I don t have time to write a blog. Read the history for yourself. This is the latest from court papers signed May 31st by Judge Jorge Cueto (graphic above). I think this sums it up pretty well. Faddis (former Assistant City Manager of Homestead) and her lawyer were ordered to pay the legal fees for the City of Homestead.
This sounds like lying under oath. What Faddis did cost the City a lot of money: Maybe the City Manager wasn't entitled to severance pay? I am not a lawyer, but this whole sordid affair stinks.
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Lynda Bell & Johanna Faddis |
In other news... I just confirmed that REBECA SOSA appointed Lynda Bell as the Chairman of the Miami Dade County Sports Commission, formerly headed by Pepe Diaz.
County politics has me flummoxed. Can anyone explain the LOVE Lynda Bell is getting, and the shabby treatment of other loyalists, plum assignments ripped from their grasp?
Good. Bell should be repaying the taxpayers too for her shenanigans screwing Homestead for her own whacked out world!
Don't forget, in Bell-world, it's do as I say, not as I do. The rules do not apply to her or her chosen ones. Rules are for the little people and campaign rhetoric. If Faddis were a staffer in the office of a rival ( anyone who has ever dared to disagree with her highness, Bell's voice would be the first and loudest to call for her resignation.
From the public records, in April it looks like to total fees Faddis was ordered to pay was a little less than $10,000. That's a bargain in today's legal world. What's funnier is Wendy "loco" Lobos the Good Government PAC (or whatever the committee is) Chair was a named defendent and Faddis works for Bell as well (or worked, not sure she's still there but I did check a few months ago and she was being listed as a paid employee). Bell is just such a PoS. Did she really think no one would notice? Bell is the perfect cure for the URM because she's just so much worse and will cost the County dearly. I'm still trying to find out who paid for her "Genting" jaunt because let's face it, that's what it was. Did she mingle with Sarnoff there too? Oh wait, he went last year on their dime.
No way Bell gets rid of Faddis. She (Faddis) is smarter than people think. Bell is a real dumbass so who do you think is really running the show....its not Bell!
Don't forget Shehedah, he and Faddis were the "brains" behind Bell's election in Homestead and Miami. She can't do anything without their approval.
Bell responds to her constituents she is well liked by them and is rated high by them.
Politics is all perception.
Listen I don't subscribe to all the theories that Eddie/Faddis/Castillo and many others are running Bell. She is running herself - and doing her own strategy. That is my belief.
The majority of Bell's ideas are stupid, so I'm sure she comes up with them with the help of others. The others help find a way to implement them. She is not smart enough to figure it out for herself. The two named in the previous post have been with her since day one. Their common goals are power and greed. Funny how one got paid and the other has to pay.
In between surfing Middle Eastern porn sites on his City-issued computers / mobile devices, Shehedeh was courting Faddis, who willingly played along. He got caught, got fired, then got sued by Faddis.
If memory serves, Faddis claimed Hostile Work Environment (aka Fishing Expedition).
Both these twits just made donations to Bell's war chest.
As much as I hate to admit, I do hope that your "Bell-In-Control" theory is correct, Genius.
Memory doesn't have to serve you I provided a link
Why hasn't Faddis been charged with lying under oath? Who would have to bring the charges against her?
Bell is playing nice to get what she wants from Sosa. In other words, Sosa is being used by Bell.
Gambling/Genting = love for Bell. Being able to raise money = love for Bell.
How much does Bell pay Faddis? We need to pay attention as I bet she gets a hefty raise soon, if she hasn't already, so she can pay Homestead back with our money.
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