Charlie Crist, Nan Rich, Anyone Else Who Will Run |
Whomever runs against Rick Scott I will vote for. Don't care about baggage. Crist was a great Governor, even as a Republican, and Nan Rich a great State Senator. If they find a third choice, I am open to it.
You are so right. I would rather have the clown than Rick.
Anyoneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee but Christ.
Christ? I suppose you mean Crist.
Hmmm that is not what I meant.... Anyone but Scott... Man-o-man I need more coffee .... Or less auto correct.
Scott needs to go.
Crist has a lousy governor. He was lazy and he spent all his time trying to move into a "bigger and better" position. Now is an out-of-work dude with a law degree. But anyone is better than the Medicare fraudster Rick Scott.
Did anyone see Helen ferre lob softballs at Scott? Helen Ferre should be thrown off "Issues"..she is an empty suit shill ..there are plenty of local hard hitting journalists in SoFla that would really make a difference.
True. Helen must need the paycheck. Sad.
Charlie Crist is the REAL clown!
How anyone can trust this two-faced liar who is clearly only in it for himself, is beyond me.
Charlie Crist is like the guy that cheats on his wife and then the new wife thinks that he is something different (special, better).
Crist is out for himself - does not matter if he is Rep or Dem.
Either way the state is screwed. I agree Scott needs to go but I could stomach him over Crist - barely.
Ah Good Time Charlie or Tricky Ricky. Please stop giving voters such hard choices? It's like asking a restaurant patron, would you rather eat a Turd or a Cow Chip? YUMM YUMM
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