Am I calling Alice Pena a LIAR?
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Found this on YouTube notice Pena says she is President of Adge Pharmaceuticals. She also makes these claims on her campaign website. I added the photo of what she really looks like as two male readers were calling the 72 year old Pena a 'hottie' (BTW, I am the 'dislike' on her YouTube video.) |
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From YouTube Video. |
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Only products on Adge Website. |
Pena lists her home address for the Corporation. Alice uses the company as an example of putting Floridians back to work. You would think, in that case, it was making plenty of money, with scads of staff, however, the company is not even listed on her financial disclosure form.
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Note this is notarized with an OATH. Wouldn't that be major lying? In Part E I would argue the selling of these supplements is a franchise as Alice Pena doesn't manufacture them but I might be wrong on E. The company is in Viet Nam according to their website. |
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Alice Pena was the President in 2005. |
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She was President of Adge in records on Sunbiz as early as 1998. |
Even if this company is not making much money, it should have been listed on the Financial Disclosure form as she has an interest in the Corporation and she did list $2,000 from Mutual of Omaha as a PRIMARY source of income on her form. However, if it IS NOT MAKING ANY MONEY, after all these years, why keep it in business, what does it say about her business sense? And how could she, with a straight face, use this company as an example of her business acumen in her video and on her website? Alice Pena is lying either way: 1) Making it sound like it is a big profitable company, putting people to work, when it is not, or 2) It is a profitable company and she is not reporting income from it (this one would be under oath).
This isn't the first time Pena has been caught lying. I hear her lie routinely at meetings, distorting the truth, it makes me want to barf. Ask any environmentalist about her lack of accurate statements and her untruthfulness at meetings. She wouldn't recognize a fact if she fell over one because she is so busy bending the truth to fit her mindset. A conservation chair of one group said about her: "She is anti-environment, anti-national parks, anti-Everglades restoration, anti-Army Corps of Engineers, and anti-South Florida Water Management District." I guess we can add DERM to that list now (Feb. 21st County Commission Meeting). But I digress.
Pena says she will: "eliminate mismanagement and demand accountability and transparency from our county's government." How about demanding some accountability and transparency first from herself? Lying on a financial disclosure form under oath is a MAJOR problem for me. If she is not lying on her form because this Pharmaceutical company make no money, then she is lying to voters on her website and YouTube video, with her claim about the company. And, since she says she is earning only about $20,000 a year I don't think her claims of having the "Knowledge" and the "Tools" necessary to deal with our County's $6 billion dollar budget are accurate. You don't get those "tools" and "knowledge" from an egg farm making $16,000 a year and a vitamin supplement company making who knows what.
Vote for Dennis Moss in District 9. He is the clear choice. For Pena supporters like Norman Braman: this is serious business backing candidates who don't pass the first test of plausibility: their own campaign qualifying documents.
(Hit Read more for a screen shot of her website in case they take it down)
Also see Alice Pena's neighborhood.
Read the instructions for Part E - you always get this part wrong. I don't think that Adge qualifies to be listed here. Could be wrong.
The types of businesses covered in this section of the disclosure
form are only: state and federally chartered banks; state and federal savings and loan associations; cemetery companies; insurance companies(including insurance agencies); mortgage companies; credit unions; small loan companies; alcoholic beverage licensees; pari-mutuel wagering companies; utility companies; entities controlled by the Public Service Commission; and entities granted a franchise to operate by either a city or a county government.
If the company is the centerpiece of her qualifications why is it not her her disclosure form? Shifty.
This is the only bad candidate Braman is supporting. I am vigorously supporting Shirley Gibson naming one.
I wish there was an organizaiton out there that did nothing but file law suits against candidates that knowingly file false reports and get them removed from the ballot. Yes there is the ethics commission but they have no bite.
In Part E:
Then why is Fresen listing a company he owns in Section E and why is Pena listing the OTHER company she owns (egg farm)?
The Pharamecutical company's products are a franchise is it not?
