Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Miami-Dade Election Results 11/1/11. By Geniusofdespair

Hialeah Update:
Carlos Hernandez 5,570 absentee - looks like a runoff 8:20. Still a runoff between Raul and Carlos 9:29pm. Carlos Hernandez has 39.84% and Raul has 33.95% with 40 out of 52 precincts in.
Raul Martinez 4,236 absentee
Rudy Garcia 3,721 absentee - runoff

Hialeah Council

Miami Beach Update:
Steve Berke 358 absentee
Matti Bower 1,584 absentee - looks like she will win 8:30 Ok 32 of 36 precincts in and Matti has 59.72%. She will win, I am not staying up all night to report.
Dave Crystal 216 absentee
Laura Levey 108 absentee

Deede Weithorn 64.78%

Homestead Update:
Steve Bateman Mayor 57.22% - 1,221
Steve Losner 42.78% - 913

Judy Waldman  49.24% - 1,037
Jon Burgess got 50.76% - 1,069  HE IS VICE MAYOR.

City of Miami Update:
GORT WON 68.27%
Gort 1,548 absentee - will win 8:30. Now 9:24 with 29 of 30 he has 68.29%.
Seleck 591 absentee

Armbrister 58 absentee
Sarnoff 1,222 absentee - at 52% now still a lot of precincts to go 8:30. Now 9:26 looks like Sarnoff might win without a runoff 29 of 37 precincts in and he has 53%
Callahan 403 absentee - might be in runoff
Milo 367 absentee
Niemeyer 96 absentee


Anonymous said...

It's Bower, not Bauer.

Anonymous said...

Interesting numbers particularly Hialeah. AB’s are on fire over there! Miami very interesting too. Marc Sarnoff pulled it off in the first round in a five way race… I guess now we can really see people's ability to strategize and run real campaigns. Vanessa Britto didn’t have the momentum of the recall tailcoats to ride on this time… not to mention the money. Britto's candidate had well over $100,000 dollars and barely got 1,000 votes... 19%

Anonymous said...

I guess Miami is where the rubber met the road for Britto… maybe next time

Anonymous said...

The money is what made this race...the gals couldn't compete. That is the bottom line, Sarnoff spent a fortune.

Anonymous said...

The Waldman - Burgess race was for the title of Vice Mayor only. Each was already re-elected. Burgess won his primary and Waldman was re-elected without opposition.

Losner hitched his wagon to Lynda Bell and lost big despite running a nasty, nasty campaign.

The big surprise was Farclough-McCormick. She crushed the competition.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is that it takes tactics, strategy and a real game plan to win. Of course incumbents have more money. .. I assure you $100,000 dollars is not chump change. She needed to get her candidate into the runoff and everything would have changed in round two… Britto decided to use most of her candidate’s money to pay for her consulting fees instead of focusing on the real price. .. a bit of analysis wouldn’t hurt anon above. Trivializing the campaign by saying he’s got more, she’s got less bla bla, in not really feting.

Geniusofdespair said...

Feting? Feh.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Genius... i meant nothing to celebrate or party about.

Definitions of Feting in dictionaries:

1 verb - Have a celebration

2 v - To honor with a celebration

Anonymous said...

I will NOT be surprised if Raul Martinez gets elected! This communuty is made of poppycok -- which really translates into BULLSH_T, CAPITALIZED, please -- and then Sergio Pino and his boys can again practice alchemy and transmute US Century Bank into the Bank of Hialeah, and move into friendlier territory. Don't tell me they can't do it, they did it with Ready State Bank!

Anonymous said...

Losner did not "hitch his wagon to Lynda Bell." Lynda Bell was not welcome at any of the races.

Losner lost because of money. Bateman had over $65,000 and Losner had about $10,000. That is what won this election. Besides, with all that, we in Homestead believe Losner came close with what he had.

We all knew Fairclough-McCormick would win. Nobody was surprised at her big win. Her opponent was a light weight and endorsed by Bateman and Waldman. Fairclough was brighter than both - together. She was Miami Dade Teacher of the Year a couple years ago and a finalist in State Teacher of the Year that same year. Besides, her supporters and campaign managers were the best. Now Bateman is trying to hitch his wagon to Fairclough.

Keep an eye on her. Patricia Fairclough-McCormick is going places. She is no slouch and will never be a lackey for anybody. Plus, she is very independent. She will bring sanity to that place and everybody is depending on her to take back our city. She will be the star of Homestead City Council. And well deserved!

