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Philip Levine once engaged to Lisa Ling. |
Actually, it is true I don't know much about Miami Beach but I do know about the good (Michael Bloomberg) and the bad (Rick Scott and Jeff Greene) of self-financed campaigns. Self-financing can cut either way, we know that by history. Personal funds were able to propel Rick Scott into office even though he pleaded the 5th amendment 75 times.
My acquaintances on the Beach (who don't even read my blog unless someone sends it to them) insist (They aren't friends anymore unless I get an apology):
"Phil Levine is the best thing to come along to run for Mayor or anything else in a long time. He is a cut above the chaotic fray that now calls itself a commission - where the 2 other candidates are currently part of the circus. He will bring stability and a business approach to bring credibility back to the city."I don't argue with that. I pretty much hate career politicians. They are tainted pretty quickly, and should be booted out to go back to real life after their 8 years. Others say because Levine has no experience (and in some cases has not even bothered to vote) he will have handlers running everything. That would mean political operatives would be running the show (worse).
Someone claiming to be Philip Levine wrote:
"In fact, your followers should know that from me, you will get the absolute truth and candid response, not the typical political rhetoric that characterizes several sitting members of the current City Commission, especially my two main opponents.
It is true that I have not participated actively in our municipal elections. The reason is because I have been disappointed with our electoral options and lack of leadership on the City Commission (just like a majority of Miami Beach voters). Now, rather than complain about the wrong direction of the city and its lack of forward thinking, I've chosen to do something about it. I made the decision earlier this year that I could not sit on the sidelines anymore so I decided to make investments in my community by running for Mayor. What does that mean for our voters? I am putting my resources into my campaign and capped contributions to my campaign at $100.
This means that the days of special interests controlling the dialogue and decisions of City Hall are gone..."The argument is tempting. Seeing Matti Bower run, yet again (what is it almost 20 years now?), I am just tired of the same old names. I do think that Levine is well-connected to a bunch of rich guys with "special interests" in Miami Beach. So he is not a newcomer as he suggests (well maybe to politics but not to power). But the others running are all connected too. Levine is saying he won't OWE favors like the others. It will be an intriguing election, I expect a spirited campaign and lots and lots of mud. (Be forewarned, blog comments on this kind of post bring out the tired old arguments of the campaign workers).
If he hires his political operative to be his chief of staff like Lynda Bell and Joe Garcia did, he will be no better than the others he is running against.
Your friends who refuse to speak to you...you do not need friends like that.
Adults in government, dedicated to public service, understand that Lincoln's words are apt.
"With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right"
Michael Bloomberg is the good???
Isn't that the man who yelled when New Yorkers wanted to change the law to allow Giuliani another term....then did just that for himself. Hypocrisy is the standard in politics and Mr B is no different.
I was there when Miller Dawkins was Mayor.
You mean David Dinkens. Miller Dawkins was our own.
I'm losing my marbles. Yes you are correct. all these politicians are all in one glob in my mind. Soon I will be calling Gimenez Penelas. How could I forget Dinkens when I can remember John Lindsay?
Anyone who outlaws soda is tops!
One ineffective politician is the same as another. Completely understand that mistake, except Dawkins was a crook and Dinkens was in over his head.
Bloomberg is good? Talk about money making someone thinking he's are always right and proof he's a genius.
Why is Bloomberg's money, and all his arrogance, OK but Philip Levine's isn't?
I am wondering if Eye on Miami is getting spoon fed from the Gongora or Libbin team. The blog's usual research and thoughtful analysis is missing from this and the previous post. Too bad.
The status quo isn't working, why not try a change. Mattie it is time for you to retire.
Help us get this blog going!
We demand a sense common 305!
Sense: the correct way is to ASK US to link to your blog I usually delete links. I looked at it. What are you a high school kid?
June 09, 2013
Our apologies. We are new at this. Mostly frustrated educators here. Could you please link us?
Your friendship to me reaches beyond politics .... So, you can't annoy me :)
I understand Philip Levine's note and his effort to do damage control but seriously, Levine could have attended Design Review Board meetings...Levine could have attended Commission meetings and sat throug meetings like the rest of us. He shows us either his head was in the sand or he did not care or he could not be bothered. Being an effective Mayor is difficult. Look how easy it is for a Mattie Bower or a Neisen Kasden to bungle the job? Suddenly Levine wants the brass ring? And who are Levine's high priced consultants? Will they be in charge if he gets elected?
I got to hand it to him. He was getting some quality tail.
Sick and tired of this elitist democracy
Like developer and lobbyist hand picked candidates is working so well for us?
The last thing we need is another David Custin candidate on the commission. Between Wolfson, Weithorn, Exposito, and now Levine this guy is trying to puppet master the puppets on Miami Beach. For that reason alone I'm not supporting Levine.
Well the last commentator doesn't know very much about MB politics. Mr. Custin's credentials are way overblown. He doesn't have many lobbying clients there, which is the ultimate proof.
He's tight with Wolfson, but has completely split with Exposito and he has no particular sway with Weithorn, who is notoriously shifty and will tell both sides what they want to hear in private then sees who screams loudest during the public commish meeting.
There's always steve Burke for mayor!
Not a nice human being. Brought his son to Mario Chalmers' basketball camp. Came in an hour before Chalmes' showed. Did not pay the $200 camp fee. His kid got a one on one with Chalners' and a personal meet and greet while the paying kids watched. A real piece of ??
Rayme - He doesn't have a son. What are you talking about? Is this Victor Diaz again? Victor - are you a preservationist or a convention center developer wanting to make millions off the taxpayers. What's bigger pal - your ego or your greed?
Philip is running to serve the city he loves. He's not a lazy career politician and that's a good thing, notwithstanding all the losers in the Miami Beach Commission with their flawed agendas to sit.through a commission meeting is torturing. Our forebears intended for the citizens to serve the public and then return to the private sector. Why not elect this person with his connections that can only benefit pur city. Pbilip is a Kennedy Family insider that will always do everything to benefit all of the people. Let's bring Camelot to Miami by electing Philip...
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