Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Mayor Carlos Gimenez is Firing Off Some Good Letters! By Geniusofdespair

This letter went to Senators Nan Rich and Rene Garcia. 
The Mayor said "Using this land for fairgrounds will go against my established position in regards to the Urban Development Boundary." The Boundary would have to be moved if the Fairgrounds are allowed where FIU wants them.
See Gimeteye's post about this issue today: The Great Destroyers Include Florida International University. 

(There was another Gimenez letter that went out a couple of days ago to the legislature.)


The Old Poli Sci Professor said...

Wow. No comments. People must be obsessed with Super Tuesday.

Anonymous said...

Carlos Gimenez needs to fire off letters to Code Enforcement and to his Legal Dept ordering them to enforce the County Sign Code and stop the illegal LED billboards. Otherwise it looks like Gimenez is being influenced by money from the outdoor advertising industry.

Anonymous said...

Any updates on this? Is this dead in the water now (hopefully)? Aside from the environmentally sensitive land issue, I'm guessing most families in Miami-Dade would be against moving the Fair to the edge of the Everglades because a lot of kids do activities at the Fair FOR SCHOOL, on WEEKDAYS, and no one is going to want to have to drive their kids to the Miccosukee reservation for a competition. The schools also bring kids on field trips for tours. If the environmental groups publicized this to the PTA groups, they could probably get a lot more people on their side, even people who don't care about the environmental aspects of it. Politics makes strange bedfellows.