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Angry Dad, Clueless Brother, Opinionated Grandpa, or Rich Uncle |
I am letting Eye on Miami readers decide who I should vote for in the Republican primary. Give me a name and a reason I should vote for them. If you want to send money, that will move your choice up on my list. Seriously, I need your guidance.
As an on-again, off-again Republican, I need a crash course on my tea party, evangelical and religious right talking points.
I am leaning but need a push in the right direction...if there is one.
I do know one thing for sure: I am voting FOR term limits on the charter change.
Vote for the reptile. Newt's continued presence prolongs the knife fight and all Republican candidates agonies.
Romney has too much money in the game to be dissuaded.
Mittens splitting the majority votes with Newt makes Paul and Santorum appear viable. All burn wingnuts' money.
Let'em bleed.
Newt....tells it like it is. Already sent him a contribution. Not afraid to say" kill the enemy", have " plan to deal with immigration" that doesn't involve repatriation. Doesn't apologize for our nation. Sure, once a skirt chaser but so was Clinton,Kennedy,Jackson,etc... He's asked for forgiveness. Let's get a president again with balls.
hmm, andrew jackson was a skirt chaser. i didn't know that.
clinton was impeached, kennedy was assassinated.
Sure. Go NEWT! As a favor to the poor comedy writers of America who've had to endure three years of flat, earnest, well-spoken Obama. They NEED a guy who never knows himself what he'll say until the words escape his mouth.
Newt! Newt! Newt! Newt!
Ron Paul. Racist newsletters aside (just note, Vote Obama during general!), he wont embroil us in idiotic wars and will end the truly destructive war on drugs. On those 2 counts, he's even more couragious than Obama.
Santorum has good taste in sweaters.
Gnewt, we can't have president with a name of a lizard.
Ron Paul is too old.
Mittney looks good.
On looks alone: vote for Santorum or Romney. Romney is better looking so I would go with him.
Woof is right!
Woof and Mensa: are you taking into account the Rick Scott Factor? Remember many in the Republican primary, that had no business being there -- like me, voted for him because he would NEVER be able to beat Alex Sink and here we are stuck with the worst Governor in the United States: Rick Scott.
Go with Romney.
He is the only one who can beat Obama. Besides, he has the experience, knowledge and bold leadership skills necessary to turn our country around, putting it back on the track economically and getting the global respect we need if we are to continue being the most powerful country in the world.
Romney has a wholesome background and good family values necessary in a President of the United States. He worked hard for a living in the private sector and is experienced in turning businesses around. He was not given his money by his dad. He had to work for it. You will see how much of it was donated to charities and others....ALOT! His will be a "workhorse presidency, not a "showhorse" one.
When since has working hard and becoming successful is wrong?
Skirt chasing is not Newt's only baggage. He is known to be arrogant, narcissistic, despises anybody who disagrees with him and much, much more. No discipline and ethics; He is a very shallow man. He has no executive leadership.
Little known is the reason he dissed Congressman Ryan's economic plan. He had met with Ryan and suggested certain language be included in the plan. Ryan didn't do as he was ordered and Gingrich, in true fashion, went into his vindictive mode of attack. He cannot be rusted.
Just ask anyone who has worked with him. His own people kicked him out of his speakership with a $300,000 fine with over 80% of the full House voting to get rid of him. Just wait until the classified Ethics file is exposed, because it will be.
He has a credit line with Tiffany that would choke a hog. His lobbying association with Fannie and Freddy is in question; he is hiding something. But that is not new with Newt. He is like the dog in the major, "If I can't have it, nobody else will." And he is on a mission to destroy, destroy, destroy.
Many republicans will sit on their hands if he is nominated so, my message is, if Republicans want to replace Obama, do not vote for Gingrich. If you want to keep Obama in for another term, then vote for Gingrich.
Getting angry at the press, no matter how deserving it is, does not a president make. All talk and instant anger does not a president make, lacking in morality does not a president make.
With our economy on the edge of a precipise, a vote for Gingrich will not be only at your our own peril, it will be at the peril of the USA as we watch the country fall over the cliff.
Enough said!
Ummm, let's see...Vote for the racist white guy!
It doesn't really matter which one you vote for. Obama will slay the victor. They are flawed candidates, and Obama will have his last four-years. So close your eyes and throw a dart!
You said: "Romney has a wholesome background and good family values...."
You realize that is NOT a good thing in my eyes...
But the Tiffany stuff, that I am interested in.
Gingrich and Santorum have the highest score with the Christian Family Coalition.
as a moderate republican and everglades advocate i cannot vote for any of these candidates as of right now until i hear there stance on the Everglades and the florida environment and so far i have yet to hear anything
You have to vote for Santorum. He is the one who is most likely to loose against Obama. Or Paul...that would be another good choice.
Family values mean a lot to me. It is not only one of the core components of the Republican Party, but the wish of every parent that their children will grow up to be moraly sound, care about their fellow persons and try to do to others as you would have them do unto them. Having a 6-year affair while married and with his wife knowing about it was cruel and must have been very hurtful to her. I don't know about their marriage and I am glad, but couldn't this be easily solved with a simple divorce?
Without some level of family values, and unquestioned morality Newt Gingrich will never get my vote nor those of many people I know. Simply put, this man knows no boundaries and that makes him inadequate and dangerous to be president of the United States.
I think what I dislike most is the hypocrisy of this man. Accusing Clinton of his Oval Office scandalous behavior while at the same time carrying on a 6-year fling with a young aide, defines and underscores his lack of character.
Why didn't he just leave Clinton alone instead of making criticisms and judgments especially since he, Gingrich, was doing the same thing? When it gets to the level where you cannot be honest with yourself, you cannot be honest with anyone else and that makes you a poor member of society.