Bateman is now considered damaged goods in Homestead. Losner, though unliked, came very close to taking him out. Any of the others, Burgess, Fairclough could have beaten him. That is a fact.

Homestead is waking up. The only person on the Council Bateman can count on for sure is Maldonado and he is not worth two dead flies. Keep watching this blog. Changes are ahead! Even Waldman is walking away from him.

Bateman might have won, but he's not in charge!

Anonymous said...

there are many advantages to incumbency. fund raising is key. Sarnoff had better consultants and more money then any of his opponents.
Campaign Finance Reform, Campaign Finance Reform
Absentee Ballot Reform too.
Too many little old people being intimidated out of their votes.
And Vanessa was in over her head. Again. She's never won a campaign, has she?

miaexile said...

ok I must have missed something. why the piling on Vanessa Britto? and as for Hialeah, why pick on Hialeah voters? this entire state is full of poppyock, they put Rick Scott in TLH and it seems they'll vote for whoever is the next Republican Presidential candidate, just because Rubio will be the VP candidate ( according to the Herald ) ..lighten up, it's almost Christmas people..

Anonymous said...

Bell stayed out of it. She sent Eddie to do God's will.

Anonymous said...

Anon above: Bell did not "stay out of it" She could not get her way in. And Eddie or any other one from her pack was not in it eiher. This was pure Burgess and pure Fairclough-McCormick.

And they did it their way. Homestead is finally on the right track and we want to thank the voters for helping Losner show that Bateman is in trouble. Losner came close and that, in itself, is a good thing.

Bell cound not even fight her way into it.

And THAT is a fact.

Anonymous said...

The name Losner sounds too much like Loser. He didn't have a chance.

Anonymous said...

Lots of eye witnesses saw Bell and Losner fawning all over each other yesterday. It's also well-known that she was encouraging her people to help Losner. She's a county commissioner now. She doesn't need to leave precise fingerprints to achieve the goal. EOM is a blog for thinkers not sheep.

Anonymous said...

Anon, you can believe what you want to believe and, if you saw her fawning over Losner it was nothing more than pure desporation and she was the one that pushed herself on him. She did nothing to help him and he did not ask her to. In fact, I was told she was not wanted on any of the campaigns because supporters from all walks of life in Homestead told them all, that if they had her support they would leave. I was also told that Bell is toxic around Homestead and there is no one she can attach herself to.

I don't know much about Bell, but I know she has not been seen at any campaign events and I was told she is "toxic" and if they knew what was good for them they would leave her out of their campaigns.

Nobody in Homestead cares that she is a commissioner. They just don't like her and don't trust her.

I don't live in Homestead, but my family does and they are very involved in what goes on down there.

For them, LOSNER IS A STAR, because he helped to break the hold Bateman had on the Council.

Bateman's worse days on the Council are on their way.

Anonymous said...

Your facts are totally inconsistent. Bateman wasn't in control of the Homestead Council when Losner was on it.

Losner and Bell served with Mayor Roscoe Warren. They alternately supported or opposed depending on who was asking. Losner was a land speculator himself.

Bateman upset Bell 2 years ago. Her team helped Losner. That's a fact.

Geniusofdespair said...

Losner told me he hated Lynda Bell.

Anonymous said...

Bell has her chubby fingers in lots of cookie jars. Just ask Steve-O's daddy bank president Bill.

Anonymous said...

If you know Losner like anyone from Homestead knows him Genius, you would know that it's almost like he's 2 people.

He desperately wants to be Mayor. He also has loathed Bell in the past just like half of Homestead. He took her help this time because he thought it would get him to the promised land.

Fortunately, he and Bell failed, which is good for Homestead. Bateman is no angel but he's a gigantic, immeasurable improvement over Bell.

Anonymous said...

I'm amazed at the Brito criticism. She took a candidate with no name recognition and made Kate Callahan the second highest vote getter with only $100,000.
Sarnoff won with 2800 votes after raising almost $500K in his campaign account plus another $400K+ in his PAC. Almost a million dollars for 2800 votes. Not a mandate here, folks. Then look at the hundreds of thousands he paid campaign consultants, particularly Marin and sons. Callahan had one (1) consultant.
Give Brito some credit here.

Anonymous said...

Sarnoff bought an army of consultants and absentee ballot collectors. Notice how Sarnoff had so few volunteers? Sarnoff hired poll workers.

Anonymous said...

Sarnoff raised $800,000, including money in his PAC, and he only got 2,800 votes. Of the 2,800, absentee ballots were 1,200. Does that set a record for cost per vote?