CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Founder | $10,000 | 10/22/2012 | NEW JERSEY DEMOCRATIC STATE COMMITTEE - Democrat | |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical Institute/Ceo | $2,500 | 09/30/2012 | G | JOE GARCIA FOR CONGRESS - Democrat |
CORBAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Ceo | $2,500 | 09/28/2012 | G | TONY CARDENAS FOR CONGRESS - Democrat |
MIAMI, FL 33134 | $-500 | 09/06/2012 | P | LINCOLN DIAZ-BALART FOR CONGRESS - Republican | |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Chief Executive Officer | $10,000 | 08/31/2012 | DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Democrat | |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/President | $2,500 | 07/25/2012 | P | DAVID RIVERA FOR CONGRESS - Republican |
MIAMI, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Chief Executive Officer | $1,000 | 06/27/2012 | P | FRIENDS OF PATRICK MURPHY - Democrat |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/President/President | $1,000 | 03/30/2012 | P | MICHAEL GRIMM FOR CONGRESS - Republican |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/President | $3,000 | 01/07/2012 | MAGGIE'S LIST | |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/C.E.O. & Presi/C.E.O. & President | $2,500 | 12/05/2011 | P | ROMNEY FOR PRESIDENT INC. - Republican |
MIAMI, FL 33125 | Dade Medical College/President & Ceo | $2,500 | 10/19/2011 | P | DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat |
MIAMI, FL 33125 | Dade Medical College/President & Ceo | $2,500 | 10/19/2011 | G | DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ FOR CONGRESS - Democrat |
MIAMI, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Chief Executive Officer | $10,000 | 09/27/2011 | P | OBAMA VICTORY FUND 2012 - Democrat |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Ceo | $500 | 08/24/2011 | P | RAUL LABRADOR FOR IDAHO - Republican |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/President | $2,500 | 07/28/2011 | P | BILL NELSON FOR U S SENATE - Democrat |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/President | $2,500 | 07/28/2011 | G | BILL NELSON FOR U S SENATE - Democrat |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Ceo | $5,000 | 06/30/2011 | DEMOCRATIC SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE - Democrat | |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical College/Ceo | $2,500 | 06/29/2011 | P | FRIENDS OF CAROLYN MCCARTHY - Democrat |
CORAL GABLES, FL 33134 | Dade Medical Institute/Ceo | $2,500 | 06/07/2011 | P | FRIENDS OF GEORGE LEMIEUX - Republican |
Dade Medical College/Ceo $2,500 03/28/2011 G MENENDEZ FOR SENATE - Democrat
Dade Medical College/Ceo $2,500 03/28/2011 P MENENDEZ FOR SENATE - Democrat
Dade Medical College/President & Ce/President & Ceo $35,000 02/24/2011 CANTOR VICTORY FUND - Republican
![]() |
Homestead Mayor Steve Bateman And Ernesto Perez in Tallahassee |
At least he didn't give to Allen West and did give to Murphy - he gets extra points for that move! I don't like the big check to New Jersey because of the Menedez ethics investigation w/the Dr. & his tax & medicare problems. The rest are pretty much in the Dem category or where he splits, like Garcia & Rivera,he give equally & probably because his business is in that congressional district where he has to hedge. What's Maggie's list? I'll google it, never mind. It seems like he's become very rich from this school. Anyone know about it? I don't know much about it except they're the only thing happening on Krome Avenue down there, next to pay day advance places & other venue's mainly in Spanish like what you'd see in inner city type of places.
He is doing the same thing Mark Cereceda did in Hialeah. In that case pain clinic profits were rerouted to candidates in the name of his employees. That story was in the Herald yesterday. They plead guilty.
The CFO and Comptroller of Dade Medical College both have made $5,000 donations to Sen. Menendez of New Jersey. Menendez visited the campus last year.
Perez's history of donations have really come a long way since joining forces with the Mayor of Homestead Steve Bateman in 2009.
Download all contribution records for this person (Ernesto Perez)
from 1999 to present
To a Spreadsheet or Other File Type
2012 Transaction Count/Amount 24/$110,000
2010 Transaction Count/Amount 18/$34,800
2008 Transaction Count/Amount 1/$2,000
2006 Transaction Count/Amount 0/$0
2004 Transaction Count/Amount 1/$300
2002 Transaction Count/Amount 0/$0
2000 Transaction Count/Amount 0/$0
The Batemans are tied at the hip to Ernesto. Mayor Bateman as the CRA Chairperson allowed the CRA to hold the mortgages on dozens of city/public owned properties purchased by the "college."
