Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jeb Bush: his Pinocchio nose grows longer each day ... by gimleteye

Jeb Bush, standard bearer for the radical right, emerged last week with a new set of talking points, following his endorsement of Mitt Romney: "Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said Thursday that he found it “troubling” that the 2012 presidential candidates are “appealing to people’s fears and emotion” on the campaign trail, according to reports. Bush expressed concern about the type of rhetoric the candidates were using, but didn’t offer specifics or mention names."

It is scarcely news that Republicans succeeded in winning Congress and state legislatures by playing the fear card to stir up alienated (white) voters caught up in the worst economy since the Great Depression. So to hear Jeb Bush lamenting what profited Republicans so nicely is like watching to see how far Pinocchio's nose can grow. What Bush is telegraphing is that if the Republican convention turns into the same kind of freak show as the presidential primary, he is ready to step in as the voice of reason; rejecting what has profited the GOP since Ronald Reagan.

“I used to be a conservative," Bush said last week with so much disingenuity that one would need a pressure hose to wash it off. "... I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective, and that’s kind of where we are,” said Bush, according to Fox News.

Ugh. Yes, that same Fox News that has done more for fear-based politics than any other political force in modern US history. “I think it changes when we get to the general election. I hope,” Bush said, laying down tracks to independent voters who will be key to the 2012 campaign. There are no secrets in Jeb Bush, only the question how long Pinocchio's nose can grow.


Anonymous said...

Umm ... it's the democrats that play on fear. Such as in "the mean republicans will take away your right to have an abortion. The mean republicans want to take away your contraception. The mean republicans want to pollute the environment." Etc Etc.

Anonymous said...

Its bash Jeb Bush time again. I knew that as soon as he led the news again the Democrats would come out of their corners roaring.

“I used to be a conservative," Bush said last week with so much disingenuity that one would need a pressure hose to wash it off. "... I watch these debates and I’m wondering, I don’t think I’ve changed, but it’s a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people’s fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective, and that’s kind of where we are,” said Bush, according to Fox News.

What is wrong with that statement? I am a conservative and after the Romney bashing about him not being conservative enough although those same people know that he is the only candidate that will beat Obama I, too, have started questioning what the label “conservative” means and whether I am a conservative or not. I have never liked labels anyhow and now I know for certain that I will not permit myself to be labeled again.

Jeb Bush is one, if not the most, brilliant governor this state has ever had and that is the consensus of Democrats, Independents and Republicans across the country. He is by far the best disaster managing governor (now former governor) in the country. He understands policy more than any other governor of my time.

Democrats will always try to drag him down, because they know they are no match for his brain power and the respect he carries wherever he goes, respect from both Republicans and Democrats.

His education policy has always been first rate and he never finds fault with anything unless he has a solution. When he speaks, people across the world listen.

Jeb Bush is one of my dearest friends and, because I know him so well, I can’t help but think how frustrated Democrats must be because they will never find any Democrat that can match him on all fronts.

And Anon above is right on. Who causes fear in the public more than the Democrats? They are masters at it.

So, put a cap on your jealousy and deal with it.

Anonymous said...

Anon above: fabulous commentary! I agree 100%!

Mensa said...

I find it interesting that such crazy anon's as the two above take the time to read this blog. Actually I was not sure they could read.

Anonymous said...


Its people like you that give Democrats a bad name. I suppose the saying "Ignorance is bliss," was coined about you.

miles said...

The only true beneficiary of Jeb Bush's Education policy is his brother Neil.

Jeb's emergency management policy was nothing more than political expedience to ensure brother George's election. Note: George wasn't elected the first time - he was installed by right wing activist judges.

Count every vote indeed.

Speaking of right wing activist judges, let's not forget the Terri Schiavo mess, and Jeb's political pandering in that situation.

Some anonymous elephants apparently suffer a lack of the famously long memory that the species is legendary for.

It must be evolution at work, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Here here, Miles. Well said. This GOPer is not a fan. Again, we see Bush architecture now. The debacle in IA,then ME, giving Romney momentum leading into SC,oops, FL with a well planned primary that disenfranchised voters with loss of 50 delegates and all super delegates (against RNC rules, btw). So now, we have buyers remorse, a possible light turnout for general election and many Senators and Congressman who will be screwed. I realize this is a fairly liberal blog, but that's OK. I will join them in blaming you, Jeb, for screwing over the GOP. It is going to be a terrible mess on that convention floor.