For example Barbara Jordan raised $184,775 against someone who raised $670, Xavier Suarez raised $254,016, Estaban Bovo raised $316,200, Xavier Souto raised $262,419, Dorrin Role raised $388,408, Audrey Edmonson raised $321,700, Joe Martinez raised $357,868. Let's make all those commissioners call up their pals and fund raise like crazy. It is even number commissioner time, lets make them work for those 6 commissioners. At an average of $250,000 that totals $1.5. Yes, all these rich law firms and developers have the money to burn, so lets make them burn it.
Here is something odd in County Commissioner Lynda Bell's campaign report. Remember this is a non-partisan race which means no party should be divulged in any way during the campaign. So why did Bell give $1,500 of campaign money she raised in a non-partisan race for Republican Sponsorship? Something very wrong here. I think illegal? THIS IS IN THE HOME RULE CHARTER:
All elections for Mayor and the other members of the
Board shall be nonpartisan and no ballot shall show the
party designation of any candidate. No candidate shall be
required to pay any party assessment or state the party of
which he is a member or the manner in which he voted or
will vote in any election
With this cost/donation, we ALL KNOW HER PARTY now.
I wonder what her campaign sponsored or who. Very interesting though not unexpected from a woman who gave her surplus mayoral funds to the Right to Life group. She'll get away with whatever, always does, until the day comes when some prosecutor grows a pair and goes after this entire family.
If nothing else, I hope her opponent uses the information. According the recent elections, Dist. 8 is democratic voting, not GOP, no matter how hard she tried to re district it. The independents won't vote for her bigotry and anti environmental policies.
Most likely, she sponsored (or bought a table at) their annual dinner.
Not uncommon
In a non partisan race this never should be done .
System is broken beyond repair.
Been going on for years especially by dems, where have you been?
Honoring non-partisan races.
Bell's a Republican??? Imagine that! I thought she was a Marxist.
I just did a search on Heyman, Rolle, Souto, Pepe Diaz, Bovo, Sosa and Audrey Edmonson. NONE GAVE FOR A TABLE OR ANY COST to either party from their campaigns for SPONSORSHIP however, Heyman did give $1,000 left over from her campaign but she did not give PRIOR to the election. So it is not done all the time. Maybe you are referring to partisan races.
Recall Barreio effort just started up again.....
The more money a commissioner is forced to raise, the more he or she is beholden to special interests. Always remember the law of unintended consequences.
What does this group want from Bruno Barrieo that he will not give them?
Dems who gave to the Democratic Party of Miami Dade while in or running for non-partisan office.
Andre Pierre seven times, Daniel Bolanos twice, Lisa Lesperance three times, Cindy Lerner five times, Gene Flinn twice, Michael Gongora, Maurice Ferre, Sandra Ruiz five times and Rod Vereen.
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