Sunday, February 12, 2012

What's Up With The Florida City Annexation? By Geniusofdespair

In the Herald today, there was a notice of a public hearing Feb. 22nd on the Florida City Annexation. A miniscule map was included.  I couldn't find the map on Planning & Zoning's website so I blew up the crappy one in the paper. It is unreadable.

I also looked up the area on the Miami Dade Property Appraiser website (map above).

My question is: Why does Florida City want this land -- mostly vacant land outside the UDB line? What is really going on??


Anonymous said...

You're right something is up. That is a lot of land.

Anonymous said...

I saw the notice too. That map should not count as a public notice. It was unreadable. I don't think they can do that, put in a map that can't be read. Who do we report them to?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

when you have plenty of land to plant sugar cane, you can get rid of the bodies so easily.

(don't take everything so seriously)

Anonymous said...

Perhaps they know they will get better zoning out of FL City than they will from the County.

Anonymous said...

Report them to Florida DCA. Oops.

Anonymous said...

Try the 3rd District Court.

Anonymous said...

? Anon, the county will roll like it did last time for Barbara jorden, Sandy and Roscoe.

Anonymous said...

One would hope the residents living in or around the area would object to this imperialistic grab for more land when they have already more than they can handle. Henry isler is their "atta boy" marketeer planner. He is a Wallace go-for-it-man--"we rule city. (we've been here decades). There is no competition on the machine we're running." "We
always get voted in, so relax.
"Ole Willy Fausolo, Police Chief, ran City Hall for years
The present stays in power like Mayor Henry Milander of Hialeah did in the 40's & 50's.

'Ole Dude

Bob Bishopric said...

By far the largest land holder in that area is Allapattah Investments Inc. (Diaz Landscaping). Another big holder is FPL. Some plots owned by City of Florida City. A lot of others.

Anonymous said...

If my memory is correct (getting up there in years and in a bit of overload) I recall there was some type of water park planned in that annexation area on what was (don't know if it still is) a large mobile home park. I believe it was the same people from Rapids Water Park in Palm Beach County.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Steve Shiver came back to town.

Geniusofdespair said...

I have heard Mayor Wallace wants a prison here and I also heard a one is sure of what evil lurks...

Anonymous said...

Sad to say but you are only safe in Fla. City and Homestead if you live behind bars, gates or walls.
The housing market crashed, renters with no ties to anything moved in.
FPL expansion has made it a little better as they are gobbling up all current rentals available.

SW Ranches and Pembroke Pines are livid about the detention center being put on top of them. Not Otis, remember nothing happens in Fla. City without the big O signing off on it.
Fill his hand with green or maybe gold and you are in. No Euros are accepted.
Garbage transfer station, nuclear expansion, rock mines just pay the man.

Anonymous said...

Rock Mining, but of course!
Silly Silly people.