Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Lynda Bell's New Chief of Staff: Ruben Arias "Mayor Gimenez's Guy" Replaces Eddie Borrego. By Geniusofdespair

Hard to find a picture of this Ruben guy

From Lynda Bell's Website: “It is always an exciting opportunity to work for such an esteemed public servant as Vice Chair Lynda Bell, said Mr. Arias. “She has done a superb job for the residents of her district in such a short amount of time (GENUIS: Barf), and I look forward to furthering her priorities at County Hall and for all the residents of District 8.”

Most recently, Mr. Arias was Director of Public Affairs at the Mayor’s Office and the Board of County Commissioners for Commission District 7. Previously, Mr. Arias served as a Certified Mediator with the 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida.

Mr. Arias earned a Master’s Degree in Public Administration (MPA) from the School of Urban Affairs and Public Administration from Florida International University (FIU). 

He worked for Gimenez when Gimenez was Commissioner in District 7.

In 2010 he was assistant to County Commissioner making $79,235 gross. In 2011 he was the Mayor's Aide make $81,454 gross. In 2012 he was was still a Mayor's Aide and he made $80,254. In 2013 he made $79,986 gross as a Mayor's Aide. Salary stepping down. Just a placeholder while her campaign manager runs her campaign. Yes Ruben does live on LeJeune Road, maybe near the mayor. But the Mayor sure didn't pay him as if her were a good friend.


Anonymous said...

Overblown light weight. A hack, not a talent. Of course he is excited, he now remains employed.

Anonymous said...

Actually, he's a genuinely good guy.


Geniusofdespair said...

I believe you the wrong job.

Anonymous said...

That's not Rueben in the back, that's County employee Mahmoud Abdallah. He is an engineer for DERM.

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks I removed him.

Anonymous said...

I heard that Jose Luis Castillo's wife wanted to be chief of staff. She is hardly literate in English.

Anonymous said...

My name is Christopher Arias. This is my picture. This picture was taken from my flickr or some other source without my permission. I am requesting that it is taken down or proper credit is given. Thank you.

Geniusofdespair said...

Well Chris this guy is using your picture...his name is Ruben. Find him on facebook.

Anonymous said...

Yes, with my permission.

Anonymous said...

Referring to Ms. Lynda as an "esteemed public servant" proves Mr. Arias is quite capable of blowing smoke up her skirt. No one in public service holds her in high regard. Who is he kidding? Nebbish.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wife works for water and sewer I think

Anonymous said...

Gimenez has to make every attempt to hang on to Lynda for support on the dias. but, it seems pretty obvious that Lynda's days are numbered and soon we wil have a new commissioner for district 8. this desperate attempt by buddies Gimenez and Bell wont work-nothing will. Bye Bye Lynda!

Anonymous said...

is it election time yet? cant wait to see Lynda Bell clean out her office.