The biggest bully of them all, Former County Commissioner Natacha Seijas, writes a book with Lawyer Stephen Cody on anti-bullying. She didn't just bully the public, she even bullied the Chair of the County Commission that led to a criminal investigation.
Excerpt of a Criminal Investigation dated 1/12/2004. |
Why not a book about not taking steroids co-written by Alex Rodriguez next Stephen?
This gets our "Believe it or Not" label.
How about a book by Lynda Bell about pro choice?
This post isn't about Lynda Bell.
How about a book by "I'm not a crook" Martinez on How to Build a House with NO MONEY.
I've got more....It's Sunday, what can I say!
Genius, I'd be happy to send you a copy. Would you like printed copy, iPad, Kindle Fire, or Nook Color when it comes out later this month? Did you see the book trailer? Watch it at
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That's crazy! What a hypocrite! I remember Seijas making a bizarre rant against protecting manatees. Does anyone else remember that? I hope her daughter is not still employed by the county.
Who knows more about bullying than the biggest bully in own? I will read it as a confessional!
It is like Fidel Castro writing a children's book about free enterprise or George W. Bush writing about compassion, or Obama writing about privacy.
Seijas was the biggest bully among County commissioners. Rude. Obnoxious. She insulted public speakers and she enjoyed abusing those she considered beneath her.
If you'd like more information about the book, "My Secret Superpower!", visit
Sounds like the old, bullying,bulldog tyrant and the lousy attorney are trying for a comeback. Is the introduction written by sweet former aide?
Cody? From what I have seen as an outside observer he can only find playmates that use him for one thing or another. Wasn't he the guy that followed Bell around when the absentees were being counted? And wasn't he the attorney that tried to dump the Flinn campaign after people started voting? Didn't he also have something to do seijas during her recall?
I may not live in palmetto bay or homestead, but I certainly don't like his friends.
Steve "anything for a fast buck" Cody. Guess the law practice in the garage has finally tanked, eh Steve?
We may mock you Cody, but don't think the attention will translate into sales. Bush league writing with clip art illustration.
Wow another book by Cody. Who publishes it? It is self-published? That figures.
There are a tremendous number of self-publishers out there who are looking for people with over-inflated egos dying to say they are authors.
Mr. Cody also likes to claim he is an attorney as well.
Poor Mr. Cody, delusional at best. Anti-LGBT for sure. Fighting to elect those who would regulate a woman's body and people's lifestyles since forever.
Didn't Mr. Cody know about Natacha's history of bullying? If he doesn't conduct due diligence on the background of his co-authors, what does that say about his work as an attorney?
Cody and Seijas just want to make a buck on the anti-bullying movement. So what if they aren't sincere? It's just a capitalist venture for them. As a fellow capitalist though, I do question the amount of money they wasted on that hokey youtube video. Not a good business move.
LOL! I can't stop laughing!!!! Vile Natasha Sijas is the bully in the book right? LOL The book should be banned already!
Is the anti bullying movement trying to nurture and encourage a citizenry of wimps and sheep? A perfect environment for wolves to thrive.
Natacha Seijas and Stephen Cody are two people holding on to each other for support as they continued the slide downhill. Both have careers in free fall. I guess the world has been mean to these two people, one who finally suffered the wrath of the voters she so callously bullied and abused. The other a lawyer who lists former clients and the achievements of others on his bio.
Neither Seijas or Cody have been bullied. To the contrary both were once blessed, but squandered their opportunities. Its called Karma you two abusive losers.
They are marketing their book to unknowing librarians and school teachers in the hopes of hitting paydirt. The great news is that when prospective purchasers google the authors, this blog and probably this article will be at the top of the search results. Who would want to purchase Natacha's anti-bullying book after reading about Natacha's history of bullying? I wouldn't.
Maybe it's part of a 12 step recovery program.
Don't fret. There are those who have outstanding relationships with librarians and they will be well aware of who these clowns actually are when references are requested. It is also important to note that self-published books get nearly no play with the associations. Legitimate publishers are the first line of defense against pretenders. Seijas and Cody have neither the talent or the credentials to achieve anything other than some quick and cheap local publicity.
She was the biggest bully on the BCC.
Margolis: Commissioner Seijas, you have been talking for a half hour.
Seijas: I will talk for as long as I want!
Margolis: It is 4:00 in the morning . . .
Seijas: I don't care what time it is!
Margolis: . . . and you're not voting for the budget anyway, so who cares?
Seijas: What do you know? WHAT do you know? I haven't said yes, and I haven't said no.
Margolis: You said you were voting against the budget, so who has the answer to you?
Seijas: You know, today is the day that you might just leave here in a body bag, because you've been offensive to everybody!
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