Mrs. Bateman was the exclusive real estate agent/broker on Dade Medical College's private purchases. When in the cesspool known as Homestead public/private relationships mean all kinds of hanky panky is going on.
Lots of Dade Medical College employees donated to Mayor Steven C Bateman. Ernesto Perez must be overpaying his employees. They all gave $500.
From the EoM archives,
"Bateman also has a committee called Better Florida Coalition. It has no contributions to date but it spent $7,200 on billboards. I don't know how that could happen, but it did. Ask the Chairman Ernesto Perez or the Treasurer Nancy Watkins how they spent money they didn't have." -GoD
Is anybody wondering what Bateman gave to Perez in return?
Might be some people starting to squirm down in Homestead today.
I'm trying to understand something else a bit off subject. Didn't EoM report that Bell's husband received a grant from the Homestead CRA? The same CRA someone posted Bateman is the Chairman of? Wait a second here. I thought they were arch enemies. How did this happen. Not even going in to the fact Bell approved the new CRA budget at the County level just before her husband received the funds, I guess by Batmen? Have they kissed & made up?
As to this Perez stuff I guess it's follow the bouncing ball. It sounds like he's lobbied and received lots of stuff from the City and/or CRA apparently run by Bateman. Someone knows something about these leases or purchases with CRA property. Do tell.
The relationship with Menedez has to do with the medical stuff, obviously, or the doctor friend. It's just too much to filter through in one blog.
Serious money.
Gave to Romney and to Obama?
Buying influence much?
The Bell/CRA thing is simple, Mark Bell qualified and that was evidenced by the criteria.
The point you make about the Perez and Menendez connection is true. The fact remains Perez is using his operational employees to funnel campaign cash to his selections for office.
The case in Homestead is this in a nutshell. Perez offered close to $700,000 for a bunch of CRA properties with $35,000 in commissions going to Bateman's wife. That got stopped by CRA board, Bateman could not even argue.
The deal went on hold for the summer.
Bateman gets re-elected with Perez's substantial cash assistance and on 11/08/2011 the offer for the same properties is $300,000, the CRA board with Chair Bateman approves the deal with Perez putting down $30,000 and the CRA holds the mortgage of $270,000.
The properties were valued in the $1.5 million range and off the tax rolls. So the city got something but Perez got so much more. Typical sweetheart deal for a campaign supporter and these guys expect nothing less from Homestead.
Bell was threatening to go to the STATE to have County takeover of the Homestead CRA. The commissioners just wanted to shut her up.
Homestead CRA needs to be abolished, period and end of story.
Anon said, Bell was threatening to go to the STATE to have County takeover of the Homestead CRA. The commissioners just wanted to shut her up.
That effort in 2011 failed and had no relation to anything in 2013. Only Bell arch enemy Judy Waldman voted to deny because Bell ridiculed and humiliated her in the past. You know how it is with women and grudges, they never forget and can never move on.
Hudstead is ground zero - again! If Bell approved the budget for the CRA there is a direct financial gain for her through her husband & his business. If he qualified as JQP and she was not sitting on the commission or didn't vote to approve the CRA budget, there wouldn't be a question. Now there are plenty of them and then some.
The Perez political machine is like a page out of US Century just using a school instead of a bank. By the way, what about the school? Does he get some type of special funding/grants through the Fed's to be so interested at at that political level? The local one is obviousl
Perez has been doing a lot of D.C traveling lately, it is all over his facebook page. He has a PAC spending bucks up there also.
He needs to be looked into and his college could stand a vetting. Lots of complaints and lots of student loan defaults where the kids are responsible for tens of thousands of debt dollars. Maybe the game is they admit anyone get them the financing and it later turns out they were not qualified for admission to begin with.
The new Charles Ponzi.
Perez put the X-Man on his Better Florida Foundation board and Regalado is spending time with him. They need to back off fast especially since Bateman took the lead.
The Fed's control student loans/grants but what is the Menendez direct connection? There has to be one a lot deeper than this or maybe I'm over thinking this thing. X man? I'm lost, who's that? Why is it these people just get drunk with political poison and these politicians get so rich off of their positions? The system is so gamed against the people it's ridiculous. Perez has gotten rich off of the government, obviously. Not sure about US Century equal but definitely up there with the Fanjul's in training.
