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This is why I like and respect Rebeca Sosa (From Miami Today) |
Okay I have two beef's with Rebeca Sosa. One is her odd favoritism of the back-stabbing Lynda Bell. That I settled long ago. I guess we have to agree to disagree, it will bite her in the ass someday like it bit Natacha Seijas.
The second is, why can't you get your protege, Marco Rubio to meet with Scientists about sea level rise concerns in Florida? Rubio has yet to take the invitation. Maybe you can persuade him. Sing him a song or something (Rebeca Sosa has a beautiful voice). You can get him to do it. We can make it a fun tea party for him.
Why I like County Commissioner Sosa: Read the article from Miami Today above. Isn't this what we want in an elected official? It is what I want. We are in the midst of bidding a $1.6 billion dollar sewer contract at Virginia Key. I was concerned that sea level rise would not be part of it since Virginia Key was once under water it should be a concern. I am glad Rebeca is on top of it and wants to: "include the possibility of sea level rise in every detail of the infrastructure."
I also like her concern with favoritism. If I were a more palatable candidate I would love to be on the committee. I need some extra Christmas presents and Heat Tickets. I am sure I could weasel a lot from the bevy of lobbyists. Still waiting for my David Beckhan's signed shirt to not write about Soccer Stadiums anymore.
Thank you Rebeca for the good things you do, like turning off Jeffrey Bercow's microphone. That was priceless. With you, I take the good with the bad because it is mostly good. BTW, look into why Johanna Faddis moved out of Lynda's office. You might be very surprised to see what is going on with Eddie under Lynda's nose. Bell knew about it from the start. I have witnesses. It is against County regulations if it is true and I believe the stories. Talk to Faddis. And, yes I know she is a convicted liar, but I have those pesky witnesses I can produce for you.
The Sea Level Rise Task Force is holding their 3rd meeting. They are looking for community advice. I have some advice: Stop building in South Florida before Flood Insurance is more expensive than the house. (This is why I am never put on any committees, besides my propensity to be easily bribed).
Good post!
Thank you.
I want to cringe when I see Renfrow's name.......Google Renfrow, NW wellfield contamination.....This is who is in charge? Are you kidding me? Talk about a guy who is over paid, under educated and just so unqualified to even be anywhere in this administation just sums up the fact that the lobbyists are getting their presents ready to stuff stockings this year. We will never win as our bonds get downgraded, debt is more expensive and the Tea party goes on yelling about no raising the national debt ceiling but raises Miami Dade's every day in every way! I'm glad I don't have grand children because they're going to be paying for this mess and these people who shouldn't be in charge of a softball team let alone a county department and a nearly 2 billion dollar bond issue!
I smell a Ralphie in the mix. "Friends of Carlos" must be involved here. There is money to be taken, No?
I like her too. The issue about favoritism is a very important one in Miami- Dade county because that is a good part of why we are in this mess today. Not only that, it will help people stay out of jail. At some point we are going to have to begin hiring and contracting for skill sets and competency.
At this point the County Commission needs to consider issuing a building moratorium on properties near and surrounding the coastline. As water continues to invade Miami Beach, we will have plenty to worry about as the existing buildings go underwater.
As I read your post I realized I had a silly grin on my face. Then I read the first comment and I actually laughed!
Are you really that gullible that a couple of nice sounding sentences can pull the wool over your eyes?
And then there's Renfrow. The fact that he will be supervising this effort is beyond laughable. He who kowtowed to Seijas and now to Sosa. He no more believes in man made climate change that he does in the man on the moon.
Don't annoy me.
sosa is just more clever at nepotism, taking favors from lobbyists and contractors, backchannel deals with union bosses, and kickbacks from discretionary recipients than your Lynda Bell. She is Bell's mentor. If you only knew.
As long as I get the right votes.
Rubio can't talk with a scientist. It would ruin his perfect 100 percent rating with The Flat Earth Society.
Calling on fellow scientsts to slip notes under his windshield wiper. His license plate says "MR".
Each and every conversation between staff and commissioners is scripted, staged and rehearsed. The script goes back and forth to the commissioner's office until it is approved.
Renfrow sat on his ass for years and did next to nothing as the entire water and sewer system decayed. Other than pump millions of minimally treated sewage into the ocean, hire his cronies, and engage in serial dating of county staff, what else has he done?
You're too nice Nancy...you don't want to know what she thinks of your blog. Be careful in favoring her so much.
As a county staffer, I know Sosa reads it. Maybe for no other reason than to see which way the wind blows.
Although, Bell's crew reads it to see what they have to work on during the day. They must be working overtime, making notes so they can have instant answers when they get questioned about one thing or another.
I am suspicious of Sosa's job at the school department. Does anyone seriously believe she is working 40 hours a week in addition to attending all those county commission meetings?
To the Anon who wrote:
"Renfrow sat on his ass for years and did next to nothing as the entire water and sewer system decayed. Other than pump millions of minimally treated sewage into the ocean, hire his cronies, and ENGAGE IN SERIAL DATING OF COUNTY STAFF, what else has he done?"
I agree 100%!
And now we are entrusting him, that very same man, with $1.6B to repair the infrastructure that crumbled under his watch - ?
It's 12.6 Billion!!!! Being that Sosa was Rubio's local campaign Chair, she must be torn because he doesn't believe in science or climate change or anything not in the Tea Party guidebook!
It's a ridiculous article. Sosa is no saint. She's not half as bad as most of the BCC though, so I guess in perspective, that's even sadder because we demand so little of our elected officials where we pick the lessor of evils instead of the good.
sosa is the new Miriam alonso
Problem is. -- most people don't even know who Miriam Alonso was!
There is no institutional memory in South Florida. And Broward is even worse!
Well, in Broward a lot of them are in jail.
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