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Jeff Porter for Mayor - Like your shirt Jeff. |
I mostly was interested in Porter's current ties with Steve Shiver. He said he was Vice Mayor when Steve was Mayor, but since Shiver has returned from Ghost Town, they are not in contact (although they see each other around town and in the building Camirrilo rents) and Shiver is not supporting his campaign. Shiver is in business with Jose Camirrilo who is supporting Bell to the tune of $2,000 in his campaign report. Shiver was at Bell's fundraiser and has not been at any Porter event.
Mark Bell is being supported by Rock Miners (Steve Toricse), Wayne Rosen has given multiple thousands of dollars, Vice Mayor of Palmetto Bay John Dubois gave as well and the mortgage company connected to Dubois that gave the mortgage on Bell's Hotel (Redinn -- formed for this one mortgage -- get it: Red Inn) gave $500. Silvio Cardoso gave to Bell (Silvio Cardoso - Investments at Village Park - I wrote in 2010 - also president of Builders Association of South Florida (BASF). He was a city councilman in Hialeah in the 80's. Carlos Gimenez's sidekick (went to Europe with Gimenez) Jorge Luis Lopez, Michael A. Diaz of Coral Gables, Jeffrey Bercow (lawyer for moving the UDB) and charter school maven Ignacio Zuleta all gave to Bell. Why is Shadow Mountain Holdings in Colorado giving to Bell? Maybe because the principal is Rosen Materials of Sunrise, LLC. I suppose that is Wayne Rosen trying to be sneaky. Anyway these are problems and I am not even looking at the PAC helping Mark Bell. The only one I didn't like on Porter's report was Alger Farms.
Anyway, I liked talking to Porter and hope he wins. Yes everyone has skeletons in their closets in Homestead but I think Porter has a lot less baggage than Lynda Bell's husband who has the biggest baggage of all: control freak Lynda Bell as his wife. I would not vote for Mark Bell if I lived in Homestead. Luckily I don't live in this snake pit, but shouldn't we care about it?
REMEMBER: The opposing candidates staff will try to trash Porter in comments. So don't pay much attention. Jose Luis Castillo is handling the Bell Campaign, just like he did Lynda's. Word around Homestead is (rumor) that Lynda is doing some strong arm fundraising for her hubby and not allowing the big donors to give to Porter, or Sierra either for that matter. So expect Porter to run a very lean campaign, and it sure looks like he will be beholden to very few.
Until we have publicly funded campaigns, the people will be forever screwed by special interest especially since they are people too according to the Supreme Court!
Good candidates are out there. Clean candidates are out there. They are outnumbered and outfunded by nasty politicians so entrenched in the system, not even term limits work (Miami Beach - Bower as an example).
I too would support Porter only as the lessor of all the evils running in Homestead. I only hope that the Pets Trust follows through on the Bell recall. Looks like Frost has actually been bullied not to do it (the irony there is unbelievable)!
So, all of those who keep saying - vote them out - good luck! The majority of this community are so stupid and broke, they're going to vote for whoever is giving them free stuff at a local level and the commission level - using our taxpayer funds.
The whole system needs a cleansing as far as I'm concerned, and I am concerned enough to walk away from this mess I've lived in, worked in, employed people in for over 30 years! Until something give on these corrupt elections and financing, we'll keep getting the greeders and control freaks in office who cannot hold jobs in the real world, sitting on their throwns while the working class pick up their bills and pay for their world tours!
They are all going to say the same thing-- pro business, pro jobs, etc. but they do what the campaign financiers tell them . In Bell's case he also has to do what Lynda tells him.
Jeff Porter is the candidate that I think has the best chance to win against the money hoarder, Bell.
He has a definite knowledge of the facts. At last night's debate, Jeff was the only one of the candidates who answered the questions and offered solutions.
Why don't people open their eyes about Mark Bell?
The only reason he has so much money in his campaign account is because Lynda has threaten everyone who may or might have business coming before her on the County level to give her puppet husband money, or be prepared to suffer her revenge from her throne.
"Off With Their Heads"
The two B's, Bateman and Bell were pathetic last night.
I almost, ALMOST, feel sorry for Mark Bell. He was so out of his league last night. He is also delusional. He actually said he had government experience because he was married to a politician.
He is simply a poor, pitiful pawn!!!
Lynda should have received the hint when no one she called would run for Mayor. What kind of mean, evil woman would sacrifice her husband's pride by throwing him to the wolves??
Mark Bell should have known better. He needs to say No to the Evil Queen.
