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Hialeah: Where the campaign yard signs are as big as your car... |
Obviously putting two looney Hialeah ladies, trying to make a buck, in jail is not going to do any of us much good. One lady is in her 70's and the other is said to be disabled. What we really need to get are the people HIRING these boleteras, the ones that are PAYING for the ballots. The only problem with that is, besides embarrassing the ones paying, I don't think they can arrest the big fish. They can just say they didn't know what these ladies were doing. I am hoping that investigators can get these ladies to spill their guts. Facing the jail time, might just scare them enough. At least the misdemeanor charge gives the investigators plenty of room to question them and that is what we really need. I would suppose both women are bad liars.
Carlos Lopez-Cantera said Daisy Cabrera offered him her services.
Here is someone I would like to see investigated, Rafael Pérez:
“She is not a boletera,” said community activist Rafael Pérez, who helped run Rudy Garcia’s failed bid for Hialeah mayor last year. “She only picks up ballots from her friends to help them out. This has been taken out of proportion.”
On second thought, I want to see these ladies go to jail too. I am so sick of these cheaters who pervert our elections. I hate absentee ballots.
I'm concerned that there's so much more going on County wide. South Dade needs to be watched too. Think about how Bell won her Dist. 8 seat - the AB vote.
Hialeah may be ground zero but that's not the only place this is happening.
Gimenez was the one who hired them. I am glad you support sending him to jail.
What we need to do is end absentee balloting. There is no constitutional right to vote AB. If we have an ID law when there is In person fraud, the evidence supports ending this.
I don't think Gimenez hired these women. If he did, yes I think he should go to jail but that is just my own particular angry justice. He never would go to jail because HE DIDN'T PHYSICALLY TAKE POSSESSION OF THE BALLOTS, unless the woman personally handed them to Gimenez.
I think SOMEONE on his campaign might have hired them.
Take for instance Joe Martinez's campaign, I don't think Joe would hire these miners of ballots. I think Joe's campaign manager Sasha Tirador WOULD hire them.
I think candidates look the other way and 'don't ask' so they are safe from ever being arrested. You would never find their fingerprints on any ballot.
All you have to do find the candidates with ballot brokers in south Dade is go to their campaign report... homestead and Florida city elected officials use the one... Tim Milton... He is all over the campaign reports including Wallace pal... House candidate McGhee. I would imagine where you see 100.00 on the books is just a downpayment for services.
Sometimes the campaign managers fold the ballot brokers into their payments acting as a contractor. It isn't so easy to see everything.
Something doesn't quite smell right here. Almost like a "set-up". Of all the absentee ballot miners out there, this woman isn't even in the top 10. How did the private investigator decide she was the one to follow around? How were the police put in to action so quickly? If you watch the video, the Private Investigator films her in the morning, and later that day, there is already an undercover officer observing her at the post office.
We know the police are not supporting Gimenez. That's fine, that's their prerogative. Although they have really gone "all in" between what they did in the Robaina/Gimenez race, and now the commercials we've seen in this one. Let's just hope it hasn't devolved in to something worse.
Something seems a bit stinky in Denmark.
Tim Milton is on the reports. I am guessing what you don't see posted is the catch.
They don't use the Sasha's of the world there to run campaigns. Although my guess is after Bell having such success with Jose Luis Castillo they will learn to roll things in.
Both Gimenez and Rundle have hired Al Lorenzo to coordinate AB activities. Don't hold your breath waiting for Kathy to file charges.
The newest trick is to roll the AB operations into a blanket category such as advertising. The boloteros are often three times removed from the actual candidate.
Regardless of how many steps far removed the candidates are from this ILLEGAL process, the candidate must be held responsible. I have not made a choice for Mayor yet. I vote on Election Day. If Gimenez is not cleared in this, he loses my vote.
You are being ridiculous. Martinez has the worst, most infamous boletera running his campaign. Sasha Tirador. A little knowledge is dangerous. Read my files on absentee ballots. Specifically read the closeou memo by Joe Centorino.
AB fraud is alive and well in South Dade. Someone should take note of all ACLF and look at the number of AB they control.
