I always liked Lucie Tondreau, the new Mayor of North Miami, I wrote about her in 2010.

In the Miami Herald it said the North Miami police chief traveled to Haiti to protect Lucie while she was vacationing in Haiti. He traveled on the City of North Miami's dime ($2,800). She also had the police drive her daughter to school. You aren't the Queen Lucie, you are just the mayor of a stupid small Florida city. You don't get body guards on vacation.
I would think that Haitian Politicians who are just getting their feet wet in politics would want to make their community proud, not game the system. After-all, Lucie is the first Haitian woman to hold a Mayor office in the U.S.
The first Haitian Mayor of North Miami was Joe Celestin a flim-flam man to be sure. He was operating as an Engineer without a license. Among other things, he got his sister a car loan on loan papers saying she was working for him, when she never paid any income tax EVER. Then Mayor Andre Pierre was driving around in a $100,000 Porsche Panamera in 2010 but couldn't quite remember where he got it from.
Govern and stop with all this nonsense. If I were Haitian I would want someone to look up to not a self-serving huckster at the helm. You know better Lucie. Govern with integrity and be a role model. Make us all proud. You have a multi-cultural city, bring people together. The race card is a copout and pulls apart your community. Also it is unfair when you have no facts to make such blanket statements:
Tondreau was quoted in the Herald as saying, “The city car that was parked in my parking space was used by the police department since we have had threats to the city. Somebody wants to blow us out. Somebody does not like the fact that black people are in majority in this body. They don’t like it.”
Act like Jean Monestime. Be a gentleman/woman.
North Miami is a lost cause. Too much lying going on. Lucy lied about her residency and no one cares.
That is one douce coco!
Okay so somebody runs for Mayor of a town in which they don't live or raise their children. Why? Is it because they want to make a difference in the community? Puh-leeze.
Crespo lives close by. He needs to poke around NoMi too.
I am offended by your emphasis on the nationality of the politicians. Clearly nationality/ethnicity/race is irrelevant to the issue of political corruption. The politicians from NM have the same obligations, no higher or lower, as pols from any other municipality. The mayor's being Haitian doesn't require that she be a standard bearer for Haitians. She may be a corrupt politician, but she shouldn't be criticized as a corrupt Haitian politican.
Lucie wore her ethnicity on her sleeve when she was running for mayor. Now that possible corruption is involved she and others do not want their ethnic roots talked about. Well action speak just as loud as words.
Sorry you are offended but Philip Brutus said to me vote for her because she is Haitian. No other reason. I said why can't we vote for her on her character. Apparently that didn't matter to him as much as her being Haitian.
This the crap that makes this county impossible.
the agenda has never been clearer..she is not about being inclusive, at all. The horrible things she continues to spew..clearly Pierre has his hand shoved in deep and is pulling the strings. There just aren't enough educated voters here..it is the land of "the blood of Jesus" bumper stickers..and the weasels elevate themselves on the backs of the ignorant. Timeless story..
I love when mayors travel. If she has political ambituion she will travel all over the world on a trade mission.
Looks like North Miami Beach is trying to copy Detroit as a city model.
Since we are such a diverse population in Miami-Dade County elected officials are suppose to be a representative of all citizens.
Mr. Monestime has placed himself in the Homestead elections by supporting a Haitian candidate against all the others running. I am not sure yet if he is a gentlemen or not. I will wait and see. He needs to remain out of other municipalities elections. Watch and pay attention District 2.
Lucie Tondreau really screwed up taking her victory trip to Haiti. She is mayor of N. Miami. That city is in chaos and she should stay in N. Miami and try to learn how to clean up the mess caused by other Haitians. Does she even live in N. Miami?
Lucie is the same lady who got sued by Kevin Burns. Burns claims she lied on her election application as she did not live in N. Miami.
Allegedly the Mayor Lucie violated Election Laws. In Court.
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