Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mayor Carlos Gimenez Talks to Jim DeFede about the Long Lines During the Election. By Geniusofdespair

Facing South Florida: Mayor Carlos Gimenez « CBS Miami


Anonymous said...

I'm going to "change the rule" and proclaim that Government was the problem in this case.
That college age store cashiers are not able to recalculate change after I round it with my penny to the next Dime is understandable, We just witnessed our County Major proclaiming ignorance at counting require time for proper Ballot casting.
He should have kept his mount shut instead of revealing himself as timid fool.

Anonymous said...

Always remember that the alternative to Carlos Gimenez is Joe Martinez.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez is not a leader, nor a "strong" mayor. He's just towing the party line. Shame on you, sir!

Anonymous said...

The reason Gimenez wants to use the Marlin's Stadium is because it is surrounded by Republican voters.

Anonymous said...

We're stuck with Gimenez for almost four more years. I can only hope a viable candidate runs against him. For him to put Bell on an election task force is like putting the GOP in charge of AB fraud inspection. He's not stupid and all of these excuses are just that.

I'm tired of these leftover Alvarez appointees as well intentioned as they are because we all know where that road goes.

His department minimizing was just shuffling incompetent employees in high up positions into other departments they know nothing about.....This is in general not just focused on elections.

Anonymous said...

When Gimenez talks about not changing the rules of the game it reveals his primary concern is the outcome of the contest between the political contenders. He doesn't care one wit about the voters who are punished by the inept policies, or the fact that voters are not able to cast their vote. His only concern is not changing the rules that were stacked against the vote base of one party, as it might result in something other than his preferred outcome. What an ass! He is nothing but a tool of that idiot we have in the Governor's Mansion.

Anonymous said...

His Deputy Mayor wants to change the rules! He thinks your water bill should be tripled so you can pay the same rates he pays in Broward, where he lives. And he thinks the Beacon Council should quit getting their public subsidy checks signed by the county commission. Check out his interview in Business Monday today.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez has been reading Miami tea leaves too long. At least he had the guts to give himself and the county a failing grade on the election, but he never addressed DeFede's point: if he had picked up the phone and called the Gov. he could have saved a lot of pain, wasted time, and heart ache. "You don't change the rules in the middle of the game" makes about as much as sense as the captain of the Titanic failing to change course because avoiding the iceberg would have deviated from the route.

Anonymous said...

Gimenez showed no compassion toward the suffering inflicted on citizens forced to stand -STAND-in lines up to seven hours long outdoors, without access to water, bathrooms, food. How dare him talk about "rules?" the rules of decency towards fellow human beings were grossly violated. Again and again.

Anonymous said...

Let's logically analyze this. Was the elections office budget cut by Gimenez? Could the county have opened more than 20 early votes sites at more library and city hall sites- doubling the opportunities during the shortened time frame during the early voting week? Could the county have deployed more employees and equipment to existing sites to help shorten lines? When it was evident the system was broken did the Mayor of Miami Dade County show up to defend the system or answer to its failings? Or was he "in hiding" as reported by the news media? That is how to take the measure of this fiasco and this mayor.

Anonymous said...

Wow, some people that post here are really uninformed... The problem rests clearly with the historically long ballot. Redistricting created another issue by creating imbalanced precincts. How does this work? Well, usually, after redistricting, you have enough time to reshuffle the precincts so that the number of voters are spread as evenly as possible by precinct, and that ususally requires changing voting places for numbers of voters. With the process taking so long this time, there was a catch 22 situation that was created. Do you make changes hastly, that would have caused massive confusion on where the individual voters had to go to vote (in that case, all of you would have been crying about that), or, do you let everyone go to the same polling place for the presidential election, and make the change during a midterm election where there is much less turnout?? That is a tough call either way, but, they would not have been in that situation without the slow acting legislature.

Out of the 541 precincts that were open on election day, more than 85% were closed within one hour of poll closing. Miami-Dade is the biggest county in the state by far, and it finished ahead of Broward (where you dems rule supreme by the way), and 2 other much smaller counties..

Gimenez was out all election day going from precinct to precinct. He has faced the music from local to national press requests. He was at the trouble precincts himself on election day, seeing first hand what the problems where, and apoligizing to the voters. That is called leadership, I don't ever recall seeing anything like that from Penelas or Alvarez (especially Alvarez who was hold up in his West Dade HQ for 6 years)... And he is going to chair the bi-partisan task force, putting him right in the bullseye again.

I voted at 3:00 pm on Tuesday, and the whole process took me as long as it took to fill out my ballot, 15 minutes... You won't have the thousands of other voters that had that same experience chime in because what reason would they have to do so.

It is really easy to be a Monday morning quarterback. But, the reality is that most of the folks responding are either Joe Martinez supporters, or sore Carlos Alvarez supporters... Because if you take a look at the facts, the problems we faced not only here, but throughout the state, including the democratic bastion of BROWARD COUNTY, had one common demoniator, THE LENGTH OF THE BALLOT...

Anonymous said...

And let's not forget the GOP majority in the legislature that put the ballot together as a DELIBERATE STRATEGY. Maybe DeFede should interview Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, next. See if the judo master can explain hiself.

Anonymous said...

Length of the ballot won't wash because everyone knew it and there was plenty of time to prepare for it. What does wash for Gimenez is this: The county was unprepared for a historical 70% turnout which was set four years ago; even when it was clear that early voting was insufficient, Gimenez refused to ask the Governor to extend early voting; and the county had no intentions of having the results ready to report by 11:000 pm election nite thus holding the nation hostage. Hopefully we won't have to argue about this if the Department of Justice opens an investigation and a federal grand jury takes a look.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Some people that post here work for Gimenez? Or is that you Carlos? At least post under your own names County people.

Anonymous said...

Forgive me if I am wrong, but, didn't Gimenez admit that he voted for Alex Sink during his run against Robaina??? Oh yeah, there was a Herald story about it back then.. Don't think Rick Scott and Gimenez are on the same page... It is interesting that no one seems to care about the fact that Broward had a much worse election than Miami-Dade... Are you kidding me, those folks ran out of ballots... Yes, you heard right, they ran out of ballots.. But they are democrats, so, lets not draw a spotlight to that....

Anonymous said...

For the Gimenez apologists who referenced Carlos Alvarez, I ask you to recall who was the Director of the MDPD in 2002 when we needed a logistics expert to make sure there would be no repeat of the 2000 meltdown? Yes, Director Carlos Alvarez and his logistics team executed a perfect election. And there was never any Elections disasters while he was Mayor either. Gimenez should call him back to duty and get his thoughts on how to avoid these type of administrative failures.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Carlito! Not buying your line of BS!
Your attempt at damage control is just sad.
I hope this debacle wakes the voters up to your
True intentions. You are nothing but Rick Scott's lackey.
...and please stop ordering your staff to post remarks expressing your innocents. Pretty Lame!

Anonymous said...

Alvarez did do an Amazing job on the election he ran.... He got the job done.

I heard at the rr morton school they only had one scanner working and 3 polling booths.... People sat in a room and bubbled in their ballots then went to stand in line to scan it. I provided my own black pen to color in the bubbles... Sure hope it was the correct shade, they had lines because they ran out of enough back pens.... Really? Ink pens?