Close out memo
This is why I hate politics
Genius: At the time this ordinance was passed, I knew that this was far worse than anyone thought and wanted to see actual legislation with teeth to include damages, meaning fines and prison time included in the language. Most candidates in South Florida are dishonest and will do anything to win. There is no way these petty players were going to stop handling absentee ballots any way they choose, especially if the “punishment” does not touch the candidate...no way!
This should be taken to Tallahassee and language written in a measure to charge either the consultants working on the campaigns and/or the candidates themselves who allow this travesty to occur.
I can assure you that if the candidates face prison time and fines, they would make sure to stop this abuse.
I realize that trying to find a legislator to introduce legislation may be difficult, but the Committee that has jurisdiction over this type of abuse can also introduce legislation. Also, the attorney general can have it introduced. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Unfortunately, there probably is nobody in South Florida who knows how to play the game. Too bad, because what passes for “politics” in South Florida does not compare with politics being conducted anywhere else in the country. We are a joke, a laughing stock because we ourselves keep bellyaching as we allow this to happen.
We simply do not have the guts to call out the candidates as we see them considering that the same deceitful, untrained, street-savvy people are those that conduct these underhanded campaigns all the time. We should be seeking out bright and honest people and groom them to run as candidates. Get them the training they need, legislative, leadership, how to help constituents, the people who voted for them instead of prancing around town, power hungry, looking for photo ops and a stage to spew their pathetic rhetoric.
Until we all decide to take the matter in our own hands through the ballot box, this type of abuse will always continue in South Florida where any candidate can make up their own political rules with impunity.
I will not work on any more campaigns in South Florida unless I know the candidate from birth. I have seen too much and cannot compromise my dignity and integrity to associate with people who, with nothing to show in experience, knowledge or leadership but, instead, decided one day that they will run for office and set about to hustle a few friends and family together calling it a campaign. Coupled with their gift of gab and the street knowledge of how to scam the voter they will win every time.
I cannot believe this is happening in America, where our vote is literally stolen and there is nothing we can do about it. For shame!
Sosa was going to Tallahassee for stricter laws. Call her and work with her for positive change. Ask her what happened. Let me know.
Luis Garcia has hired Sasha Tirador also.Not a good move Luis.....
Where is Ms. Sosa now? Why is she not center stage screaming bloody murder over this? Imean after all this was her ordinance right? Let me sum this up in a quick fashion. Everyone is focusing on the Mayoral Candidates and not paying attention to the orginal scope of the problem. ABSENTEE BALLOT FRAUD. It is alive and well and actually thriving in Miami Dade County. I know people who ave approached Public corruptions, SAO, with bags of evidence and time and time again nothing was done. I know both Mayoral candidates as you do also, but we have lost focus on where it should be placed. That is on Katherine Fernandez Rundle. She refuses to do anything in order to continue protecting her future elections with AB machinery. We the people must wak up and demand a change.
Disturbing is that if you choose to vote absentee, your name is added to a list that is FOR SALE at the Elections Department.
As a mayor candidate I have asked that the absentee ballots be trashed, and a new one, with different color ink, mailed out.
The August 14 election is tainted beyond belief. There are dozens of these Absentee Ballot illegal workers being paid cash from the big money campaigns. This vote gathering has become part of Miami-Dade culture.
I cannot compete, fairly, when the other two elected officials are buying absentee ballot votes.
The buck stops with the candidate.
He or she may try to pin this vote buying on "volunteers". The cash doled out to the Absentee Ballot collectors is under the control of the candidate.
There is a large group of these vote collectors. And they get better at it with each election. It is lucractive, because the big money candidates pay, and pay again.
As one poster wrote, I believe this is kind of a slight of hand. These two women are out front, it's the many behind them who we are not seeing which concern me. There's nothing anyone has written or will write that will convince me Martinez is not up to his ears in AB ballots with Sasha on his side. Sorry, I'm not buying any of this. These women should be prosecuted and jailed, I don't care how old they are, they broke the law and tampered with our sacred elections. I'm just suspect as to how the police, who are supporting Martinez, so quickly came on to the scene. I'd like to look closer in to Martinez's campaign and Sasha as well. I believe some of this is trying to make Gimenez look bad and Martinez look clean, which is laughable to begin with knowing the politics behind the scenes.
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