I find this to be a big problem, candidates claiming to live in districts just to run for office. It is going on in North Miami with 2 candidates, Coral Gables and here in Doral. Sometimes the homestead exemption trips them up, but most of the time they just skate into office based on a lie. Horrible way to start isn't it? Remember the school board member, Perez, who claimed he lived in a shed on his parents property? We have to tighten up residency requirements or do away with them. The current system is NOT working. Rebeca Sosa, be a maverick again, like you were with the absentee voter fraud issue, take this on to stop the lies...take it to Tallahassee because I can name two State Rep's in Miami Dade County that don't live in their districts.
From Miami Voice |
According to the
Miami Herald, Property Appraiser Carlos Lopez Cantera has determined Doral Councilwoman broke homestead exemption rules:
For saving $1,460 in her property taxes, Doral’s Deputy Mayor Bettina Rodríguez-Aguilera is being closely watched by Miami-Dade officials, with Property Appraiser Carlos López-Cantera saying Tuesday that Rodríguez-Aguilera violated Florida’s homestead-exemption rules.
“Our office found that the councilwoman had committed a violation,” said López-Cantera in a statement to El Nuevo Herald. “This was determined through an investigation we did at the request of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement."
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2013/04/02/3320138/miami-dade-appraiser-doral-deputy.html#storylink=cpy
Question is will candidate Vince Lago be cited as well for not living where he takes his homestead exemption?
ALSO SEE VINCE LAGO STORY TODAY -- sounds like same album different tune.
The bottom line is that state statute makes it too hard to remove an elected official. Being elected is an honor and sacred trust, or should be, and these folks think they are entitled and above the law.
Lago is still running in Coral Gables....voters should send a message that this isn't okay.
Voters in coral gables need to spread the word. This fraud on the tax payers by lago has been going on for years and the dude isn't even in office yet.
They have less than a week to clear him out of the race.
Vote for Hancock!
Frank Carollo doesn't live in his district either. He is running for commissioner in District 3 in City of Miami.
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