Sunday, January 08, 2012

Penn State: How will they survive? Is the hit too big? By Geniusofdespair

When you go to a University that is ALL about football, and that program implodes what do you do? Here is the cover of the latest Alumni Association Magazine. The cover usually has some happy picture of campus life so the alumni could vicariously return to their beloved University. Not this time, we get black on black. The name of the Magazine is the "Penn Stater" but all that is left of the masthead is the only untarnished letter: "R." The rest of the letters have fallen to the bottom of the page in a jumble. The cover said more to me about the nose-dive taken by the university than anything in the magazine:

One alumni member from 1983 said:
The ideals that were once "Penn State" are forever tarnished. Penn State and Happy Valley have been reduced to punch lines for comedians. For the faithful of this hallowed institution to regain belief in what it means to say, "we are Penn State," actions must be swift and severe. Otherwise, the chants will resonate, "We are...embarrassed."

We just got an invitation to meet the new University president somewhere in Florida. I didn't make note because we aren't going.  What does a university do when they depend on the big bucks from Alumni? I guess this issue of the magazine is a good lesson on how to do damage control public relations, I am sure they paid hundreds of thousands for that:

Table of Contents from Penn State Alumni Magazine

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