeing the whole thing I suspect it is a carpetbagger attack. It mentions Daniella grew up in New York, no mention is Lynda Bell growing up in Broward County. I come from New York, like Daniella, my children were not born and raised here, unlike Daniella. I DO NOT live in District 8 but I know that I KNOW more about District 8 than 95% of the residents. I ask all the time in District 8 who is your commissioner and the residents don't even know. This is a countywide office with local district voting. Lynda took all the challengers out of the district during redistricting by giving Pinecrest and other areas to Xavier Suarez. So we have Daniella willing to move into the district to run. Thank you Daniella. And, as a resident of the county most of her life, dealing with countywide issues, I think Daniella Levine Cava knows every district like I do.
The ECO that paid for the attack ad against Daniella Levine Cava has Wayne Rosen and Shoma Homes money in it and FPL money. Here are ALL the donors (looks like she was rewarded to the tune of $10,000 by the luggage wrap company for her vote):
4/17/2013 | Akerman Senterfitt 495 N. Keller Road Suite 300 Maitland, FL 32751 | Business | law firm | Check | $2,500.00 | |||
2 | 4/24/2013 | David R. Guenther 9313 N.W. 24th Place Pembroke Pines, FL 33024 | Individual | landscaper | Check | $500.00 | ||
3 | 4/24/2013 | Charles Gonzalez 4155 E Mowry Dr. Homestead, FL 33033 | Individual | landscaper | Check | $500.00 | ||
4 | 4/24/2013 | Brian Tight 608 NE Venezia Lane Boca Raton, FL 33487 | Individual | propertymanager | Check | $500.00 | ||
5 | 4/24/2013 | Masoud Shojaee 515 Casuarina Concourse Coral Gables, FL 33143 | Individual | realestateinvestor | Check | $5,000.00 | ||
6 | 4/24/2013 | Worldwide Pools Corp 6800 SW 40th Street, Ste 686 Miami, FL 33155 | Business | poolcontractor | Check | $2,000.00 | ||
7 | 4/24/2013 | Wayne Rosen Inc 277 Galeon Ct Coral Gables, FL 33143 | Business | realestateinvest. | Check | $10,000.00 | ||
8 | 4/24/2013 | Downrite Engineering Corp. 14241 SW 143 Ct Miami, FL 33186 | Business | engineering | Check | $2,500.00 | ||
9 | 4/24/2013 | Association Law Group, PL 1666 Kennedy Causeway, Suite 302 North Bay Village, FL 33141 | Business | law firm | Check | $500.00 | ||
10 | 4/24/2013 | Dixie Landscape P.O. Box 160328 Miami, FL 33116 | Business | landscaping | Check | $500.00 | ||
11 | 4/24/2013 | Capri Construction Corp 12331 SW 132 Ct Miami, FL 33186 | Business | constructionco. | Check | $3,000.00 | ||
12 | 4/24/2013 | Metrogas FL LLC 77 Harbor Drive Key Biscayne, FL 33149 | Business | naturalgasservices | Check | $1,500.00 | ||
13 | 5/3/2013 | Downtown Towing Company 2418 N Miami Ave Miami, FL 33127 | Business | towing co. | Check | $2,000.00 | ||
14 | 5/3/2013 | Cole & Boniske, P.L. Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Suite 700 Coral Gables, FL 33134 | Business | law firm | Check | $2,500.00 | ||
15 | 5/3/2013 | Capital Rentec, Inc. 135 San Lorenzo Ave, Suite 750 Coral Gables, FL 33146 | Business | investmentco. | Check | $2,500.00 | ||
16 | 5/8/2013 | Newslink Mav, LLC 6910 NW 12th Street Miami, FL 33126 | Business | retail | Check | $2,500.00 | ||
17 | 5/14/2013 | Leon Advertising & PR 11501 SW 40th Street Miami, FL 33165 | Business | advertisingco. | Check | $5,000.00 | ||
18 | 8/16/2013 | Florida East Coast Industries 4601 Touchton Road East Building 300,suite 3200 Jacksonville, FL 32246 | Business | RealEstate | Check | $5,000.00 | ||
19 | 8/30/2013 | HNTB Corporation 715 Kirk Drive Kansas City , MO 64105 | Business | EngineeringFirm | Check | $5,000.00 | ||
20 | 9/12/2013 | Cole & Boniske, P.L. Weiss Serota Helfman Pastoriza 2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd, Suite 700 Coral Gables, FL 33134 | Business | return ofcontribution | Refund | $-2,500.00 | ||
21 | 9/13/2013 | Monkey Jungle, Inc. P.O. Box 700246 14805 SW 216 St Miami, FL 33170 | Business | Entertainmentcompany | Check | $1,000.00 | ||
