Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Age of Austerity ... by gimleteye

I am in the midst of "The Age of Austerity: How Scarcity Will Remake American Politics". The book by Thomas Byrne Edsall fits neatly with a central premise of our blog: that the clashes and skirmishes that comprise a 40 Year War on environmental protections in South Florida are symptomatic of an economic model-- platted subdivisions in wetlands-- based on speculation. The narrower the field of opportunities, the sharper lines are drawn by special interests.

Edsall looks at the broad array of public policies to show how a bitter struggle over limited resources has enveloped political discourse at every level. I will pick out some fascinating statistics to share with readers over the next few days... 


Burrell said...

We are in an Age of Austerity? Will someone please tell Obama that? It took over 220 years to accumulate our first $5 Trillion in Debt. Obama has increased the National Debt by nearly $5 Trillion in just 3 years!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Burrell!

miles said...

Ahh, yes!
Here we have Burrell and Anon., two people that fail to grasp what every wealthy conservative already knows:

Capitalism requires ever increasing levels of debt to "grow", hence the fractional reserve banking system that allows banks to create ever increasing amounts fiat money out of thin air to loan to the gullible like Burrell and Anon.

A simple understanding of mathematics will quickly demonstrate where this formula will take any economy.

Wealthy conservatives understand this, and they have absolutely no desire to change a system which they exploit to their advantage, their public statements about paying down the public debt to the contrary.

In this, they happily share common cause with wealthy liberals, politics be damned.

Cash is king, and political ideologies are for peons.

Nero said...

Who needs austerity when the Fedral Reserve can just create 16 Trillion dollars and Give it to the banks.

Seriously I prefer Jared Diamonds "Colapse" cause thats where this ship is headed and ain't Nobama,grinch,saint orifice or Mittens stopping it.