Not true about. Bell - she said at a committee/commission meeting she was STILL going to pursue that. I can look it up later but not now. Waldman was not intimidated by the threat. Bell is still up to tricks on the CRA
The x man is Xavier Suarez
the fact is that downtown homestead had so many vacant buildings, that the college had the opportunity to come into old homestead and scoop up all the vacant spots to make a college campus with interspersed businesses. What has happened is the area that was once (in 1999) an antique buyers haven with some quirky restaurants is now a depressed looking area with lots of college classes jammed into buildings that probably had historic uses. Perez must have taken advantage of depressed market, political gamesmanship and the fact that the Federal job training money is easily attainable. I would love to see the colleges actual job placement rate and graduate numbers, not to mention, the amount of federal funding dropped in there to subsidize the bottom line. How many student do they have that are regular paying attendees w/o student loans. And do they make the loans from one of their own entities.
Bell is right on the CRA's read the current crespogram report series on Spence Jones, read North Miami, Margate, Homestead, Hollywood. Where there is a CRA there is corruption. They need checks and balances. Only a crazy person would be against Bell on some type of CRA oversight. Wake up.
Politicians with access to money. That my friends is the problem.
Second to last post, you have hit the nail on the head. There is an endless supply of students, just look where Perez is putting these schools.
He figured it out. Take advantage of the poor at the government's expense. It all sounds so noble, the politicians are drawn to this guy like a moth to a flame. Let's appropriate more money to help the underserved.
The ultimate Catch-22, Perez wins if they graduate, Perez wins if they don't. This is some deal.
3721-1 NW 7th Street
Miami, FL 33126
5875 NW 163rd Street,
Suite 101
Miami Lakes, FL 33014
381 N Krome Avenue
Homestead, FL 33030
6837 Taft Street
Hollywood, FL 33024
9550 Regency Square Blvd,
Suite 1200
Jacksonville, FL 32225
2601 S Military Trail
West Palm Beach, FL 33415
You forgot to list their Coral Gables location.
They provide 4D ultrasound scans in Miami, Miami Lakes, Homestead and Hollywood for $25 for those without medical insurance.
They should. If this guy can give hundreds of thousands away to keep his enterprise going, that is the absolute least they should do.
Bottom line, he's raking in $26M per year, with 2/3 of that federal and state grants and students walking away with about $20,000 in debt for a 2-year tech degree. It looks like they take anyone holding a FAFSA form and a pulse. Most kids extremely poor, most receiving full grants. Teacher salary is $4M/annually. There is a large default rate on loans, meaning that the kids are probably not getting jobs. Are there any Federal or State elected officials reading this? This has to stop.
I smell another Scott Rothstein.
I kind of figured those figures regarding graduation and job prospects. We have a ballooning Federal student loan default rate and I think both parties can agree the Fed's need to get out of this loan program because they do no credit checks or any type of check as to the ability to pay back these loans plus the increased costs at 4 yr colleges. It's a budget buster added to our ballooning deficit.
In regard to the CRA, Bell's husband should not have applied or taken CRA money if Bell is going to be serious about stopping the CRA nonsense. She cannot have her hand out on one side, then argue they're a bad idea on the other. Give the CRA money back and stop the CRA's is a better political move, but hey, she's not the brightest bulb and this Redland Hotel has been historically funded by grants/loans since it has not been able to sustain itself financially for at least a dozen years I know of. The other question about this, going back to the original EoM post about this grant equal to the down payment for purchase: for the Homestead CRA to approve this in the first place, who were the other applicants that got rejected & was there any indirect pressure to put Mark Bell's application ahead of those? This question is not going to go away just because Bell claims to still be pursuing it.
This CRA give away to Perez is wrong. Being a free market society why is it so many of these free marketers rely on government funds - to be bi partisan, Haliburton, Solyndra, Fanjuls, locally, Carlyle group, et al!
CRAs are not a bad idea. The intent is fine it is the corrupt use of CRA cash by the elected that is the problem. This Ernesto Perez, as someone said, hauls in $26 million a year and he needs the Homestead CRA to finance $300,000? This scheme gets unanimous votes in the affirmative from the corrupt Homestead council? Judy Waldman, Steve Shelley and Jon Burgess included.
