Sunday, September 23, 2012

Gimleteye: Romney and Bush, Chaos on Bullshit Mountain

When Mitt Romney's vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan was at Versailles Restaurant yesterday, insisting to his audience of Miami Cuban Republicans that his three votes in Congress to end the embargo weren't really what he meant to support in the future perfect, Jeb! Bush nodded in the background in the same declension of idiocy that holds US foreign policy captive to GOP insiders determined to control Cuba for themselves. Ryan was right, as a Congressman, to vote against the embargo. But the pandering to whatever logic binds Republican Cubans was on full display. "We will not keep practicing this policy of appeasement," Ryan said, appeasing his Cuba policy critics fast and furiously. Ryan, according to the Miami Herald, declaimed, "We will be tough on this brutal dictator". My God, man! You can't pander better than that! It gives Optimism reason for hope! J/K.

Jeb! read my mind even before the thought sprang from my head, "I'm sick and tired of an America that has a cloud of pessimism hanging over it." Showing he wouldn't be upstaged as a prospective panderer-in-chief, the former governor of Florida also forgot to note that it was his policies and programs and those of his brother and father as presidents that substantially contributed to both the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression and persists as dead-weight against an economic recovery. What do we need, Jeb? Something optimistic like "The Ownership Society"? That worked out well, didn't it, providing all the gasoline the economy needed to self-immolate. Karl Rove forgets about that one, too.

There must be something like "forgetfullness dust" that the GOP hands out in little packets to sprinkle over crowds at Versailles and gin up enthusiasm for its candidates' pandering. Fox News hypnotizes with its news anchors and "experts" who can't remember apparently much past who put on their pancake makeup in the dressing room. That's uncharitable: what they can remember is the cheat sheet with talking points they regurgitate in unison. (Thanks to Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes for turning the concept of news into faux entertainment.)

I'm reading Russ Baker's "Family of Secrets", recounting the disinformation campaigns related to the Bush dynasty (and strongly encourage you to read it too.) Now if you only have a few minutes, the Daily Show's the Daily Show's "Chaos on Bullshit Mountain" is a reliable guide why Republicans should withhold their vote in November.


David said...

How did George H. W. Bush work his way into this narrative? You're making me dizzy.

Anonymous said...

Obama could have ended the Cuba embargo at any time but yet he did not. I don’t blame Ryan for his rhetoric on Cuba. I blame Obama for not ending the embargo when he had the chance. Therefore, I call on all good Liberals to withhold their vote in November for Obama. By denying Obama your vote, you will be sending the Democratic leadership a strong message to purge their ranks of those crazy Cuba embargo lovers! Honestly Gimleteye, I think sometimes you are just on the other side of Bullshit Mountain!

Anonymous said...

Why can't I leave a comment on GeniusofDespair's articles?

Anonymous said...

Bullshit Mountain? Yes, but how do you really feel about Romney/Bush et al. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Obama is an empty suit and we all know it now that he left our Lybian ambssador unprotected to die on his watch and then he tried to cover it up.

Then he...Obama... went partying and partying and partying...he is still partying.

Enough said.