There is a way to quickly generate funds and visibility for a campaign to unseat anti-gay Lynda Bell, who just this week summoned the memory of Anita Bryant and small-minded politics that regularly mix "Christian" values with hatred of gays to fuel the radical right.
SAVE Dade should consider organizing a political fundraising event during Art Basel Miami Beach next December, to raise enough money to run a strong campaign against the county commissioner who is promoting an anti-gay agenda on the Miami Dade county commission.
It is safe to say that during Art Basel, there are more billionaires in and around Miami Beach than at any place at any time of the year. Raising a war chest to fight anti-gay discrimination needs a good reason: anti-gay crusader Lynda Bell.
SAVE Dade should consider organizing a political fundraising event during Art Basel Miami Beach next December, to raise enough money to run a strong campaign against the county commissioner who is promoting an anti-gay agenda on the Miami Dade county commission.
It is safe to say that during Art Basel, there are more billionaires in and around Miami Beach than at any place at any time of the year. Raising a war chest to fight anti-gay discrimination needs a good reason: anti-gay crusader Lynda Bell.
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Lynda Bell with her favorite Ayn Rand book. |
Speaking of billionaires, it's the Koch Brothers who put that Ayn Rand book in Lynda Bell's hands. Flushing out the radical GOP right would be a sight to see in South Dade. As other readers pointed out, her district -- formerly represented by Katy Sorenson -- is progressive and is liberal. I'd love to see the battle to unseat Bell.
Bell believes the CFC,the DuBois/ lobbyist $$$ and a hand full of like minded Palmetto Bay voters will "SAVE" her. I believe the District 8 voters, with some financial help & a good candidate will "SAVE" Dade! Bell needs to go the way of Anita Bryant and hopefully Rick Scott! I always remind readers what Monestine did to Rolle. He was out funded at least 3 to 1 and won. We need to take District 8 back- now!
I like the idea of the Art Basel fund raiser in general for good causes. Getting rid of Bell is a great cause for all of Miami Dade County. Let's one term her - NOW!
If there are readers here who vote in Homestead, please let your neighbors know that voting for Mark Bell is voting for Lynda Bell. Mark Bell is the least qualified and basically a corporate welfare recipient. I don't call that leadership in business, I call that buying a losing business and subsidizing it with taxpayer money. Who knows if there's Pink Slime in those burgers at the Hotel restaurant either because Lynda Bell thinks that's great to! People who live off public money, Lynda Bell included because she never had a real job other then cleaning houses before she became a council person in Homestead, cannot get work in the private sector where actual skills and/or education are required of which she has neither other then being a card carrying Tea Party member.
Lynda has historically proven every one right about her extreme positions. How the CfC got this far up the food chain at the BCC is on Bell. You've got to wonder what she did so bad in her past to become this so far right of the rest of the Country!
Looking at the original Herald article, which is now buried in the Keys section instead of Miami Dade, it appears the CFC has been busy with their followers posting claiming to be Dist. 8 voters. It's truly comical because it's so predictable and obviously coming from them. In any event, I will certainly buy a ticket to any fundraiser ousting Bell or donate to an opposition candidate!
Great idea!
I suggest that SAVE Dade and other individual and institutional opponents of Lynda Bell create an IRS 527 Political Committee and fund it through various fundraising events and contributions.
Select a chair and treasurer at a minimum. Ensure that they are prominent and qualified because Bell fights dirty. Organize the committee at the federal and Miami-Dade County levels through completion of the appropriate county forms and federal online forms. The effort to organize the political committee is minimal.
Bell's anti-gay discrimination could easily raise $300K - $500K or more; more than enough to create a media blitz and consequent anti-bell voter turnout.
No more Bells.
Lynda Bell embarrasses everyone in Miami-Dade County.
The Koch Brothers GOP right threw more than $800K against Lee County commissioner Ray Judah, who happened to be a moderate Republican. It's going to take a lot more than that to oust Bell who will use blogs like this as a scare tactic to gin up campaign contributions. And they will come. What's pathetic is that voters fail to see through the miserable politics involved.
Last anon, if I'm understanding what Gimleteye has written, the reason was more Big Sugar interests in Lee County along with the Koch Brothers. I don't see them throwing that kind of money to support Bell. She's not worth is by a long shot.
The 527 is a great, workable solution to rid us of Bell and a way to collect funds to do it. Thanks!
Please, do not pretend for a moment that Lynda Bell can read, let alone comprehend Ayn Rand. She was looking for the pictures.
Neither Bell nor anyone on her staff have the ability to comprehend a 7 plus billion dollar budget. She has no business sense. That is why she is nowhere to be found when the County Mayor holds budget workshops in District 8. I hope the County Mayor appreciates the appreciation that Bell demonstrates for his support and fundraising each and every time she hides and leaves him alone to face the angry voters is her district. She has to vote on the budget. Doesn't she value constituent input?
Cut and run Bell.
Linda Bell was one if the infamous eight commissioners, all Republicans, who voted for the flat millage tax rate that will decimate our county library system and cut fire rescue services. She has no business posing for a library poster promoting reading.
There's only one way to send a message to the extremists: vote them out.
There's only one way to send a message to the extremists: vote them out....said the Barack Obama voter.
What this bolg should be doing is organizing a boycott of Art Basel on the Beach due to the brutal police murder of the artist Israel Hernandez-Llach. Why the beach deserves tourist dollars with an out of control police force and corrupt town companies makes no sense. Such a boycott would be effect in changing local political behavior VERY QUICKLY and provide a model for other areas like District 8.
Last I checked, we live in America, and are free to practice and express themselves however, and with whomever they choose. If more Bells get in office, we will be doomed and go back in time. If you want oppression and communism, go back to China on another trip Lynda. Didn't her daughter have a child out of wedlock? A good Christian family let this happen! And what about Lynda Bell the racist? Pictured in front of the "Confederate flag" a few years ago, Bell showed her true colors, or dislike of color. What in the world is going on that people are electing her? And God forbid her husband who is clueless and completely unqualified to be mayor... Racist, anti-gay, pro life, and probably an anti semite as well... For god's sake, her husband is not even paying the mortgage on the Redland hotel, conveniently financed by her supporters.
Dubois bankrolling Mark Bell's flop of a hotel as well as Mark and Lynda Bell's campaigns... What a joke! Please, don't vote these people into office. We have enough corruption to fight. And LB reading that book is just too much. Give her a right to life comic book instead, or how to plot against those who cross you "for dummies"
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