Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Commissioner Lynda Bell is One of The Unreformable Majority.

From Miami Today

Thank you Commissioners Sally Heyman and Dennis Moss for honoring a  30 year covenant (Barreiro and Souto were absent). The rest of you -- betrayal.

I wrote about this issue May 23rd.  I also wrote about it January 12th: It is BACK!! Like a bad case of the runs. 

 This issue is about land OUTSIDE the UDB line. The developer promised NO RESIDENTIAL imposing a 30 year Covenant on the land in 2007. He got the UDB line moved based on the covenant. Now the vote is in. Just 5 years later, the 30 year covenant is gone. 9 Commissioners voted in favor of this. Commissioners Jean Monestime, Rebeca Sosa, Audrey Edmonson and Xavier Suarez: What were you thinking? A 30 year covenant is a solemn promise in my book.

It is good to see Lynda Bell doesn't give a hoot about a 30 year covenant. If her daughter can't find a house in this market, she either doesn't have enough money, has bad credit or is incompetent. Anyway, why is a commissioner making a decision for over 2 million people based on a family member? To hell with the good of the community. Lynda Bell is no Katy Sorenson and never will be. I hereby induct Lynda Bell in the 'unreformable majority' on the county commission.

Kendall Commons is undeveloped residential. The property that had the 30 year covenant is to the North of Kendall Commons (on the curve). Why do we need more residential if they never developed Kendall Commons?


Anonymous said...

Her daughter comment is irrelevant but appealing political cover to her base and is so Palin-esque. A diatribe about how her daughter got her police job with Sweetwater after the gun incident in Homestead should be saved for another day. As will the discussion about how her daughter was telling the tale about how she was getting one of the county owned neighborhood stabilization homes one block out of Homestead.
Bells support of releasing the covenant is not about growth philosophy, it is about getting her self re elected and that, my friends, takes money. Not the kind of money you raise 50 or a hundred bucks at a time from your friends and neighbors but the kind of money that can only be provided by bundles of 500 dollar checks from the developer, their kids, spouses and numerous entities. Campaigns run on money and these kinds of votes are how incumbents remain incumbents.

Anonymous said...

Her other daughter works for FPL. My guess would be that she can't get a home because of credit not because of lack of inventory. First reader correct: cover story.

Anonymous said...

This vote is good leverage for the campaign. The districts voters need to reevaluate their vote for incumbents voting for this disasterous vote against this community.

Anonymous said...

Boy. The fix was in on this one. When is a promise not a promise? When the County Commission (save a few) are willing to break it.

Anonymous said...

Bell's kid threatens her baby-daddy with a firearm in front of twenty+ witnesses.
State drops charges.

Anonymous said...

Yet another bad land use decision in Miami-Dade. Everyone know the term "Browardization" -- meaning every square inch of natural lands and agricultural lands is now developed by urban sprawl? Folks, we're headed there real quick...

Evan Skornick said...

If I remember correctly, the South Dade Watershed Study recommended moving the UDB out to Krome Avenue from Kendall Drive south to SW 120th Street and encouraging the development of a concentric mixed use zone here. Part of the challenge for South Florida in the future is not will there be growth, but rather, how will growth happen (and will it happen differently than it did up to now). In essence, if it is realistic to believe the area will continue to be a population receiver over the long term outlook (and I believe it is), then shouldn't we be looking at logical and least impactful places to handle future growth, or should we be sticking our heads in the sand and hoping that we won't have another growth spurt like the 90's.
I don't like the idea of the broken covenant at all, but I understand the logic behind the proposal.

Anonymous said...

Bells think they can get away with anything!!! WRONG!!!