Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sunlight on secret donations, NYT ... by gimleteye

This is desperately needed legislation, yet so far no Republicans have come forward to support or sponsor it. Republicans, who are reaping the lion’s share of the new unlimited donations, used to support disclosure laws. In 2000, the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, even said, “Republicans are in favor of disclosure.” Not anymore. Polls show the public supports disclosure as a way to fight political corruption. Any candidate who resists this common-sense bill deserves to be defeated.
The New York Times Sunday editorial captures with flinty accuracy the public frustration with the rise of the super PAC's. As we've observed on this blog, the corporations funding super PAC's with unlimited (and largely unaccountable) donations, are all falling the Republican way. Although the GOP is now doing the circular firing squad thing, expect the air to clear and money to flow like a burst dam in the not-so-distant future. It's a grim state of the union, and the Citizen United decision by the Roberts' Supreme Court simply pushed our democracy downhill, faster. And to answer the inevitable question: yes I would feel exactly the same way if Democrats were reaping the whirlwind.

(New York Times, Feb 12, 2012 Editorial Board)  Imagine if each of the vicious attack ads staining the presidential campaign had to name the five biggest donors paying for the propaganda, and end with an “I approved this ad” statement from the attack group’s chief operative. This thin ray of sunlight is at the heart of a new House proposal to repair some of the damage done to American democracy by the Supreme Court decision allowing campaigns to be flooded with unlimited, and largely cloaked, corporate, union and other special-interest contributions.

The Disclose 2012 Act, introduced by Representative Chris Van Hollen, Democrat of Maryland, is a tighter version of the 2010 bill that was blocked in the Senate by a Republican filibuster. The new measure would require disclosure of donor names within 24 hours for contributions of $10,000 or more — making it hard for “super PACs” and other money vehicles to take advantage of loose reporting deadlines. Union and corporate leaders and others would have to own up to sponsorship in their ads, while informing shareholders and union members how their money is spent politically. Lobbying groups like the National Rifle Association and the Sierra Club would also have to disclose their campaign spending more clearly.

This is desperately needed legislation, yet so far no Republicans have come forward to support or sponsor it. Republicans, who are reaping the lion’s share of the new unlimited donations, used to support disclosure laws. In 2000, the Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, even said, “Republicans are in favor of disclosure.” Not anymore. Polls show the public supports disclosure as a way to fight political corruption. Any candidate who resists this common-sense bill deserves to be defeated.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't Obama have the biggest Super PAC of all? The Democrats are in the same boat with the Republicans on this one. Neither party wants to change the rules.

Anonymous said...

Come on first Anonymous, it is morally correct for Obama to play this game because he is on the right side of the issues. Republicans on the other hand or monsters & therefore should not be using such law to their advantage.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct Anon. Corruprion has never been owned by any one party. And anybody who says otherwise is plainly biased.

Those of us who have seen the ravages of politics up close and personal will tell you that corruption is no respector of parties. Rather it takes hold wherever it finds a host and there are plenty of those in Miami-Dade County.

Our only weapon is the vote and sadly, the voters have not recognized that we hold that power in our collective hands. Until then, its business as usual.