Please don't stop with her. Same goes for Fresen. His financial disclosure form is a joke. Are these people congenital liars or a pathological liars or both?
By his own description listed I don't Fresen needed to list his "consulting (ha ha - can we say side money)" business.
I think it need to be a franchise issued by a government unit not a private business.
Pena needs to go to the prophet and pray hard on this one.
University of Miami?
I looked at Adge you are right about no information on that website.
Pena doesn't pass the smell test. Rotten eggs!
If you look at enough of these reports you will find the majority of candidates do not read the instructions on filling them out ESPECIALLY with E.
BiG fucking deal she made her bogus drug company sound like a Fortune 500. A bigger deal is, they didn't let her say one word on her video. That is the story.
I didn't find it odd that she didn't speak on her campaign video. But then I have heard her speak a number of times. It made sense to me. Too whiney.
That woman in the video doesn't look anything like the Alice Pena that went to the Christian Family Coalition breakfast last Saturday.
They must of hired one heck of stylist to get her all fluffed and made up for this video.
Braman money at work? Beautify the candidates? I should have run, I need a tummy tuck!
I don't think she lied under oath. I don't think her supplement company made her a dime. She doesn't have the personality to sell anything. I am surprised her campaign chose to include the company in her Bio. Maybe because her Bio is so meager.
Good job on this Genius. Whether or not it knocks her out of the race, it certainly tells us something. I am sooo sick of people saying "But I don't like Moss so I will not support him" or "He voted for the Marlins blah blah" I don't care at this point. We don't get to choose none of the above for office and she is a catastrophe!! Everyone -- support her opponent - even if you have concerns about him -- she is AWFUL!!!! PLEASEEEEE - don't let this one slip into office -
Pena always claimed she worked in banking for 20 years but no one knows what bank (she never mentions what bank or financial institution) and she is not showing a pension for a banking job - except she calls her Social Security "A Pension." Does Social Security payments not fit in with her tea party persona?
Isn't Dennis Moss the same arrogant 19-year incumbent Dennis Moss who has opposed term limits, raised our taxes, voted for the Marlins Stadium, voted against the recall, and is paid by a company that is funded entirely by the taxpayers? If so, why on earth would you be supporting him? There are other candidates in the race. You don't need to support Moss if you don't like Pena.
To another annon. The point is they are the two who are really running in this race. It is a little like Scott - people who were not enthusiastic about Alex Sink either did not turn out or did not help -- and look what we got. Sometimes you do have to support someone to defeat a greater evil. And - by the way - Moss has been really good on holding the line and on supporting environmental regulations -- and these are Pena's major targets. so PLEAZZZEE - support her opponent - even if you are not fond of him. She would be horrible.
Pena is good looking. Nice pic.
Moss is fine if you are only concerned about one issue, the UDB. But he is terrible on EVERYTHING else.
Why would anyone be so myopic and only look at one issue when voting for a candidate?
Moss is good on many issues. He supports DERM, gay rights, good planning, to name a few.
Cowboy Carl, you made me LMAO. You had better scroll down and look at my post yesterday. It shows her before the glamor shot. And to the rest of you---Pena is a tea party nut job, Moss is not. I don't agree with Moss on some issues but on the important issues he is a voice of reason. I listen to a lot of Commission and Committe meetings... If you did too you would know that. You never get 100% but with Bell you get about 20% with Moss about 65%, with Katy it was 80% and I suspect with Pena we would be batting 15%--like with Pepe, Jordan and Martinez.
I agree with cowboy Carl. Pena is a hottie. She look like Suzanne Sommers. Is she single and available?
L and Cowboy Bob-- you two losers should know your hottie is over 70 years old. What is wrong with your eyes?
Her photograph isn't even honest.
Thanks for posting the real photographs. I looked at the YouTube video. She really isn't very attractive and I was surprised she didn't say one word on the video. First they disguise her looks. Maybe they couldn't do anything about her voice.