This is a free country and I really try not to judge others, but what I do know is that Newt Gingrich cannot be trusted to be president of the United States.
In the final analysis, we all have to make our own judgments and decisions and I am sure you will do what is right for you.
Last commenter: thank you for your comment.
What Republicans don't understand when they throw around family values -- is that your family values might not be the same as mine. I believe all men are created equal...including gay men. I also believe in freedom of choice.
No one wants children to grow up unsafe and unable to distinguish right from wrong...but isn't that the role of your church and your family, to teach children values... not your government? People want smaller government but then they want Government in social issues...you can't have it both ways.
Since you are a primary voting Republican, and possibly looking to help Obama with your vote, I strongly encourage you to support Romney. He is perpetually stuck in the 20-30% range with his own party. He will never muster the support necessary to defeat Obama.
Gingrich is a different matter. If the economy is still struggling in November, Gingrich will ignite the anger of every unemployed / underemployed voter in the country to oust Obama. He will agitate the Republican base to a boil...it will be the Tea Party on crack!
If Romney is the nominee, the White House will be able to make it a Main Street v. Wall Street campaign and win. Vote Mitt!
There is only one executive standing in those debates (my perspective), Romney. The question is do people want an executive or for that matter do even know what qualifies as an executive. The presidency is an executive position. Maybe this is what many perceive as condescending. There are certain personality traits of an executive. Taking the RKS value system down into three groups (prioritizing 5 values; the Big 5; maybe you remember) yielded executives, union members and activists. The candidates fall into Romney executive, Gingrich and Santorum as union members and Paul as an activist. They fit. There opening statements layout much of their priorities and values used in the big 5.
South Carolina wasn't thinking about the Boeing issue when they voted for Gingrich as he would sell out to the unions same as Santorum (my perspective using statistical backing). Simply the people were influenced by rhetorical tricks of a career politician. Ron Paul was true to his nature (activist), Mitt Romney (executive) and Gingrich (union blow hard).
There is only one trickster in the group (like unions and organizers.... Obama) playing a heavy psychological game and that is Gingrich. The ethical violation investigations against Gingrich will hit the fan when he goes one on one with Obama. Gingrich will be labeled a big contributor to crony capitalism. If you want to hit a hot spot with the left get labeled with crony capitalism. I suspect as a career politician Gingrich has a lot more dirty laundry not just Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Obama will claim he is suffering from crony capitalism and can't be blamed. Although it isn't a total resolve it did play a major role. In other words he is cleaning up Gingrich's mess. Once a whore always a whore in many peoples eyes and it goes beyond parties. Now the left wants Gingrich and is afraid of Romney as he hasn't been labeled a whore.
What makes you think Republicans don't like gays? I am a Republican; I live next door to a gay man and we have never had a cross word between us.
Consider how many of our Republican leaders have gay or lesbian children. Do you see any of them dissing their gay or lesbian child? Of course not! They are all part of a family and their family values are intact. It does not matter whether there is a gay or lesbian member in that family or not. They all look out for each other and that is what makes a family what it is...family values!
The problem is that America has become a county of little groups of victims. Everybody wants special treatment designed especially for them. How can a country operate with that mindset?
Look at the County...13 little groups of victims each running around in opposite directions, making up their own rules and you be damned if you don't see it their way.
We have become nothing more than a damn joke to the rest of the world. We have lost the concept of governance. We have lost the concept of right from wrong. We are so caught in our own self importance and look no further than the end of our noses for solutions. We don't even vote and what we believe in depends on the last person we talk to.
Remember the saying, "The sun never sets on the British Isles." Where are they now?
And we are following in their path. Is there anybody who does not see that we are losing our leadership role in the world?
Good luck to us all and God bless America!
Every Republican Politician shows up at the Christian Family Coalition to get their blessings...These are SOME of the things on their website. Democrats for the most part don't campaign at this entity because of the radical beliefs espoused:
"If we don't start to speak up and fight back we are going to continue to lose and one day soon it will be illegal to preach against homosexuality from the pulpit."
"Despite unanimous voter opposition, Miami-Dade "Strong Mayor" Carlos Alvarez, incredibly got on his knees for homosexual groups that forced the Board of County Commissioners to pass a so-called "Domestic Partners" ordinance granting marital benefits to unmarried sexual "partners" of county employees and creating a "registry" for these "partners," all at taxpayers' expense."
So, ALL Republicans might not support legislation against gays, however, it is a part of the Republican platform, that is why I said what I said.
You might call the Republicans you support and tell them next time to say away from this Verdugo group.
and....I wrote a blog about this group that Republicans ALWAYS SHOW UP AT:
Here is a good example of what bothers me about this group...the Christian Family Coalition issued the following statement:
"The United States Senate voted 68-29 in favor of a so-called "hate crimes" provision part of the extremist homosexual agenda to silence Christians and people of faith and use the government to marginalize anyone whose faith is at odds with homosexuality! This legislation clearly violates the principle of equal justice under the law and infringes on the free speech rights of ALL Americans!
The passage of this bill enshrines hate, bigotry, intolerance and discrimination into federal law.
Dangerous homosexual extremists who try to manipulate public opinion by playing the so-called victims who need special legal protections are truly the VICTIMIZERS who promote HATE, BIGOTRY, INTOLERANCE and DISCRIMINATION against anyone who dares to speak up against their agenda and shares an opinion different from theirs." (their caps, not mine)
Verdugo has a very appropriate last name. Verdugo means "excecutioner" in Spanish.
Anybody but Mitt. Swiss, German, Cayman, Bermuda bank accounts. Come on. Something's rotten with that.
If you are all about the 'O', pick the guy that is least like him - Newt. Paul won't be able to raise enough money.
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