22 | 9/20/2013 | Enviro. Remedy & Recovery Inc 162 Golf Club Dr Key West, FL 33040 | Business | environmentalservices | Check | $2,000.00 | ||
23 | 9/27/2013 | Jeffrey Scott Bass 7801 S.W. 48th Place Miami, FL 33143 | Individual | Attorney | Check | $500.00 | ||
24 | 9/30/2013 | Biscayne Holdings Group Inc 9737 NW 41st Street Suite 135 Doral, FL 33178 | Business | realestateholdings | Check | $500.00 | ||
25 | 2/27/2014 | New Leadership Network PC 2655 LeJeune Road Suite 323 Coral Gables, FL 33134 | Committee | PoliticalOrg. | Check | $5,000.00 | ||
26 | 2/27/2014 | Phillips CI, LLC 1221 Brickell Avenue 9th Floor Miami, FL 33131 | Business | consulting | Check | $3,000.00 | ||
27 | 2/28/2014 | Trans Florida Development Corp 13960 SW 144th Avenue Rd. Miami, FL 33186 | Business | developers | Check | $3,500.00 | ||
28 | 2/28/2014 | Global Tel-Link Corp. 2609 Cameron Street Mobile, AL 36607 | Business | communications | Check | $5,000.00 | ||
29 | 2/28/2014 | Wayne Rosen Inc 277 Galeon Ct. Coral Gables, FL 33143 | Business | realestatedeveloper | Check | $10,000.00 | ||
30 | 3/30/2014 | Miguel B. Fernandez 121 Alhambra Plaza, Suite 1100 Coral Gables, FL 33134 | Individual | healthcareexec. | Check | $10,000.00 | ||
31 | 3/31/2014 | Ramsey Villalon 7501 Miller Drive Miami, FL 33155 | Individual | luggageprotection | Check | $1,000.00 | ||
32 | 3/31/2014 | Safe Wrap of Florida JV, LLC 4050 NW 29th Street Miami, FL 33142 | Business | luggageprotection | Check | $10,000.00 | ||
33 | 4/30/2014 | New Leadership Network PC (FPL) 2655 LeJeune Road Suite 323 Coral Gables, FL 33134 | Committee | politicalcommittee | Check | $2,500.00 |
attacks? so early?! Clearly she's scared of the competition. Bell just lost my vote.
I'm going to be facetious here, but were you really going to vote for Bell? I think not! LOL
I love the nom de plume Bell is using on youtube to beat back critics..political watchdog....,I guess a reminder of the mistreated dogs and her kids's family that live out back of her house in that little trailer.
Now that's flatbilly born and bred.
BTW Are they still there?
I know she keeps bitchen' from the dais about how bad things are in the district.... her husband can't hold a job as a plumber and her kid can't qualify for a home mortgage in the area..
Maybe it's time they need to think about moving? You know people move all the time for all kinds of reasons...sometimes just to run for office and rid the county of political hack..
Yes Lynda, she is coming for your seat. It's not complicated...Be afraid, be very very afraid...
Bring it on!
The problem with the BCC is after it was expanded from 9 to 13 members they reined in the residency requirement but did not include at large seats.. subsequent attempts have proved futile as the incumbents rightly see it as a dilution of their power. (while also playing the race card)
The BCC is supposed to address regional issues but every member is insulated from the rest of community by these residency requirements.
The fact a commissioner can vote at will knowing their "peeps back home" will protect them does not promote good government. Thus the current cluster puck downtown.
BUT This race proves that if someone is comitted enough to change the system they can.
Literally take on an incumbent in their own back yard. it's very hard and very expensive. Is Cava committed? Yes, but carpet bagger has nothing to do with it. Bell's votes on the BCC effect everyone in the county, For example the chain link fence ordinance that Lynda championed for her kid's fence company in Homestead (after failing to mention her kid had a fence company) means anyone in the county from from Redland to Ives Estates can now put a chain link fence in their front yard. If a district commissioner votes impacts everyone in the county, than they should be answerable to everyone. Just like congress.
Sometime it's not enough to just write a check to some candidate to right the wrong, sometimes you are asked to go down there and right the wrong personally.
