Besides distributing the flyer seen in the post above, the 8 1/2 square mile people came to a county wetlands task force meeting in two trucks with wacky stuff plastered all over them. Thanks Lynda Bell for giving Alice Pena credibility, and inciting these people once again...We did this already with them on the State and the Federal level. Now they are attacking the County because the County foolishly opened the door to it through Pena.
8 1/2 Square mile had a demonstration at DERM Offices giving out flyers and driving these two trucks. |
Read some of the stuff they wrote on this sign about Mayor Carlos Gimenez. Communist? |
They are calling our government (Harvey Ruvin?) Communists, comparing them to Castro. |
The leader of this group, that is who Norman Braman is considering to finance against Dennis Moss.
By posting the absurd messages of this fringe element, you run the risk of the leadership of the county complying with their wishes. When those in leadership positions have no plan or vision for the government they are elected to lead, they respond to the mobs banging drums outside the building. Congratulations for becoming a news source for County Hall, but be careful about the content you post. They may take it serious.
I hope they do read it and see what happens when they don't stand up to the loony anti everythings. I love the opposition to sustainable development. Huh?? You support unsustainable development?? Right - let's just destroy everything.
The county is giving voice to these loonies...
NOT US. We are saying they are loonies. The State knows they are loonies, the Feds know they are loonies, Derm knows they are loonies. Apparently the only ones that don't know are the County Commissioners led by Lynda Bell.
Even Moss warned Lynda about opening this door --- I have it on tape.
They aren't a fringe element. They are a group Alice Pena represents. She is Head of the Farm Bureau and she is being considered as a candidate for County Commission. This is showing you what your government can look like if she gets in power.
Saw one of the trucks parked outside Versailles restaurant yesterday at 6 pm. Had photos of Chavez and Fidel Castro on it too.
These are Lynda Bell's people. See them and her for what they truly are. Thank you to all the voters who put her in office. Perhaps we can shut down all the high schools and middle schools. Bell supports prove time and time again that education is for liberals.
These same losers expect to pay no taxes, but they want us, the taxpayers, to clean up their mess and provide them with infrastructure.
Joe Martinez let Alice Pena give remarks to the board of county commissioners in a 5 minute presentation that turned into an hour long discussion about the 8 1/2 square mile area. the commissioners said as much as what is on these trucks, even the Mayor had something to say. Watch the meetings once in a while and educate yourselves.
I am now thinking about doing the same thing with signs protesting Gimenez's appointment of old those old Burgess/Alvarez hacks into high level positions without a competitive selection process.
I have never seen such anti environment and anti everglades than the current commision except sally heyman and my favorite dennis moss . Genius we need to get MEDIA coverage on this assalt that this county is under
This has become a very hostile environment. Lynda Bell supported the confederate flag issue in Homestead when she was mayor. Miss Lynda has put the county in the same mean spirited, nasty and divisive situation that she promotes wherever she goes. This is only going to get worst and their needs to be some federal intervention. She has now found a crowd that will support and go along with her in dividing our community. Remember: I have heard from area residents that she denied seeing the confederate flag in the veterans day parade. When she was in a car directly, behind the confederate army. If this is her thinking what do you expect from a commissioner representing you.
Go Harvey! Badge of honor.
That Florida tag number oughtta be easy to trace...
Is that why Steve Shiver is coming home?
Looks suspiciously like one of Missy Lynda's Veteran's Day Parade floats minus the Confederate flags
Anon: It sure does look like Missy's neo-con float minus the condederate flags.
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