That is Senator Bill Nelson peaking out from the back of the Vice President's shoulder, Also in attendance was U.S. Rep Alcee Hastings. |
Mac-Kinley Lauriston Administrative Director for Commissioner Jean Monestime | |
Eddie, Lynda Bell's Chief of Staff was there for Lynda Bell. |
Also there from Lynda Bell's Office: Lynda Bell herself. |
Kerri Barsh, Rock Mining's favorite Lawyer and Lynda Bell hanging out. Either Lynda got her the water or Lynda is hogging two. Look a Kerri's body language, what is she hatching? She attends all of Lynda Bell's wetland advisory task force meetings. I would say this is a love fest. Of all the people who shouldn't show their faces at an Everglades event, these two couldn't care less --- by their actions. Lynda is propping up the 8 1/2 square mile people now, the biggest, single headache to Everglades Restoration. |
This Picture of Ron Bergeron wouldn't be as interesting except that is Bob Graham's finger on his belt buckle. Also the Wildlife Commissioner embroidered on his shirt "Commissioner ALLIGATOR Ron Bergeron. That is because he at one time wrestled with the animals. This guy is a big Republican donor. While he touts the importance of the Everglades, I think it is only for his rock mining enterprises. | |
State Senator Nan Rich -- Like her a lot -- is running for Governor. |
The two stars of the event: Joe Biden and Robert is Here.
Robert is the most famous guy near the Everglades, he runs the best Fruit Stand around. |
As I said this is the Side Show of Vice President's Biden's visit.
Go to the Miami Herald for the actual story. To recap Biden said something about the plan to increase the size of the Tamiani Bridge to create more water flow to the Everglades -- everyone cheered (was I listening? A bit). That will make Lynda Bell's 8 1/2 square mile buddies angry. What was she doing there as she has single-handedly done more to hurt Miami Dade County's environmental arm (formerly DERM) than anyone else on the Commission. I would suppose you can read one of her 40,000 press releases to find out. I asked where President Obama was and Joe said he didn't know. I found out later he was spotted at Crandon Park beach, see photo:
I wanted to write something about Barsh & Bell; her aide Eddie, et al, but no matter how hard I try - it's going to come out so full of ridicule and cynicism, why bother! My comments would have begun with Bell's hair (or wig) or WTF to Barsh and that hat or the fact that the majority of the people pictured want nothing more than to destroy the Everglades and its' restoration! If I were the Romney campaign, I'd be using the Barsh/Bell photo shopped with Biden and the caption "Everglades Destroyers"!
But, hey, I'll keep my thoughts to myself because I really could say a whole bunch more!
Did Bell arrive in her pimped out County-issue pick-'em-up truck?
Bell goin' Spanx-less.
Lynda was in a pick-up truck with her name on it in big letters. Is she also driving a Cadillac?
Is that the same Alcee Hastings who was indicted in 1981 for conspiring to solicit bribes? … amazing how people forget!
In 1979, Hastings was appointed a federal judge for the Southern District of Florida by President Carter. Two years later, Hastings was indicted on charges of conspiring to solicit a bribe from two defendants
Although acquitted in 1983, the Judicial Council of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals found that Hastings not only had solicited a bribe, but also repeatedly lied during his trial. He was convicted on 8 of 17 articles of impeachment. In 1992 the Supremes ruled on a similar case and Hasting’s conviction was upheld.
In 2006 Hastings was considered to chair the House Intelligence Committee, however, Speaker-elect Nancy Pelosi declined to give Hastings the job, choosing Rep. Silvestre Reyes instead.
WHAT DO YOU THINK WE ARE MORONS? We know Hastings history, we aren't Republican's that deny everything.
The post is about the local flavor of an event...not much was said about the 3 people on the podium. Focus on the blog. Go post your comment on the Herald site, it fits there better.
I must say, Eddie B. is looking relatively svelte.
I thought Eddie looked pretty good too.
Eddie is was a former aide to Crist him and Eikenberg are close friends.
kill me for being so catty but Linda Bell's hair in that solo shot of her looks like one of those African cattle herder's huts
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