Sunday, July 15, 2012

Regulation: Repubicans Routinely Cut Protective Regulation in the Name of Economics. By Geniusofdespair

Health and protection for consumers and Florida farmers be damned.  In their Jihad against regulation of any kind now State of Florida officials at the Dept. of Agriculture are thinking of easing perishable imports regulations.  The hell with giving Florida crops protection -- citrus is a multibillion-dollar-a-year industry.  And, how about us the consumers?  Florida farmers have to go by US laws that prohibit certain pesticides, fertilizers etc. Imports don't have those same expensive restrictions.  The US makes local farmers produce safer foods at greater expense.  Easing foreign import restrictions on perishables doesn't help our health or the livelihood of our farmers. Right now there are cold treatment protocols to rid produce of insects and other contaminants. Miami Today says: "Eased restrictions could bring a sizable increase in business for importers and shippers at Port Miami." I say who cares.

Keep the restrictions on prohibited produce. Keep us safe.


George Orwell said...

There you go again with your common sense.

Don't you see that too many banking regulations are the cause of the economic collapse AND the reason we can't recover from it?

And the construction industry collapsed because there were too many wetland protections AND the overheated building boom was caused by too much planning?

Anonymous said...

"Florida farmers have to go by US laws that prohibit certain pesticides, fertilizers etc. Imports don't have those same expensive restrictions."

GoD, you've been around long enough to see where this is going. Once they "ease" the perishable imports regulations, they will successfully argue to remove most of the above referenced, consumer-driven protective regulations in the name of keeping American farmers competitive.

Sparrow said...

Last week a Senate Committee hearing highlighted new studies by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)showing that lower exposure to lead than once thought harms children. Yet who do you think is cutting CDC programs to address indoor lead exposure? And who will block EPA Clean Air Act standards for lead? The Republicans equate putting our health at risk to helping the economy.

Anonymous said...

The Port of Miami is desperate to drum up business to justify the $2 billion in taxpayer money being invested to transform it into a transhipment center of the Americas - but everyone knows with current regulations and cost structures there is no way it can compete. Geography and competition from Other ports is in the way. That's why they are seeking all manner of things, including turning the entire city into a free trade zone. With the Scott administration's support. Environment, health and trade laws in the way? Not a problem!

Anonymous said...

We had to fight for the country of origin laws and our farmers constantly have to fight imported plant diseases that kill our industry.... When is the non-sense going to stop?