The following message is from "United For Care"
"I think we're going to make it - but it's going to be close:
In order for us to process the petitions and deliver them to the Supervisors of Elections, we need to RECEIVE your petition in the next seven days. That means you only have days to mail it in.
If you have not already downloaded, filled out, signed and mailed your petition - please do so ASAP by going to this link.
Find the petition here:
Don't worry if you've filled out the form online before - if you forgot to mail it in and/or lost the petition before sending, go to the link above and simply submit again.
PLEASE forward this email to all of your family and friends and encourage them to visit for more information.
Ben Pollara - Campaign Manager
United for Care"
I've been trying, but I can't figure it out. Will someone please help these people get their website right before its too late! I just want to submit on-line or email. How????
Dude its like a bad trip trying to get this petition filled out it's really stressing me out. I could sure use a blunt right now to relieve my all this stress... what was that petition for again?
you can't do it online or email. You need to copy and fill out and mail. Only a signed original is considered acceptable. to print out the petition. Sorry
The petition is on a website ending in .org not a .com as you have written.
I'm sorry for the bad link … it works now. I made the error of cutting and pasting from the organization email to me. Whoever was doing it, must have been distracted.
Well, if you can't get it done for now, we can just wait and let other states do the heavy-lifting. There are a lot of issues to be addressed and we need to see how they address them, what works and what doesn't, unintended consequences, and what would work best for us. I think Colorado is taxing it at 25 cents per dollar of sales. It might be higher here. Depending on sales volume, that could be a massive amount of new state tax revenue. We need to see how they use this new money.
We know how they would use the money... Piss it away.
They could not entice the under 50 yrs old people with casinos to tax, so now they are going after the younger people with an offer they won't refuse.
I am not a conservative, but I will tell you that many of the moral decisions being made by politicans do not make sense ... It seems that they don't know how to research studies and make decisions based on history and data, instead of their needs and givemes.
I don't think we need to wait and see what they use the money for. We need to have that debate now. In fact the ballot question on legalization should include the authorization for a specified taxing rate, and exactly how the money should be spent. Given the state of affairs in politics of this state, some things we can't leave to rule-making. Licensing, use rules, release of people in jail for minor amounts and the like are suited for rule-making. But the actual amount of money to tax and use of the money, the taxpayers need to clearly spell out from the get go.
I think some you are right, we need to sit back and observe what happens in the little drug states. In a mega drug state like Florida, we don't need to fumble around we need to know what we are doing. It would be irresponsible to give a potential huge source of new money to these people without constraints. Not only that, they will be awash in existing money as the state's cottage industry that supports criminalization disappears - less police, less lawyers on both sides, less court time, less jail space, less jail guards, less prisoners, less prison support. There may be dramatic shifts in the state's budget depending on the percentage of the budget that is tied to this kind of enforcement. We are a big ship, we need to see how it works for the little boats, and custom-design something that works for us. Perhaps we need to authorize a study group to pull the data and issues together, and look closely at these first states.
With the governor of New York bypassing his legislature on this issue, there will soon be a supply problem nationally. Florida may have to move quickly to control growth, manufacturing, and packaging of weed within the state as we as well as other states are going to be looking for supply. We have very fertile agricultural land here, good weather, and could grow weed year round, particularly in So. Dade. It may be more profitable to grow weed than to build houses, in fact if the price is right, they may get rid of many houses so they can grow weed on the land. From watching TV, I noticed that states that are selling it are selling weed from utility buckets. We would need to have some kind of manufacturing and packaging process that would yield weed cigarettes in packages or raw weed in some kind premeasured package, but for sure we should not be operating out of buckets. It would be easier to control and tax per pack, carton, or some other units. This is going to be a big economic engine, much bigger than I thought.
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