Friday, May 24, 2013

Foreclosures in Miami Dade County. By Geniusofdespair

2011 it looked like foreclosures were going down, we had 16,672 that year. Maybe it was because the banks were having a tough time doing them because it looks like 2012 and 2013 will be at similar levels, reaching near 26,000.  The good news, the levels are much lower than they were in 2008. That year we had 56,656 foreclosures. But in 2007 we had 26,691 foreclosures, why are we still at that level? I would think by now we should be back to under 10,000 foreclosures a year, which is where we were during most years before the boom and bust.  Looks like Florida is still number one in foreclosures.


Anonymous said...

They were cracking down on foreclosure lawyers in 2011 like Stern.

Anonymous said...

Yes number 1 in foreclosure and number 1 in fraud. I believe a great of it is due to done building officials, builders and their affiliated lender and title companies.

Anonymous said...

Banks need to cooperate with modification mandates and start returning the bailout money they received to fix the problem rather than make people homeless

Anonymous said...

If anybody published what goes on in condominiums these numbers would be double. Luckily nobody publishes anything on the issue and most foreign buyers have no clue.

CLUB 500 said...

You need to do a shortsale comparison,