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Press Release from the Christian Family Coalition. "Oooh Watch out little girl!" Actually it is the transgender people who are usually the victims of assault. |
The Miami-Dade Commission wants to pass a dangerous law that will force all places to open bathrooms and dressing rooms to "transsexuals." (men who allege they are women, and women to allege they are men) If one objects, they will be fired, sued and fined!Here is the ordinance:
(1) Policy. It is hereby declared to be the policy of Miami-Dade County, in the exercise of its police power for the public safety, health and general welfare, to eliminate and prevent discrimination in employment, family leave, public accommodations, credit and financing practices, and housing accommodations because of race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, sex, pregnancy, age, disability, marital status, familial status >>,gender identity or expression,<< or sexual orientation. It is further hereby declared to be the policy of Miami-Dade County to eliminate and prevent discrimination in housing based on source of income.
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Here is the entire resolution sponsored by Audrey Edmonson, Bruno Barreiro (prime sponsor), Sally Heyman, Barbara Jordan and Rebeca Sosa.
So you think that every company should be forced to allow men in the women's room if the men say they identify as female? The group's concern seems reasonable to me.
Even the left-wing state of Massachusetts left "public accommodations" out of their transgender rights law. Miami-Dade County government has officially been hijacked by gay agenda extremists.
I am not paying attention to the old bathroom argument as THEY ARE ALREADY IN YOUR BATHROOMs and nothing has been happening.
This is really insane. Common sense has left the building. So any wacko who wants to go into women´s bathrooms can claim he "feels like a woman" and it´s ok?
First we didn't want blacks in our public bathrooms, then we didn't want gays in our bathrooms, now it is transgender folks we are afraid of. Let me clue you in... These folks have absolutely no interest in you. It would be better to keep your eye on Uncle Pedaphile who is using your home bathroom.
This legislation isn't about bathrooms read the whole thing provided here, or don't comment. It is about fairness in housing.
Poor Uncle Pedophile (with an "o")(prefix "pedo" = relating to children)has been very sad because he´s been banned from all family gatherings. For a while he lurked (oops, strike that), he visited the bathrooms in Haulouver Beach, but he was arrested a couple of times. He´ll be so happy now! All he has to do is wear a bit of lipstick... and he´ll be ok! Yeay!
Fairness in housing is one thing, but letting someone who still posses male anatomy into a woman's bathroom is violating the intent of having a woman's bathroom in the first place or vice versa
though I don't think guys will mind as much if women comes into theirs you might even get them to pay for it.
Jesus h Christ...these posters are more afraid of who's peeing in the stall next to them than they are of the NSA taking pictures of their mail, gathering and storing their emails and phone calls for "possible future use"..happy 4th indeed
For Pete's sake you guys, GROW UP. Discrimination is discrimination and this should be a no-brainer. The Christian Coalition is a hateful group who would not recognize Jesus if he walked down the street. Oh, wait a minute, he had long hair and wore a robe right? Maybe they would notice and throw some stones.
The concept of denying someone, like myself, safe housing or basic Human Rights because of their gender identity is horrific. Australia has passed laws giving protection nation wide, Canada is about (fingers crossed) to pass a similar bill, and Ontario (Canada) has had anti-discrimination laws for trans persons for over a year. We also have had "gay marriage" for over 10 years, and the sun still rises, the crops did not fail and the bathrooms are not filled with people who are interested in children - rather people interested in taking care of their business in a safe manner.
Being transsexual is much more than "putting on lipstick" - and I am quite offended by that comment. I am taking a cocktail of hormones, hormone blockers and the like. After months on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) - my sex drive is diminished, I lose muscle mass and become impotent - it is the same basic chemicals used in "chemical castration" in many places, except those don't take progesterone to help with breasts and figure.
Trust me ... we have NO interest in you or your children. I just want to use the bathroom, get an apartment, get a job, pay my rent, ect in a safe manner. I might "march in parades" or celebrate milestones like this one, but the other 364 days a year, I am just a regular person.
As far as "comfort" or safety, would the men on this feel comfortable in the washroom with an attractive woman in the same restroom? Would the woman feel safe with you? Before you judge or condemn us - think about what we are asking for ... we are not asking for the world, we are not asking for the moon or the sun ... we are asking to live ... and to do so WITHOUT the risk of abuse or discrimination or violence.
Why have male and female bathrooms in the first place? If we are civilized or rational then anyone should be allowed to use the loo when it's time to go. The Japanese have been sharing public bathrooms for ages, not sharing the receptacle at the same time, all sexes share bathroom facilities when needed. We ain't as righteous, civilized and advanced as we say.
as others have alluded, it is time to do away with gender discrimination in bathrooms. One bathroom for all humans! no pets allowed.
This is really easy to resolve. Configure bathrooms for greater privacy. Unisex bathrooms or Family bathrooms already exist. This ordinance is appropriate and accommodates gender expression by providing a safe environment to everyone. Bravo to Audrey Edmonson, Bruno Barreiro, Sally Heyman, Barbara Jordan and Rebeca Sosa!
No way I want bathroom unisex I have seen lines to the ladies room at sporting events.
Frankly I am growing tired of all the equality crap we are not equal we are all unique some more "unique" than others. Stop bitching and live with your uniqueness celebrate and enjoy it. If your going to complain nd worry about how other people view you then shut up and join the herd or get in the closet with all those bible Thumping polticos who behave erratically in bathrooms.
Educate, don't divide. Unisex makes sense.
No you Dum Dums! We are saying that real pedophiles will pose as transgender to lurk in bathrooms!
Why don´t people read before posting a comment?!
Always about the pedophiles....
1. Girls are molested far more (3times more) often than boys...but because we don't value them as much as boys nobody seems to care.
2. Japan and Germany have unisex bathrooms with stalls...
3. Really, who let's their kid go the bathroom unattended anymore?
4.A man in a dress, a woman in a wifebeater....who cares, really. It's just externalities.
to no Dum Dums...
Are you really serious. Real Pedophiles are the uncles or family friend sitting in your living room checking out neices and nephews and friends of your children. They are at school yards or Chucky Cheese type of establishments. They most probably aren't doing anything in the 60 seconds it takes your child to pee. Go in the damn bathroom with them if you are so worried. If a pedophile is lurking in bathrooms they probably are already there they don't need this ordinance. Be serious.
Is it true that the proposed Miami-Dade ordinance would go much further than the Massachusetts law? I didn't see the answer to that claim.
For all transgenders:
My rights begins where yours ends and yours rights begin where mines ends! Im a woman and I want my own bathroom... ask for a transgender bathroom instead!
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