Perez is using the CRA to improve his bottom line so he can corrupt more politicians with his donations in New Jersey and D.C.
The Bell property is using the CRA cash for facade improvements which benefit the CRA area in general which is the intent.
You can dislike Bell all you want but making a comparison with Perez is absurd. There is a clear distinction the Bell grant of $25,000 is going to local businesses for paint and whatever else facade improvements require and all eyes will be on every nickel spent. The fact that only Judy Waldman voted no for this proper use of CRA dollars and yes for Perez's $300,000 scam is telling.
Homestead should foreclose on Perez and kick him and his bogus university out of Homestead.
Dade Medical College Student Reviews:
Basically they say stay away.
Why is it that an entrepreneur who runs a successful institution, employs over 500 people, and brings business to a dwindling area is given such distasteful labels? If you had the pleasure of knowing Mr. Perez you would know that he not only cares about his schools, the communities where his students & employees reside, but also cares immensely for the less fortunate.
His generosity is unparalleled to anyone in this community. Save your insults and your accusations for someone else. Why is it that we live in a world with such envy that you must knock someone down because of their success? He is changing lives through education...something this country needs more of...clearly
To the Perez supporter, so it's okay to buy politicians support..,CLEARLY.
Where are the graduation rates?
Why so many negative student reviews?
Ernesto Perez is obviously a very good businessman. He simply takes advantage of all the opportunities available to him to make money. He moves very quickly once he has made a business assessment and has poured life into downtown Homestead as a result.
I don't see anything here that is illegal or unethical. If you think so; then prove it. I am sure he has lawyers that have reviewed all of his moves.
The contributions, loans, land purchases, etc. are all permitted by law and are all marks of an aggressive entrepreneur building a business. That's the American way.
Perez is generous and engaged with the Homestead community. He put his money on the line and took a chance. He has given thousands of dollars to local schools.
I am glad he is here and I applaud his efforts. He is a builder and a doer. His actions speak louder than the empty words of his critics.
As long as our laws permit political contributions; then individuals and businesses will make contributions to curry favor with candidates.
Until the laws change, that is the way it will be. If you have a problem, express your differences with your lawmakers. They are responsible for the legal environment.
If you want to win, you must play the game. Buying influence is a fact of life. Any less of a commitment is an assurance of losing. Idealism is fine, in another environment, but not here.
All things being equal, the candidate that raises the most money in a race has the best chance of winning. That's the way it is. Write your check; you'll feel better, trust me.
The Perez Machine has come to straighten everyone out.
Fact in 2010 Bateman was accused of a sexual assault.
Fact in 2011 Bateman was investigated by the State Attorney's Office for wiping clean utility bills of more than $10,000 for his friends.
Fact in 2011 dozens of Perez's employees gave Bateman $500 checks.
Fact in 2011 Bateman's CRA gave Perez an 80% discount on city property.
Fact Perez is generous but a poor judge of character.
To the anonymous above and secondly to the readers that read the posting, you are only telling part of the story:
Fact - "Sexual Assault:" after a Miami-Dade County police investigation, charges were dropped and the accuser, Bateman's tenant, was discredited as having falsely accused him. It is rumored that the incident was politically motivated by former members of the city council.
Fact - "State Attorney's Office:" the subject of the investigation was the City Manager. No charges were filed against Bateman.
Fact - "$500 checks:" county, state, and federal laws permit contributions to political candidates. This is done everywhere, all the time.
Fact - "Bateman's CRA:" the entire city council acts as the CRA board; Bateman is only the chair. Bateman recused himself from the vote to which you refer.
Get your "facts" straight.
The Bateman years will be viewed as the most productive in Homestead's recent history: held the line on taxes without reducing services, four new schools, the MAST Academy, Atala Montessori, Dade Medical College, once-a-week trash collection, new trolley system, new curbside recycling program, hundreds of new business licenses, the city's first crime watch committee, citywide beautification with donated trees and labor, opened Roscoe Warren Park, use of the inactive Homestead Sports Complex, 15% local bid preference, initiating joint use of the Homestead Air Reserve Base, new turnpike entrance-exit proposal, widening of SW 328th Street, modernization of the electric utility, among many, many others.
Bateman has pulled old Homestead kicking and screaming into the modern municipal era. His initiative, energy, dedication, and commitment to Homestead are unique in Homestead's history.
