Saturday, March 24, 2012

I'm Not One to Complain...But Let's Go to The Video Tape!...By Geniusofdespair

I have a YouTube Channel with 154 videos on it.  It takes me a long time to do videos.  Not only do I have to watch stuff to find good material, I have to record them, I have to publish them on You Tube and finally I have to write a bunch of crap about them.

Case in point. I have a video coming Monday.  I went down to North Miami City hall to get you guys a video of the meeting because it was not on line. It is a video of a developer yelling at the City Council for not giving him what he wanted. It is pretty good stuff. When I drove all the way down to North Miami they were closed, furlough day for the whole stinkin' city. I went back with a DVD  -- as instructed -- for a second time. I had a plus DVD and they needed a minus DVD.  I went to a few stores, finally I found it and I paid $5.  I went back to North Miami City Hall.  They couldn't get the DVD's I bought to work.  They finally broke down and gave me one of theirs. I brought it home and tried it on 3 computers. It didn't work on any of them.

Yesterday I trekked back to the City of North Miami and went again to their City Hall and taped off the Clerk's computer screen.  So I went WAY out of my way and spent plenty of my valuable time to bring you one 4 minute video, that will be posted Monday.

The least you guys could do is watch some of the videos I post. If you did you would learn a lot about how things work.

I look through hours of county commission meeting so you don't have to.  I take the 3 or 4 minutes worth watching...and then some of you can't even take the time to watch that. It is demoralizing for me.  I find it torture to watch these meetings but I do it for you, my readers.  Please don't let me down, watch some of these videos when they are posted. The part I find incredible, some of you leave comments on a video you haven't even watched.  I can tell, I am not an idiot. Well, at least not them much of an idiot.

If you aren't interested in watching the videos I will stop going to the trouble of making them.  It is your loss. I couldn't write the bizarre stuff you will find on some of these videos -- like the one I posted 3/17. Now I am off to the only game in town: Ultra!


Jswcat said...

I for one always read your terrific blog and watch some videos from time to time. The reason I do not watch them all the time is I get so incensed at the political banter that it might lend me to throw my iPhone through a window!

Geniusofdespair said...

Thanks Jeff. I can understand people avoiding the opera videos I post... But the others not so much. What is a day without a little heartburn?

Stephanie Kienzle said...

I read your columns. I watch your videos. I'm mesmerized. Please keep up the great work you do!

Big Fan

Anonymous said...

I do watch the vids, especially Bell's when I need some comic relief. Keem 'em comin'!

Anonymous said...

Please, do not despair. It can get very lonely when you are trying to clean up corruption or bring the cold hard facts associated with it to light. I know. I have been there.

But don't be discouraged. Sometimes it seems as though nobody is noticing your hard work, but more of them do than not. I also know because I have also been there.

Supporters come in various categories as above posts attempt to explain. One “feels like throwing his iphone out the window” and another “watches your videos for comic relief.” But there also those who watch in amazement and shock that such scenarios describe what is happening in America, because it is not supposed to be that way. This is not what our forefathers worked so hard to accomplish and to watch what passes for “government” to every law-abiding citizen is not easy to swallow.

But the most important thing is that it has not gone unnoticed. Slowly people are getting the picture of what defines "government" in this county and its environs and things are beginning to move in the right direction. People are listening to those who are trying to clean up this cesspool of corruption that has been allowed to fester and creep into our government slowly but surely, much of it perpetuated by those in elective office.

A long overdue retroactive term limits initiative is on the ballot this fall which is as huge a step toward cleaning out corruption as any we could hope for. And, as I am sure you know, there are other actions in the process to attack the basis for corruption and break the chain of what causes this shallow mindset to thrive so aggressively on the backs of those of us who do the right thing.
But there is something lost by those responsible for this ugly turn to corruption in government which they will never be able to regain, TRUST!!!!

Believe me Genius, there are more of us standing tall there with you than you can ever imagine!!!!

Anonymous said...

Look, you deserve kudos for your dedication to showing how the political game works, but you're fooling yourself if you believe that you can compete on youtube with the videos of auto-tuned babies saying their first cute words, animated kitty cats playing a keyboard, after school fights, and hip-hop videos. Unless it's the Casey Anthony trial, most people don't have the attention span to sit through one minute of any kind of public hearing.

Anonymous said...

please continue to do this it saves us time , and its very useful, by the way genius can you do an article about any of the county commission candidates that are up for election and see the candidates environmental stance and public office record ( if they have)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Genius, we love you, please continue. You are our activist in charge and some of us, at least I, actually do what you --and specially Gimleteye-- recommend. But just don't nag, please :)

Geniusofdespair said...

Not nagging, just thinking of giving up on videos.

Geniusofdespair said...

You said: do an article about any of the county commission candidates that are up for election and see the candidates environmental stance and public office record ( if they have)

Don't know what this means but it looks like more work for me.

I have been reviewing candidates - did the ones running against Barriero and Jordan. Until we see how much money they can raise, it is sort of futile. I am waiting for the campaign reports. So far Juan Zapata is looking good for District 12 - there is no incumbent in that seat.

Anonymous said...

The videos are important, It’s one thing to hear about what imbeciles sit on the County Commission and it’s an entirely other thing to see it with your own eyes --even though they are sometimes so asinine, and their ill motives so transparent, that it's hard to believe your own eyes.

Anonymous said...

Of course many of the insiders don't need to see the videos. Just would make them feel guilty or conflicted. Why ruin a good thing? (plus, many were watching from TVs in the commissioners offices.)

Anonymous said...

To see the video tapes now and replay later in the archives can help writers and others in doing research for articles in community newspapers and bloggs. We're in this all together and the more community data we gain from each other the better our cities and UMSA's can be.

Genius, you're the star shinning all over the county and without you we wouldn't be informed
in the diligent, persevering &
unselfish work you do.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

You do a great job. I hate when you focus on your nutty left-wing politics (i.e., "Pubs") but I love it when you focus on government corruption (i.e., absentee ballot fraud). Keep up the good work!

Bob Ross said...


I consider your blog a "must read" for elected officials such as myself and the videos offer insightful color commentary. Keep up the good work!

Bob Ross
Village of Pinecrest

Geniusofdespair said...

Thank you Bob, Stephanie and others for your feedback. It is easy to slip into a funk once in awhile but my faithful readers are always there with encouragement (as opposed to the nasty lobbyist readers).

Anonymous said...

You are the voice that we need to keep honest dialogue to us. Please keep the information coming. We are missing that with our newspapers and media.
You are keeping our elected officials in the spotlight.
Thank you.