2 1/2 Years and counting....
Why we are even considering expanding nukes at Turkey Point is beyond me with Daiichi still unfolding. A few days ago the New York Times reported that:
The operator of Japan’s tsunami-hit nuclear power plant sounded the alarm on the gravity of the deepening crisis of containment at the coastal site on Friday, saying that there are more than 200,000 tons of radioactive water in makeshift tanks vulnerable to leaks, with no reliable way to check on them or anywhere to transfer the water.Anyway, here is my question: how the hell would the Florida Keys evacuate past the plant? We all know most of Homestead is brain-damaged -- proof: their voting record (see glossy flyer below for an example of a candidate I consider unfit to serve that will probably win) but the nearly 100,000 people in the Keys need to get past the plant without getting radiated. They didn't vote nearly as badly as Homestead, they don't deserve radiation.
The latest disclosures add to a long list of recent accidents, leaks and breakdowns that have underscored grave vulnerabilities at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant site more than two years after a powerful earthquake and tsunami set off meltdowns at three reactors.
Besides, most of Homestead likes the nuke plant: Go figure. They don't even need evacuation, they can stick around and
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Lynda Bell Puppet and Husband, Proud Nuke Supporter. |
Remember, we are in hurricane territory also vulnerable by weather. The New York Times went on to say:
...it has become increasingly clear that the latest problems may be too large for the plant’s operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Company, or Tepco, to handle.400 tons is 95,600 gallons a day. 335,000 tons of water is 80,282,750 gallons. Where are you going to put 80 million gallons of toxic water (that is almost as much water used in New York City in a day)? What if it happened at Turkey Point? Lynda Bell's house is not water-tight. Also there isn't much room there for the 275,000 people that could be displaced (that is Japan's number), or the thousands of bags of contaminated topsoil that would have to be scraped off the land. Forget about staying at the Redland Hotel.
Tepco has built nearly 1,000 tanks at the sprawling complex to store as many as 335,000 tons of contaminated water, the product of coolant pumped into the reactors to keep their cores from overheating, and groundwater pouring into their breached basements at a rate of 400 tons a day. This week, Tepco said one tank had sprung a huge leak.
Click here for an outstanding new video of the Fukushima tsunami in 2011. Keep in mind: all those ordinary Japanese milling about as the waters receded, curious and captured on camera, had no clue their lives would be turned upside down and inside out in thirty minutes. We don't have earthquakes in South Florida, but if you think we are better prepared than this videographer for a black swan event at Turkey Point, dream on.
Video does not work on phone. Watch it on your computer.
I am really concerned about the expansion, heck, I am very concerned about the existing facilities. I do live south and I do know that they have issues. In a community that has transient nuke workers loving in it --- you hear the stories.
Allowing the FPL takeover of the health and safety of thousands residents is about the stupidest plan a group of politicians can come up with.
They do like FPL in Homestead. Jobs over health.
If the housing crash that wrapped up Homestead in foreclosures and a destroyed construction industry and jobs, wasn't enough to persuade people that the "jobs" promise is based on bullshit, what hope is there? We are riding that sucker of an argument down, like Dr. Strangelove and Curtis LeMay on a nuclear bomb.
Florida has always been the 'flim flam' state...so this is all 'in character'. What is the difference between swamp land sold as an idyllic community and nukes sold as a cost effective energy source?
If you heard the FPL engineers testifying at the public hearing in Coral Gables, it was an amazing confab of falsehoods.
Falsehood: FPL engineer says 'when the sun goes down, how do the lights go on without nukes, stop reading comic books and embrace reality'.
Reality: National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) says that we can have a grid with up to 80% renewables and only need 20% base power from other sources. http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy13osti/52409-ES.pdf
But let's put the blame where it is deserved.
Corrupt politicians take FPL money and drink the kool-aide because the lazy electorate does not hold the politicians accountable. So the blame goes to the voters.
What is comical, Florida has more assets at risk from sea level rise than any other location on earth, yet Floridians elected Marcovelli Rubisho over a guy who had just instituted a progressive Renewable Energy Portfolio (that the GOP legislature repealed).
Vermont, with no risk from sea level rise, aggressively combats climate change and Florida is in denial. It is an embarrassment.
Please explain.
Link for Bloomberg News list of world locations most at risk for sea level rise: http://www.bloomberg.com/slideshow/2012-07-06/top-20-cities-with-billions-at-risk-from-climate-change.html#slide21
Every bluefin tuna tested in the waters off California has shown to be contaminated with radiation that originated in Fukushima. Every single one.
Over a year ago, in May of 2012, the Wall Street Journal reported on a Stanford University study. Daniel Madigan, a marine ecologist who led the study, was quoted as saying, “The tuna packaged it up (the radiation) and brought it across the world’s largest ocean. We were definitely surprised to see it at all and even more surprised to see it in every one we measured.”
Have you seen what we can expect to see soon due to Fukushima?
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