Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Overturn the Supreme Court's Citizens United Decision. By Geniusofdespair

New group We the People say:

Corporate power in democracy is not "just another issue." Corporate influence in public life stops progress on all of the issues most Americans care about. Join the fight for democracy — sign up!

If you believe in the cause of getting corporations out of politics and letting people back in, join 16,000 others by Taking the Pledge while you’re on the site. It’s a Declaration of Independence from Corporate Power.

I don't know how they are going to overturn a Supreme Court decision with house parties and other gimmicks but hey, I am all for their goal. Jay Harris started this group, he published Mother Jones from 1991 to 2009.   Sign up on their website if you want to drive Corporations crazy. Here is a copy of the petition.


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't labor unions be prohibited too?

Anonymous said...

Good point last Anon.

Anonymous said...

How about getting religion out of politics while we're at it.

Geniusofdespair said...

It is not a good point poster above the one above.

You start somewhere and go forward and refine. You don't nitpick before you begin because then you never will get anywhere.

I agree we need all the big money out. Let's just get started...

Anonymous said...

Sorry Genius. I love you, but labor unions are a bigger cause against democracy than corporations and they are known to be racist.

With their inteference in Education and public employees we end paying for all these pensions and benefits that we could never enjoy and we graduate children that cannot make it in society let alone the workforce.

I'll tell you a true story. While working on an issue years ago at a Democrat convention, a labor unionist called my room at night and left a message that he would throw me out the window if I did not vote with them. Every single Black at the convention was also called with the same message.

The issue? As Democrats we were fighting for more decision-making authority in the Party for Women, minorities and Hispanics. Labor was against it as was Ted Kennedy. I remember we ran after Kennedy asking for support for our cause and he literally ran away from us. I will never forget it. Kennedy was the grandfather of labor unions.

After that incident, I signed off on Unions.

Besides during Bush's campaign for President, they swarmed down in at least Miami and I believe Orlanda and trashed the places, breaking someone's arm in Orlanda in the process. Whether you like Bush or not, those are not the type of people I want to support. They are violent and all they think about is their own narrow interest - MONEY!

Look at all the money we are paying out because of them. These people have brought us to our economic knees in every municipality in the acountry and still they want more. No way would I or my family ever support these thugs. Because that is what they are.

I'll take corporations over them any day!

Geniusofdespair said...

What is your problem with start somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Let's start somewhere? Yes with the Labor Unions.

Mother Jones said...

You refer to a DemocratIC party convention as the Democrat convention

And you try to rewrite history and turn the Brooks Brothers riot into a labor union thing.

If Rush Limbaugh wants to post anti-union rants, at least he should put his name on them.

Anonymous said...

If corporations are not defined as people than how can they be "greedy"