On May 26, 2011, a South Florida lobbyist approached the FBI with a tip: He suspected that another lobbyist he knew was in bed with corrupt local politicians, and that they would be open to lining their pockets.
"The informant was brought on board to make introductions. He hooked up undercover FBI agents with the suspect lobbyist, Richard Candia, and set up meetings between them and Miami Lakes Mayor Michael Pizzi." And:
"Kesti has no criminal record. The FBI calls him a “reliable” informant who has been paid for his expenses and services to the agency, according to the criminal complaints charging Pizzi and MaroƱo with conspiring to commit extortion."
Pizzi was too loose a canon for South Florida's money machines to handle
Pizzi wasn't a loose cannon. He was a greedy, avaricious asshat. Go up and down Miami Lakes Boulevard and you'll hear stories from the merchants that he would drop in and impose himself, and then not pay his tab, expecting the businesses would be honored to have HizzHonor in their establishment. He was a tin-plated, swaggering dictator with delusions of demi-godhood. It wasn't the "money machine" that did Pizzi in. It was his own greed. He went into a closet with a lobbyist, pocketed a bribe, and then came out of the closet. The only relief is that he's going to be doing time in a federal country club prison (at the very least), his political career has come to a screeching halt, and his legal career is over. Karma can be a bitch, sometimes.
I know Kesti and have found him to be a straight shooter. He did this community a big favor. Now let's see if the indicted start singing in hopes of lessening their eventual sentences. That would be very, very interesting.
Sing baby sing
A lot of people who comment on this blog owe Jose Fuentes a big apology...
I wonder if he had any dealing with Bell? Interesting.
Fuentes will get an apology if and when he comes clean. As of right now only Candia had been useful to authorities when he agreed to wear a wire against Pizzi. Don't be shocked if others are also arrested in the very near future.
Kesti's motivation was clearly to eliminate the competition but due to his involvement with Brodes Hartley of CHI he is not squeaky clean either. Hartley is the guy who hired Homestead Mayor Steve Bateman at $125 an hour to push through a project. Now Bateman has been fired according to some. Kesti was also involved with Shiver pal Tom David on some scheme in downtown Homestead.
Kesti wants to be a player and found a willing helper in the FBI.
The road to success in Miami now means you wear a wire and take out your adversaries, not a bad concept with the rampant corruption.
Brodes Hartley and CHI need investigating. CHI is not the world class health organization it purports in this community. If Kesti is involved with Steve Shiver then a hard look at this crowd is necessary.
I cannot keep up with the creep parade. If Shiver is in the mix, governments across the board are loosing money along with private investors. I know the Tom David connection to him, he was an assistant county manager under Shiver, but I didn't know the rest of the scum in the pond, nor does it sound like I want to.
The CHI connections go much further into the BCC then what one of the posters mentioned. As others have written, these are just the small guys. The bigger problems are deep in to the Miami Dade BCC.
Yep, Palmetto Bay is the new Homestead when it comes to dysfunction. Thanks Lynda and those who play along with her idiot games.
Now Scott Silver is a bad guy? You guys never cease to amaze me. The unsubstantiated innuendo never stops. All the name calling. Just wait until the other shoe drops in Palmetto Bay and you see who is really behind the creation the cesspool formerly known as Palmetto Bay.
Read the article carefully. Kesti was the Executive Director of the Miami program that had $6 million embezzled or stolen by Abate. Kesti was compensated or paid but how? Skating on the Miami Beach thing or something else.
I don't often agree with the anonymous comments but Palmetto Bay has changed significantly since Lynda Bell was elected. Her empowerment of the wrong type of people who believe government is only there to serve them personally is appalling. The recent election that included candidates who were squired through the process by Castillo speaks volumes.
Palmetto Bay needs some stronger leaders in office who can stand up to Lynda Bell and her horde.
Castillo also had his hands in the Cutler Bay election of Loyzelle and Sochin.
Who said Scott Silver?!!!!!!!!!!
I took Scott Silver off. Don't know who he is and don't care.
Removing Scott Silver was a good choice Genius. The cyber bullies were circling. Let them start their own blogs and have them face defamation suits for spewing their garbage. I bet none of those baseless provocateurs would donate dollar one to your defense. They are simply trouble makers who are envious of anyone who is successful.
Castillo and Cody are Linda and Natasha's boys.That says it all!!!!!
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