I just wish the stylist who did over Alice Pena would write in with their contact information. She/He is a miracle worker.
I would just like to know how much personal involvement Lynda bell has had in this candidate recruitment, development/make over and message to create another vote for her agenda on the Commission. Let's see who is managing her campaign and how similar her campaign message is to Bells. How stupic does she think the voters are? i guess we can answer that for her, they voted Bell into office so they must be pretty damn stupid! I am sure she believes she can pull another fast one.
alice doesnt live here anymore
Did I miss something? You do know that Moss and Pena have McGillis to deal with and I have been seeing HUGE banners and countless campaign signs for him every time I turn a corner.
I thought she was terrific on Three's Company and I love the thighmaster.
i Have also followed county meetings for a while and i can tell you the best commisioners currently is Dennis moss and sally Heyman but if i had t choose its dennis , i must say i cannot stand that two faced old hag alice pena she says she supports everglades restoration what a hypocrite
Exactly why are we trying to drum Dennis Moss
out of his seat? Sure, like any one on the Commission, he plays the angles. But, for the
most part, he votes with those of us in the green camp. And his not afraid to be the only one voting for an issue, usually one in which the public interest is at stake. And to try to toss him for a marginal or questionalble candidate does not make sense
to me. Also, there are people named Pena in key postions in P & Z and who are developers. Does Ms. Pena have any ties to them? Better any enemy I know than one I do not. Unless we can do better than this, let's stick with Mr. Moss.
I am still in mortal shock after the Alice Pena makeover. I am still trying to find out the miracle worker who was able to perform this star studded look.
I am voting for MOSS! Anyone that look this good will not have their mind on business.
It is disheartening to read comments from people who do not even bother to research the legislation passed by the individuals Miami-Dade County Commissioners. If you want to express an opinion be well informed and do not perpetuate misinformation.
As to Mr. Braman, beware of his intent to control the Miami-Dade County Government. Why do people trust him so much? He is powered by hate and arrogance.
Egg lady got her makeover courtesy of Photoshop-spot that a mile away.
Sorta like Bell rockin' the Spanx.
Both fake as shit.
Get real on Norman Braman anonymous 2 above. I only disagree with one of Braman's choices: Alice Pena. All the rest are viable candidates. What you fail to understand is that PAC's are already in place in County Elections. They are running fast and furious in the Mayoral election...where one entity can give hundreds of thousands if they want. Also a group like the LBA is supporting candidates. All of the members kick in tens of thousands in what amounts to a grand fundraiser. Are you also mad at the LBA? What about Shoma homes that will filter thousands directly to a campaign through all of its corporations? Are you mad a Shoma? Is that company powered by hate and arrogance? You can't have it both ways.
Braman is doing one good thing, putting his money where his mouth is. If you want to do the same you can by holding a fundraiser for your candidate. If 50 of you did that it would neutralize anything Braman could do. Or just collecting from your friends and neighbors would certainly help. I take issue with Braman that he didn't properly vet this candidate.
You can't run a campaign without money so the incumbents never get a real challenge. Braman has in effect leveled the playing field somewhat with an injection of cash so these candidates have a fighting chance.
Why do people want to drum Dennis Moss out of his seat?
1. Arrogant 19-year incumbent
2. Opposed term limits
3. Raised our taxes
4. Voted for the Marlins Stadium
5. Voted against the recall
6. Is paid by a company that is funded entirely by the taxpayers
There are other candidates in the race. You don't need to support Moss if you don't like Pena.
!. Not arrogant to most of us. Maybe you.
