Saturday, September 22, 2012

Gimleteye: Election fraud and Alliegro disappearance weighs like an anchor on November election in Florida

The Miami Herald picks up the cold trail of Ana Alliegro, "a Republican political operative", who is either hiding from law enforcement or dead. As Eyeonmiami has also reported, Alliegro is one of the key figures in the scandal wrapping up Congressman David Rivera. Mostly the Herald/El Nuevo Herald report is a recap of $47,000 used by a candidate put in place to create havoc in a Democratic primary for Joe Garcia, who will face Rivera in November. The origin of that money and of absentee ballot fraud is at the heart of the Alliegro disappearance. If Alliegro "has done nothing wrong" (her mother's words), then it is time for her to come forward to explain. In any case, this whole affair is another reason for sensible Republicans to simply not vote in November.

By denying their vote, Republicans can send a message to the GOP hierarchy it is time to purge from its ranks the extremists who are badly damaging the brand.

This is the link to the Herald report.


Anonymous said...

Rivera is now 9% behind Garcia. I'm glad many voters are catching on. Wonder if Ana will show up to vote!

Anonymous said...

"The Miami Herald picks up the cold trail of Ana Alliegro, "a Republican political operative", who is either hiding from law enforcement or dead."...or is in protective custody and will be serving as a confidential information...oh wait, that' too plausible.

Anonymous said...

Confidential informant*

Anonymous said...

I am confused. I thought her mother said earlier that she was in communication with her. Now she says she has no communications with her and she is worried about her? I am beginning to fear the worse. . .

Anonymous said...

Rivera is no extremist. He is mainstream conservative. The GOP hierarchy will not purge him for his positions. It will however abandon him this election so that his loss will be seen as a repudiation of his financial dealings and not of Republican policy positions. Don't get too excited here, Republicans will re-take the seat in 2014 with a squeaky clean candidate.

Anonymous said...

You are right, Garcia will be a one termer just like Rivera.If these two are the best their parties have to offer, then we are all in real trouble. Here's a scary thought: Congresswoman Lynda Bell. Think about it for a second and be very afraid. She's proven her electability and has a network through her RTL activities. Most importantly, she is ballsy enough to go for it.

Anonymous said...

You wish!

Gimleteye said...

From press accounts, it does seem that Rivera is persona non grata within the GOP efforts this election cycle. But I do agree with the commenter above that Rivera is in the mainstream of the GOP. He is exactly what one would expect from allowing extremists to control the party. Another good reason for sensible Republicans to withhold their vote in November.

Anonymous said...

If Rivera loses, he's toast. If he wins, he will be ousted by a better candidate in 2 years. He is a threat to the already-tarnished brand of FL GOP.