Saturday, June 23, 2012

Most disgusting fish caught this week ... by gimleteye

Bow fisherman Brent Crawford stalked then arrowed this monster alligator gar near his Lake Corpus Christi home. The entire ordeal spanned nearly two hours, including an episode involving Crawford's wrapping the line around his wrist after shooting the fish with a bow and arrow and nearly being dragged deep into the canal -- only to be saved by his dog. Finally he shot the fish dead with a pistol. The Texas way.

I never heard of an alligator gar. That's a big ugly fish. Crawford cut the fish up for steaks. I would have tested it for mercury first, but what the hell. You hunt fish with bow and arrow and pistol, you get to put a little mercury under your hat band, too. Yee-haw.

Hell, I'd rather live in Georgia than tied to an alligator gar in Florida.

A bad day fishing for alligator gar is better than the best day shooting sheetrock with a nail gun.


Ross Hancock said...

We have these beauties in the Panhandle, and you can't fish them without a permit. Can't catch them on a hook, anyway. They have a nasty mouth with two rows of sharp teeth. They eat crabs and waterfowl. If you want to go pistol-fishing locally, go after tilapia, or maybe lionfish.

EugeneFlinn said...

There are Florida Gar in the Everglades along Tamiami Trail/Shark Valley. At least last time I checked. Interesting fish. I do remember hooking them. The Florida variety are reported to grow to three feet, but I never recall seeing anything near that large.

Anonymous said...

I'd seen gar of course ... but never alligator gar. Go Spain!

Buddy said...

These are those long fish creepy that swim around in all of our Florida fresh water canals. They are very common although the one in the pic is huge compared to most. They also taste horrible. Most people throw them back.

denny wood said...

I too, would have checked this fish for mercury. In Miami-Dade, I am astounded that signs are not posted on every canal about the fish and mercury levels in fish.

Anonymous said...

why kill a fish because it is ugly? I thought this blog is for nature-loving people? This disgusts me.

Anonymous said...

..and read your own blog back: Buddy said they taste horrible and most people throw them back.
This truly disturbs me :(

Geniusofdespair said...

Well apparently Buddy isn't Brent -- who states he eats them. Comments are from unknown people, don't take them as gospel or as part of our writing. I hate salmon and think the fish tastes awful. You are being annoying about this. Fishing is a sport. We would hope the fisherman eat their catch or throw them back unless invasive.

Anonymous said...

Fishing is a sport; so is bull fighting, dog fighting, cocks fighting, elephant hunting, etc.
It doesn't make it right.

Geniusofdespair said...

I think they are just being annoying. Sick of annoying people. I am going to start dumping their comments.

Anonymous said...

nice catch

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be anal about this, but, just can't understand why a blog such as this, that protects the environment, nature, birds, etc., would post a picture of a man with a big fish as a trophy, ...not even thinking of the panic and pain this fish had to go through. A sport? we then are so backward still as the human race.