The Miami Dade County Planning Advisory Board usually rubber stamps changes to the Miami Dade County Comprehensive Plan and passes them along to the County Commission for their final review. Well not in the case of the text changes requested by the damn Rock Miners (
see my post of February 15th.) The Rock interests were trying to NOT have a super-majority vote to expand their operations but the Advisory Board denied their request unanimously and voted not to transmit. That is quite a blow to the industry and came as a big surprise to me. The County Commission can over-rule this vote.
Commissioner Barbara Jordan Confers with one of the Brown Brothers |
On the second issue, that Brown property did get an adopt and transmit to the State from the Advisory Board (there were only 3 nays). That one was about Brown getting the UDB line changed a few years back with a PROMISE TO NEVER HAVE RESIDENTIAL. It was office. The application is NOW asking for residential. All I can say is: Liars!
I also reported on the Brown property on January 9th in my blog
"It is Back!! like a bad case of the runs."
The Brown will be heard at the BCC on May 16th.
Pathetic charade.
This is a little good news, but the UDB issue is the typical smoke and mirrors game developers play
Remember, the DCA (in it's real form, not the Rick Scott version) gave the Brown App an exception because of the shape of the parcel and wrote in the opinion that other surrounding properties should not use the Brown App recommendations as a basis for any movements of the UDB on their parcels. I believe the original opinion was also clear as to why they wouldn't approve any residential on that parcel. Now with the Rick Scott DCA, they'll probably mimic the rubber stamping PAB of this application.
On a funnier side, I have to wonder what the Brown's are thinking in regarding to the residential application. Across the street is the brand new out of the box Cemex rock mining operation. I cannot imagine someone voluntarily buying a home across the street from this but hey it's Miami!
I'll wait and see what happens at the BCC. Jordan will probably approve everything from anyone donating to her campaign (that's a joke, well, not really). Oh, wait, I hear the righteous indignation from her, along with le Pew. (note to the BCC, it's a commission meeting, not a bully pulpit. My best guess, both apps will pass at the BCC.
The unreformable win again! The taxpayer and real voters lose. The AB ballots win and people wonder how some of these moron's keep getting re elected!
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