Ultimately if Lynda's peeps are really her peeps she has nothing to worry about. But my guess is, her running attack ads this early and this weak means she has polling which says otherwise..
Lynda Bell raises money from some real creeps. Ick.
It's sickening to see how much money is going to Bell who excels at doing only one thing: giving her campaign funders whatever they want. It's a perversion of democracy.
I think that's great that Daniella is supporting our economy by buying homes ( I have a lot of friends that are realtors)... I have lived in a lot of different places... Owned multiple homes... I don't really get the controversy...
The commissioner will be voting on issues that affect the whole county... As you can tell by Lynda's voters, people from all over are giving her money... Maybe we should ask why an engineering firm in Kansas City, Mo is giving Lynda Bell $5K ??? What is going on with these $30K donations?
As a resident of District 8, I am starting to feel like a cheap whore.... Are these companies really able to just throw their money around and use us as their playgrounds???
I'm confused...why is there a $675 contribution from the Seminole Cultural Arts Theatre in Homestead???
Even better is the Homestead Miami Speedway $20,000. The taxpayers of the City pay their property taxes of $600,000 annually so they can donate to campaigns. Such a deal. Plus if needed or not the track has a sign shop that makes campaign signs for whomever the President of the track likes with a nominal INK donation made up number.
People of Homestead have foolish leadership but they keep electing idiots who get to use the track for private events courtesy of the good folks of Rubestead. Rundle, Townsley and Ethics seem to have no problem with that.
I woke up today wondering if it makes me a bad resident of District 8 that Catalyst Miami has been in Homestead longer than I have lived in South Florida???? Does anyone know how long Daniella has been doing work in District 8? I seem to remember reading she was here for the Hurricane Andrew relief efforts????
Don't take anything for granted. If
you live in District 8 do something for Daniella. If you have friends there, send them the link to Daniella's website and talk herup with them. Ask them to host orgo to open houses for Daniella. Theelection is in August; act now if you want this to happen. Call,text, email your friends now. And give her campaign some time and some money. Put them where your heart is. Apathy and inaction will leave Mrs Chainlinkfence in office. Ugh!
Daniella out raised bell by $14K in May. This is the second month this happens.Seems like even the donors are pulling out, they probably sense the people won't be reelecting Lynda because of her horrible record.
The video doesn't bother me, it's actually great that she's playing it. Daniella is a first time candidate. This will help with her name recognition, and when people look her up they will be impressed just like I was.
I guess all I can say is thank you Bell for letting us know there's another candidate!
Daniella loved to Dade County 30 years ago, and has been working for its residents, including those in District 8, ever since. She raised two children here, and her husband grew up here. Carpetbagger? Give me a break.
"Moved" to Dade County, that is, though she clearly loves it and its people (as in the active, caring kind of love) too.
What a desperate effort the La Linda! She sure does not care where her money comes from. Daniela has done more for more people in District 8 than Bell could ever do. Get out the Vote!!! Get rid of Linda.
Lynda Bell's ad is pretty funny. What is with that stupid parody of yours? I don't get it.
Didn't lynda come from another county before moving to dade? I don't think she was hatched here.
Anyone experienced in politics knows very well that if your ahead in the polls you take the high road in your ads. if behind, you attack and attack because you have nothing to lose. Attacks this early, similarly like Rick Scott has done towards Charlie Crist, shows that bell's numbers are poor and she Need's to attack. Because she has nothing to lose. She has little or no positive accomplishments that can overcome her negatives. Less than 80 days!
Anyone experienced in politics knows very well that if your ahead in the polls you take the high road in your ads. if behind, you attack and attack because you have nothing to lose. Attacks this early, similarly like Rick Scott has done towards Charlie Crist, shows that bell's numbers are poor and she Need's to attack. Because she has nothing to lose. She has little or no positive accomplishments that can overcome her negatives. Less than 80 days!
bell was kicked out as mayor of Homestead, her husband was rejected by the voters. In both those races they outspent their opponents. This race is no different. Bell is simply an unlikeable person. She too will lose again
The attack ad takes issue with the fact that Daniella moved to Florida from New York 40 years ago.
Really? Cause people moving from New York to Florida has never happened before.
I gotta say, this moving around the county just to run is a bit of a Miami tradition...one we should probably do away with. I have nothing against anyone, but not selling your old house in case you lose is another Miamiesque activity...thought Daniella might be different, but she's not.
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