2. Too late, it is on the ballot. Non issue.
3. So did Sorenson.
4. Okay on that one.
5. Recall of what??
6. Here is Moss's response on his job:
If you want to know what the Richmond-Perrine Optimist Club does, you can simply google the agency. We have provided a wide variety of social services, youth sports and other positive activities in the south dade community since the early 1970's, during a time when very little similar services existed in the area. The agency built a Youth Activity Center in a disadvantaged neighborhood in south dade through the financial support of the state, county and private donations through We Will Rebuild: we provide after school care and parenting services to children and parents residing in public housing; we provide an alternative education program and counseling services to at risk youth; we provide a youth sports program including Pop Warner Football, cheerleading, a basketball and baseball program; we provide a college exploration program taking disadvantaged teens to visit different colleges and universities in order to let them know that they can go to college if they work at it; we provide a work experience program for unemployed youth from disadvantaged communities; in the past we have provided summer jobs programs where 300-400 poor youngsters in south dade were employed, painted and fixed up the homes of senior citizens, provided thanksgiving baskets and Christmas toy giveaways to needy families and the list could go on.
As a County Commissioner I have always attempted to conduct myself in an honorable manner and take seriously what is said about me, particularly when the facts are not correct.
There are 2 other candidates in this race: Darrin McGillis and Loretta Riley (facebook: ( Riley's campaign report is her tax return. Her W-2 shows $17,000. She got a tax refund of $9,686. She estimates her net worth at $4,528.
McGillis income is $17,500. His net worth is $50,591.
Darrin ran for Governor of Florida.
Pena is running a real campaign with a manager, resources, etc. The two mentioned above are not able to mount credible campaigns. When the campaign reports come in next week, we will have an idea who is viable, but I think this is a two person race due to the guaranteed backing of Norman Braman for Alice Pena. It is a tragedy that there is not a second Hispanic in this race to pick off votes from Pena.
Why does Moss not even have a web site?
This McGillis guy has signs all over the place, who is funding this? Is Braman funding both Pena and McGillis?
That's his Facebook link.
In 2008 Moss had opposition and a total of 12,000 votes in the district were cast. Moss received 8,000 and his opposition got a little over 3,000 votes.
We now have a 4 way race and I do believe McGillis will be a stronger contender then Pena, and that the top two contenders will be Moss and McGillis fighting for the win in November.
Remember McGillis is by nature a promoter of concerts just google him, he knows how to promote himself. I watch him when he ran for Clerk of the Circuit Court in 2008 and spent zero dollars and got 40,000 votes.
Riley is from Florida city and said she was a cutie at the Christian Family Coalition meeting....Sorta weird thing to comment on in a campaign speech. She was pretty proud of the fact that she didn't look like a mother. Her brother was featured in a recent new times piece.
Just wonderful, not only is she stupid but unethical as well. Folks in South Dade had better get serious about defeating this 8 sq mile swamp rat. I have known her for years and she has never had much inteligence. She never recognized the lawless society she has promoted, cock /dog fights, illegal restaurants/cantinas and an anything goes mentality. She is anti-government, anti-environment unless it's her pot being filled. I always get a kick of the yells for help from 8 sq mile squaters every time a big rain floods them. She chooses to ignore that many of her fellow rats are living illegally. Not the kind of person I want on the dais.
Its funny that everybody that put a comment on here is worrying bout the money thats being raised through each of the candidates campaign money doesn't win elections votes do if you had any since you would see that Loretta Riley will be the candidate that will run off with moss or will just flat out win she is from Florida City in which here freinds and family members as well as family business supporters and so on and so on will support her because these are the people that were supporting moss but they feel his time is up smart guys Pena, McGillis aren't even known from florida City to Richmond Heights and she is the best Qualified and Knowlwdgleable of the area smart guys!!!!
Ray said...
Why do people want to drum Dennis Moss out of his seat?
Moss until recently wanted to give developers whatever, whenever and however. His new found tree hugging status is a lost cause.
This blog called him a dunce for wanting to fill in a marine slip.
He supports one constituency only.
He has been there forever.
He needs to go.
You don't take out a sitting commissioner to put in a WORSE commissioner. You don't take someone out for the sake of tAking them out. I had my beef with Moss over his idea to fill in the slip but that was small potatoes. He is good on most issues. Alice Pena is a toxic and reckless candidate. Do not vote for anyone but Moss in District 9. Do not take him out of office.
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