Ahh, you forgot so many details.
Fact 1 Homestead Police Sergeant Jeffrey Rome told the young and naive sexual assault victim to take a shower. That shower washed away Bateman's saliva from her neck negating any evidence the Miami Dade Police might have found. The case went to he said/she said files.
Fact 2 Sergeant Rome served as Bateman's bodyguard and chauffeur during the 2009 campaign. Sergeant Rome was deeply involved in the PBA hierarchy with Bateman's BFF Steadman Stahl.
Fact 3 Bateman returned to the scene of the crime then retreated to a parking lot across the street as the investigation unfolded.
Fact 4 Sgt. Rome is now a disgraced and arrested former cop fired for beating and pepper spraying migrants and the subsequent coverup. He awaits trial.
Next case.
Fact 1 Joe Strano lied about what Bateman promised to do about his bill. Sergio Purrinos told investigators Bateman told him to wipe Strano's $10K bill out.
Fact 2 Bateman accepted a Cape Cod trip from the Maas family for getting rid of a utility bill issue.
Fact 3 City employees were wired and phones were tapped under court order by the corrupt Homestead Police Dept. during the investigation of the mayor.
Questions to the Bateman defender: Is this behavior normal?
Does this show good moral character?
Will Bateman deny he had a heads up on the investigation from HPD?
Who was a passenger in Bateman's truck on the day of the alleged assault?
So tell the whole story next time.
Please somebody put the case investigations on the internet.
Let the world see Crystal tell her story.
Back to Perez, email every senator and congressman and tell them that, although financial aid is necessary, they need to start culling "post secondary" organizations like this that over charge and under deliver. These kids leave with huge debt, no degree and sometimes no certification. This has to stop. Please, take the time to do an email blast.
Here is the reality. They accepted all students at Dade Medical College no matter what they were able or not to do a career in the medical field. What was important was collect the money from students loan, the perfect business, at the end the students receive the diploma but they can not pass the license exam to work in the profession. The money was already in Mr. Perez and his father account, the same thing that they did before with a DME fraudulent business. Now hundreds of students must pay a debit without a penny.....however DADE MEDICAL COLLEGE is in PROBATION!!! by the Florida Board of Nursing. The passing score are the lowest nationwide. As Mr. Perez can not use his money to do any "contribution" to the Board of Nursing, now he wants kick out of the school the mayority of the students and instructors, they must improve the numbers, the strategy, only those students highly qualified will go for the NCLEX. It is the only way to warranty the college license. Oh Mr. Perez and his strategies,. buy a University could be the solution, use foreign physicians to do the nursing career and improve the passing numbers. In summary....the Fraud is still on the way. But in the BANANA REPUBLIC everything is possible, like people like this are running institutions where we send our children and their dreams. politician....I'm talking to you
Dade medical college has brought over 70 jobs to homestead and is helping educate our community. Get your facts straight the homestead campus is NOT on probation by the board of nursing. Placement rates are available on their website and are well over the required 70% by field of study. They have revitalized a depressed business district, we need to support their efforts.
Send me your email so I can post your comment. I will not post your email.
Wow indeed Dade Medical College is beyond a fraudenlent institution. Perez thinks he is above the law. Dade Medical College am sure at some point will fail to exist. All the college's fraudenlent activities will be brought to light. Every governing body will be informed.
October 2013
Keep up with the news. Perez was on News Channel 7 - Dade County.Oct 18th 2013. He is about to be kicked on the Board of Nursing. Why is he on the board in the 1st place I beg to ask? The man was arrested and charged for a crime on a young female teenager. Money can buy alot of things,but certainly NOT everything
The general public is totally unaware of what truly happens on the DMC campuses. The students enrolled have no clue what they got into. $60K and 35K are literally stolen from Financial Aid. Who knows who Perez paid off there too. Their financial aid needs to be cut off and given to more worthy institutions. The way they bill financial aid is wrong. Students sit out of the college months at a time due to no clinical sites and yet financial aid is still being billed. Financial Aid is just a drop in the bucket in comparison to the countless fraudulent activities. Surely, the Board of Nursing and the Dept of Education WILL SHUT DOWN DMC once they are aware of these actions. They are beyond compelling!!
I give points for bravery on stupid cupid for actually appearing in public areas for the reason that horrible get up!
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