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Lois Jones former aide to Lynda Bell |
There was a comment about Lois Jones, long time friend and Aide to Lynda Bell, on one of my blog posts. She decided to respond to it:
First Anon, obviously a Bell diehard supporter in Homestead who we all know: What you think or believe about me does not matter, not to me or most others. What does matter is that your imagination is greater than your grasp of facts. Let me remind you because clearly you have forgotten.I have seen this over and over, Lynda Bell supporters become mortal enemies because she stabs them in the back. Ask Natasha Seijas who got her elected in the first place -- stabbed in the back.
I was loyal to Lynda Bell for ten years and, for those of you that do not know, political loyalty is something you can never buy. It is also a well-known fact and political rule that once you find political loyalty, you nurture and treasure it.
What you don’t do is betray it. Instead, you respect it. And worst of all, you never bring others in to step on it and treat it as garbage. That is however, if you have any clue of what the rudimentary of politics is about. You see, it is not something you read about in a book. Rather, it is something you learn from the experience and realities of this hard-fought game we call politics.
You trample on political loyalty and you will discover the hard way that you will lose.
Once you enter the world of politics, the only tool a political neophyte has is nothing more than old fashioned political loyalty and the experience of those who helped you get there. Forget that and you are destined to be a one-term player.
Enter Lynda Bell who, lacking political experience and even the meager basics of politics, chose to step on loyalty, throw it on the floor, trampled it to death and after she was done destroying it, what was she left with? Tell me Mr. Anon, what was she left with? Nothing but fair-weather friends who lack the experience and leadership skills she desperately needs especially since he had none. She did not even have the experience of simply working in an office. She came naked of any skills needed to succeed. Worst of all, she disrespected political loyalty and not just mine.
I don’t care what Lynda Bell does or is. What she did to me is long forgotten and so is my belief that she could make a positive difference. Sadly, because of her self-imposed importance and insatiable yen for power, she will be a one-term commissioner.
I gladly support Daniella Levine Carva in her bid to represent District 8. I have met Daniella and talked with her several times. I know people who have known her for years, those who know of the spectacular work she has done in the community and her legitimate care and concern for the suffering poor and disenfranchised. That is what I am supporting. Daniella is clearly a woman of distinction, who has paid her dues and understands government at its highest and lowest levels.
Miami-Dade County is steeped in corruption. It has become a part of life and if not checked will destroy everything I hold dear, the rule of law and the Constitution. Daniella Levine Cava is the person to begin the conversation at County Hall. She has the education, analytical skills, articulation, the measured calm and personality and most of all she has documented integrity and character. There is no doubt in my mind that Danielle Levine Cava is what District 8 needs in general and what Miami-Dade County needs in particular. I intend to help her win.
So, keep your petty insults to yourself. If you have something legitimate to bring to the table, feel free to do so, but if not, keep your immature foolishness to yourself. Please, leave the grown-ups to get busy with electing a new County Commissioner in District 8.
Curious about what Lynda did to you. And why don't more people know about it …
Very curious.
Old news and repeated from the past.
Is this still eye on miami?
Sorry Lynda. Won't do it again.
Lynda Bell turned on Miami-Dade residents. A spotlight needs to be aimed right at Bell and voters need to turn out and elect Cava in August.
Genius: Just keep informing everyone about Mrs. Bell. You cannot stop telling us about her. Remind us about her voting record. Rock mining, pink slime, bashing the gay community. and the list go's on.
I will be repeating posts till the election. If you don't like it don't read them.
Eddie Borrego hated Lois so she had to go. Lynda's campaign manager Jose Luis Castillo had his wife working for Lynda early on and her lack of knowing written English didn't work out. Johana Faddis also on staff was sexually harassed by Eddie. She finally left quietly.
I have been very involved in local and state politics for over 30 years. This woman's story does not sound genuine. Sometimes candidates get hangers-on who do them more harm than good. Ms Levine-Cava would do well to shake off this former Bell assistant.
I was an assistant to another elected official and knew lynda for a long time before she was elected to commission. Then, one day out of no where, she didn't like my boss and she stopped talking to me. I thought she appreciated my support, but in the end she neglected our professional and personal relationship. I am not Lois, btw.
I have seen Ms. jones at the Housing Authority meetings. She is astute, alert and smart. Except for being a Republican and friend of Bell's -- she is a smart lady.
I think Mrs. Jones must of been really hot 30 years ago. Like Beyoncé.
Faddis was sexually harassed AGAIN? Oh please! Fool me once, shame on you ...
There were witnesses. Bell was told about it and did nothing.
Wasn't Faddis declared to be a liar by a judge in her sexual harassment suit against the City of Homestead? She has ZERO credibility. If there is a witness, it would need to be the pope or a high ranking cardinal.
Faddis=professional victim.
Once in a while, the voting public makes a mistake and elects someone unfit for elective office. This is not the fault of the uninformed voting public. It is the result of crafty and purposeful misrepresentation and manipulation of the public's perception of the unfit candidate; a view doctored by devious experts in the paid employ of special interests.
County Commissioner Lynda Bell is such a politician. Reinvented after her defeat in the 2009 Homestead Mayor's race, Bell was reinvented and repackaged by moneyed special interests.
Studiously following the script prepared for her, our disingenuous puppet fulfilled her intended purpose and won the 2010 District 8 election by a razor thin margin; a margin attributed to absentee ballots.
Recent news has informed us that,as the hothouse creation of special interests, Bell has more than services and satisfied her makers.
We have endured this unfit imposter and her machinations for four years. This reign of error will now end with the successful election of Daniella Levine.
Let's please not continue blaming absentee ballots. The baby boomer generation is getting older and choosing to vote via mail rather than standing in line.
Great response. Bye bye bell
Bell is a piece of crap on all levels and I never worked for her. I would never embroil myself in such corruption
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