Sunday, December 18, 2011

School Board Member Raquel Regalado's Story. By Geniusofdespair

Do not miss Raquel Regalado's personal story of why she ran for the School Board in the Miami Herald today:
I started testing my Isabela at 18 months. At first, the diagnosis was speech delay, then selective mutism and at one point I was told that if I didn’t stop anticipating my daughter’s needs she would never speak. Isabela and I went through early steps, through a myriad of speech therapists, until finally at 5 a neurologist confirmed what by then I was certain of, that she was autistic.

Isabela and I were officially a statistic, one in 110 and later one in 38. And before I knew it, like many parents of a child with special needs I soon found myself divorced.


Anonymous said...

Heartfelt, I like her better than I did before I read it.

Anonymous said...

She seems genuine. Hopefully, it lasts throughout her political tenure.

Anonymous said...

Oh BULLSHIT, Genius! I read the letter in today’s Herald and proceeded to vomit in my bowl of Cap’n Crunch. Look at the huge amount of campaign contributions Raquel Regalado took from the likes of Academica’s Zulueta family and the Fresen clan. Regalado (and her Isabela) are a huge sham!

PS. The only thing good about Erik Fresen is his haircut.

Anonymous said...

Fresen wears Nicely tailored (empty) suits too, "raquelita" is just part of family biz incorporated. Unfortunately there are a LOT of parents with autisitic kids, most dont use them as political props. One of the fastest growing constituency's are parents of autistic children, raquelita is playing to those numbers.
She does NOTHING positive on the schoolboard just using it as a springboard and knowing the voters of Miami Dade she'll get her higher office.

Geniusofdespair said...

Our readers are brutal. Who mothered you wolves?

Love the irony said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Everyone plays their card. Sometimes its race, sometimes its a terrible life experience, sometimes its your kid. Don't allow her to play her sympathy card to shield your eyes from the truth about this unethical, con-artist political hack. Just because life hands us all a few curveballs is no reason to become the evil princess hiding behind a disabled child, riding on the coattails of a king that is about to be dethroned. If she had been dismissed from these charter schools, why doesn't she speak out against them? Why has she never made a move to make sure that the charter schools follow all the same rules and have the same acceptance policies that our public schools must follow?

Don't let your sympathy towards her personal situation override your common sense. As a special ed. teacher, I can assure you that when you get emotionally involved with these situations, your effectiveness towards realistic solutions is diminished.

I do not trust this woman!!!!

Anonymous said...

Neither charter schools nor traditional schools handle students at the ends of the bell curve. Parents of children with autism have lots of issues with their options. There is an autism charter school in Hialeah, which could become a model. See:

Traditional public schools have problems educating children who are extraordinarily gifted. See:

The bottom line is that we need lots of educational options and must avoid the failed public monopoly system.

Anonymous said...

I saw the deleted post from earlier. Where's your sense of humor, Genius?

Gifted said...

Some people have no heart.
", why doesn't she speak out against them? " You mention that everyone plays their card, yet
when Regalado was running there was no mention of her daughter being autistic.

She writes weekly for the herald, has a radio show every day, has a tv show on a spanish channel, and I suspect she will have no problem gaining a foothold in the election.

I believe this to be genuine. I believe her to be an actual single mother taking care of two kids while working several jobs.

Oh...and Merry Christmas you grinches.

Geniusofdespair said...

I have no sense of humor today...I sat in on a wetlands meeting for three hours it was horrific.

Anonymous said...

Raquel is burdened by a very corrupt father and her families misplaced sense of entitlement.

Anonymous said...

GOD, Tell us about the wetlands meeting. Some of us aren’t allowed to attend.

Anonymous said...

Believe me when I tell you there is not a scintilla of Raquelita being genuine, because her entire family is based on lies,cheat,corruption, and deception. Do you how many people,families, and children they have affected because of their dirty tactics and politics?
You want my sympathies. I give it to those innocent lives they have completely destroyed.

Anonymous said...

If someone shows up at your door and gives you a story that makes you sympathetic about that person, do you let them in? You suspect that they are a thief and a liar, but their story is so terrible, that you let them in. Then you get robbed! If you shut the door in their face instead, does that make you a Grinch? No, it makes you intelligent because by letting them in, you are almost assured that you will be robbed. Get a clue, people. This woman does not have YOUR interest in mind, only her own.

Anonymous said...

You know, if she wanted to do some good for the school system, I don't think the school board would be the place to serve. From what I see, we should probably abolish it. I am sick of what I see going on there. It is just another cesspool for cronyism to fester and boil.

On another note, I am sorry that Ms. Regalado's child is autistic. Tell her to become a water activist. Maybe that would do more good.

Anonymous said...

Interesting she doesn't mention her other child who also appears to have special needs...