I don't vote YES for bonds so they are wasting their time especially for an $830 million bond. The Democrat in my household has not gotten any flyers, while I, as a Republican, have gotten 3 in about 10 days. Maybe they have to adjust the reading level and the messages for Democrats or they figure they are stupid enough to just vote for it.
Why don't they stop wasting money on flyers and run the damn hospital better. And why are they targeting Republicans?
How much is Carlos Migoya's salary? $590,000 plus bonuses.
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Stupid big expensive flyer. One of three for a November election. |
Do you have any idea how expensive it is to send these flyers countywide? Don't be duped. We already fund this hospital with a half penny sales tax and a half penny from our property taxes - that is $350 million a year. Here is what they should have done (written in 2011):
A task force of 20 Miami-Dade healthcare leaders has recommended that the financially troubled Jackson convert to a private nonprofit, a path taken by Tampa General and many other public hospitals across the nation over the past 20 years. The task force's 143-page report, set to go to the County Commission next month, urges commissioners to quickly create a nonprofit with the "independence, flexibility and nimbleness" to make sound economic decisions for Jackson, which has lost $337 million during the past two years.Maybe with Obamacare we won't need this stupid mega-bond.
Many struggling public hospitals have prospered after freeing themselves from political controls and bureaucracy that some healthcare professionals believe are the cause of inefficient operations. Tampa General is one of them.
They have to convince Republicans because they don't want to help immigrants. The mailers are careful to leave all that out.
I am a Democrat and I am getting them too.
Well what is wrong with the "5" Dem in my house? What is the criteria they are using to send these out? If it is to stupid people they got me! But not that stupid to vote for almost a billion dollar bond.
My household has three voters, two democrat's one republican all 5 out of 5 voters and no one has sent us any fliers. But no flier would convince me to vote anything other then "no".
Jackson has wasted the funds they were given in the past and now want us to give them more so they can go back to their spend happy ways. And as Genius pointed out, with the ACA being implemented these funds may not be necessary.
It is unclear exactly why they would target republicans. Maybe they think it will be a harder group to convince and they need to start working on them early so they can beat them down. Maybe key republicans are going to make a killing in money off of the bond issue. Maybe it is the only list they had available, given to them by someone else. Maybe someone needed to make money now, so they got them out quickly with whatever they had so they could bill and get a check for the flyer and mailout. I wouldn't put too much thought on it as I seriously doubt they put too much thought on it.
We have learned through this blog that campaign money is considered throw-away money, with very little logic and thought given to how the money is used, but the most important thing is that the money is used, and that people make money. Whether it helps the candidate or the issue is not important, the ctitical thing is that the vendors and consultants make money.
in terms of the bond issue itself, it will have a hard time as people have no confidence in these officials, they are unwilling to take on more debt, unwilling to pay more taxes for high interest rates from junk bonds, we have a history of continually lying to the SEC and investors on these bond issues, and Detroit is fresh on our minds.
Republicans are allegedly fiscal conservatives. That's why they are getting the fliers. Democrats will vote for anything that involves spending other people's money. No fliers necessary.
I read in the Miami Herald that they had over a million dollars to spend on the campaign, so they want to spend the money as quickly as possible, so it goes in their pockets.
The Miami clique will only be removed by sea level rise. In the meantime, vote no.
I never vote for any bond! Vote NO!
I live in the HOOD and have not received any fliers. It is selective.
We have 1 Dem & 1 Rep, both super voters, haven't received anything about it. We are in West Kendall.
I'm a registered Republican, though I never vote Republican. I registered Republican to waste their money. I've received 2 flyers and 1 phone call. I told the caller that I would definitely vote "NO" on the bond issue and she thanked me and hung up. What I found interesting is that there is absolutely NOTHING on the flyers about the amount of the bond issue. What a farce! I'll be sure to be at the polls on November 5 to vote NO.
Democrat. I have received 3 HUGE flyers.
I just asked my neighbor, who is a registered Democrat - she hasn't gotten any flyers. I think the backers of this fiasco are targeting Republican voters in what they think are upscale neighborhoods. Little do they know about my neighborhood. I'm glad that I am able to waste their money, because even though I'm a registered Republican, I'd go to Hell before I'd vote Republican.
Over 200k absentee ballots are going out to miami dade voters just for one issue, these bonds. Does that number seem really high to anyone? It does to me. I guess some AB brokers will be very, very busy.
Miami-Dade County has a strange policy about absentee ballots. I requested one, some years ago, because I was going to be out of town on election day. Ever since then, I've gotten an absentee ballot, without requesting one. Go figure.
I am a Cuban born American citizen, registered Democrat for longer than I remember and have voted in every election since I registered. I have received at least two full color large card and a more than five phone calls on my cell phone since late August. I also have received e-mails and postings on my Facebook account from Republlican groups. I have no idea who put me on their mailing list unless it was someone trying to fet me upset.
I am Hispanic, registered Democrat, and active in party and Dem club activites longer than I can remember. Not only have I received several full color large cards but I have received robocalls and regular calls on my cell phone.
Until Mr. Migoya and company adjust their salaries and perks to those of the rank and file JMH employees I will not vote for any bonds of any kind. In any case, how much are the bond program administrator and staff going to be paid? These are questions that need to be answered before we are asked to give them so much money and power.
I am a Hispanic female who has been registered Democrat for more years than I can remember. I have received several full color oversized cards and numerous robocalls and "survey" calls since late August. Until the JMH executives and staff adjust their salaries and perks to the same levels which they have asked of the rank and file workers they are not getting my vote.
Also, they need make public who is going to be the bond program administrator and his salary and perks. That way we can make an informed decision.
I got a bunch of junk in the mail today. They must have mailed it out to frequent voters. It seems this was planned to be a "hush hush" election with few voters turning-out. Although the Jackson flyer is huge, it is devoid of of any information on the bond issue. No clue as to how much money they want to borrow. No info on how much taxes will increase to pay the debt service. Nothing on the interest rate, or when it will be paid off. It does have a big photo of over weight health-care professionals and a huge pie chart of how they plan to spend the money whatever amount that is. Interestingly, none of the money will be spent for administrative costs. Looks like it was designed for pre-schoolers, not for frequent voters.
On to Homestead. Mark Bell send three flyers each one almost as big as the one from Jackson. Some group in Aventura called People for Truth and Integrity sent a poision flyer the same size as the Jackson flyer against Jeff Porter. On the other hand Porter has one mail-box size flyer sharing his record and vision for Homestead. I don't like candidates who attack others. Tell who you are, state your case, and let the voters decide on the merits. Porter is looking better everyday.
Old Cutler Road - 5 Democrat --- no flyers.
Is this bond issue going to be like some of the other bond issues, where we only pay millions of dollars in INTEREST and nothing on the principle?
I am an "A" voter and a Republican. I have not received one flyer.
Jackson is a mess. Obamacare will make it worse. I can't remember why, but I remember that there is something in the 2,500 pages that means bad news for public hospitals. So if that's true, their woes are worse.
I am offended by the big Cheese's salary, their terrible collections record, the expensive boardroom redo (stilled pissed about that one) and I am voting no on the bonds.
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