Saturday, November 23, 2013

Trickle Down Economy. By Geniusofdespair

In Rural Alabama, one of my sister's patients said the paper mill was closing because the newspapers were folding up. He said he, his family and most of the town would be out of work.


Cato said...

That's terrible news but "trickle down" is associated with Pachyderms and last I looked their was a Donkey in the White House and they also have a clear majority in the senate.

The shutting down of a paper mill due to lack of print readers (that nasty internet has done it again) is what economist Joseph Schumpeter called creative destruction. That's why not too many folks work at the horse and buggy plant or the phonograph factory.

We will never have 100% employment that's why some sort of safety net should be in place (though 3 years is more like a box spring than a net),but the best way to make sure a maximum amount of people are employed the government needs to stop taxing and regulating business to death. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world at 30% (I miss spoke I think Cuba's is about 90% and North korea 100%) we have so many regulations nobody knows what most are or why many exist.

I'm not saying there should be NO rules or regulations but they should be CLEARLY DEFINED, have a CLEAR PURPOSE and be HUMANLY and COMMERCIALLY VIABLE. Not in favor of one company or interest group over another, or out of Mao's Little Red Book.

Obamacare for example, if ever implemented will be a drain- except for Insurance Companies-on the economy (hence the administrations constant kicking the can leaving someone else to deal with their mess, as the present was left with someone else's turd, and so on down the line), it might have started off with good intentions but we all know were some of the best intentions lead especially in the hands of politicians.

Politicians whether Donkeys or Pachyderms may benefit from kicking the can but "We the People..." (pesky critters that we are) are going to be faced with one SUPER SIZED JUMBO TURD in the very near future. Then What?

Damon said...

Give thanks to Obama and his economy! How is that hope and change working out for you?

Geniusofdespair said...

It is Obama's fault that newspapers are folding? If the newspapers don't publish paper mills go out of business. This is a case of technology!!!

CATO said...

This is not a partisan issue both parties have been part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Many things that we use now, due to new technology, we won't need in the future. So as you look down the road, there may be plenty of industries we won't need. Who would have thought the pc would so quickly lose favor to the iPad or the smart phone? Remember beepers? Typewriters? Adding machines? As we look to the future what else is on the chopping blocks- maybe cable TV, telephone service, and a host of other things. Since robots will be replacing humans who actually do work, what will the humans do?

Ted Bell said...

Is newspaper print the only paper that mill can produce? I am still wiping my ass with paper last time I checked.

Anonymous said...

Anon above has got it right. To stay employed means learning new skills to stay competitive with new job technology. Remember just a few years ago a crew picked up garbage twice a week. Now one truck with one driver does the job efficiently with a mechanical arm. Technology saves money in terms of payroll and benefits so it is up to individuals to have the skills to remain employed. Obama is not to blame for such job losses.

Anonymous said...

Why is this news? Manufacturing closes and opens constantly with need. And why do people immediately start assigning blame and bring other subjects into their discussion of blame? Seems minds in the public are simple.

Anonymous said...

We cover many things here, and we determine what is newsworthy to us.

Anonymous said...

These robots are going to look human, soon they will be much smarter than us, be able to think and process things on their own, are going to have emotions, and we are going to have a time controlling them. The 20 and 30 year olds now, will have robot caretakers when they are elderly. Preparing meals, making sure they take their medicine, doing housework, taking them wherever they have to go, providing basic nursing, and the like. Almost any job a human can do, they will be able to do much better, faster with more accuracy, more efficiently, and at substantially lower cost. And because they can think on their own, won't need much direction.

Yaz said...

The Koch Brothers have figured out how to make paper mills profitable with their Georgia-Pacific subsidiary. Hopefully they will buy that mismanaged mill and create some much needed jobs for the community.

Ted Bell said...

The Koch Brothers’ paper products are the best. I wipe my ass with Brawny toilet paper. The sheets are very soft and about 4 times the size as regular toilet paper which is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Aren't those paper towels? I don't think Brawny makes toilet paper.