Too bad the world is going to know very soon that the proper church going man was arrested several years ago on animal charges.
Listen up pet lovers!! You don't get arrested for your dog tags expiring. Too bad the records were destroyed. Sounds pretty serious to me.
What else are they hiding?? Citizens of Homestead, do you want someone who has been arrested on animal charges running your city? Oh, that's right, Bateman is also a criminal. Oh my!!!!
Jeff Porter has experience in business and in government. I will be voting for him.
Bateman was smooth despite being in denial, Sewell was a joke, Porter read from a prepared script which eliminated all references to his past voting record which is atrocious, Bell made some good points while botching one question about who he would work with.
I think it's time Homestead takes a leave of politics and let the more than capable city manager run the city. The mayor should just take photos, promote the city and detach from the day to day. To me the only one that genuinely appears to love his city was Bell, the rest seem to think it is a personal opportunity. The Bateman doubletalk and Porter script eliminate them for consideration.
Love isn't what it is about. If you want Lynda Bell to run your city AGAIN, then vote for her husband.
Why wasn't Lynda even there? Nice support....
Bateman spoke well.
Bell and Sewell are totally out of it. Neither is a qualified candidate.
(Note to KG dreamer on HIH)
Primary will bring it to Porter and Bateman, who used to be friends and served on council together...
@Genius, you like Porter because of his shirt and the donors backing him? A bit shallow, don't you think? And what about his corruption charges mentioned at the debate?
I was at the debate and was definitely surprised to hear the allegations made by Bateman against Porter (i.e, ethics charges). I did a little research and it is true. So we have the now-excused Mayor Bateman under investigation and Porter who wants to become Mayor with a record of ethics charges brought against him but not arrested. That basically makes Bateman and Porter equals. It will be quite interesting to see who wins this election. Word around town is that it will be Norman Hodge or Jimmie Williams for Seat 4 and Elvis Maldonado for Seat 5.
Jeff Porter has experience in business and in government. I will be voting for him.
I agree, Elvis Maldonado for Seat 5.
What are the ethics charges???
Last Anon .... ELVIS? He is a Steve Bateman wannabe who only recently is trying to run away from his mentor. As a voter in Homestead I know better Nazy Sierra will get my vote and that of almost everyone else I have talked to. I doubt you live in Homestead.
Really GoD,,,
Elvis would not be where he is today, if it were not for Bateman!!! He took him under his wing last election, and he's been riding his coat tails ever since! (Personally AND professionally,) Bateman has supported him all the way! He OWES him!!! Every little post Maldonado makes is thanks to Mayor Bateman. Elvis would never have found his way around or gained ANY of the support he has, were it not for Mayor Bateman! Same is true for most of the council, except Judy. You would think that "nice" lady would be more sympathetic to him! I guess Bateman's autistic son no longer qualifies as a "Little Angel" by her standards. Talk about "self serving!!!"
Bateman also has experience in business and politics, and just because he is more successful than Porter, does not make it right that Porter and Bell are trashing him!!! The negative campaigning is very childish and immature!! Don't you think it's ironic that MarKKK Bell's wife is on the County Commission, is controversial, and has "some pull" with the SAO/KFR??? You know these charges are not going to go away until after election day! Very strategic Bell!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We know what you are up to!
It's going to come down to Porter and Bateman after the primary... Bells will likely flip then and throw all their ridiculous support to JP. Who by the way, had the same charges against him as Bateman. Emailed the proof to both Genius and Gimlet. Funny, it still never got posted! Wondering why?!?!?! Gonna say Miami Dade County Commission and the failed recall has something to do with it!!!!
Narrative of post saved because they never publish what I attempt to post! Again, wondering why????
Check out Facebook: Concerned Citizens of Homestead Page, a little gem I discovered today, that proves all of these theories...
And Bell, grow up already! Stealing Porter signs and replacing with Bell? So childish!!!
Jim H.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I laughed so hard I peed my pants!!! Did you say BATEMAN is more successful than PORTER? By what definition??? Bateman's business has an F rating, He makes 500 a month + benefits. He has not pulled a permit for himself in years. He is broke and now he just had to dump a sh*t load of money down on a Lawyer, oh yeah, and to top it all off, Bateman was indicted by a federal grand jury on two felony counts. (30 years if convicted) with the possibility of more indictments to come.
*PORTER got bad legal advice, committed a CODE VIOLATION, He paid a fine, and it was done!
You need to stay away from the blogs if you only know partial truths!
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