Friday, November 18, 2011

Move the UDB line? Application in Miami Herald Today. By Geniusofdespair

Threat to the urban development boundary.


Anonymous said...

This application will produce one of those jagged lines that Martinez loves to say "should be straightened". Everything to the east wil be the next application. Kendall folks need to stand up and oppose this creeping sprawl.

Anonymous said...

The Planning Department should not have ignored the advice of the EPA consultants who suggested that Staff should be responsible for filing applications - not investors who are always probing the line to see if there speculative investments will pay off. This is an issue that the Mayor should be dealing with...change the UDB application process.

milly, hialeah said...

If the alligators could speak, I wonder what they would say?

Why do they keep insisting with this when there is so much infill land still available, huge abandoned warehouse and commercial spaces all over (especially Hialeah)?

Moving the UDBLine is wrong!

Anonymous said...

Death by 1,000 applications.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone deny this is what they have wanted all along?

They have wanted to move the UDB for years and Katy Sorenson was the only one denying them this "prize." Now there is no commissioner to stop them. And they will do it.

Again, the only way to stop the greed at the county, RECALL!

Because they just don't get it!

Gimleteye said...

This is what I've called, developers and speculators and their lobbyists "taking the dog out for a walk". It doesn't matter how idiotic the UDB changes are; what matters is making sure that local government toes the line. We didn't march into this economic crisis of overdevelopment and shattered housing values by mistake: we marched in lock-step.

Anonymous said...

This application has been repeatedly rejected by the Commission. It typically gets withdrawn once the applicant realizes there are not 9 votes in favor. Check the history.

Geniusofdespair said...

It is a new day on the commission...who do you think is going to vote against it. You count the votes.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this application has been historically rejected. But, now we have a watered down version of the DCA, who will approve anything wherever.

Bell, Bovo, le Pew, Martinez are all Yes to approve. Heyman can go either way as she did with Lowes & Cemex, same with Edmunson & Jordan. I have no clue what Monestine will do as it appears he's a little confused on UDB issues even though he has one of Katy's aides in his office. He's either ignoring the aide, or G-d knows what he's thinking. As to the rest, I believe Moss, Souto, Suarez will probably say no. Sosa, who knows. She may find a way to approve it, twisting around the CDMP and confusing people.

As to Miguel, him and his entire family of politicians are basically whores of the lobbyists. They go to the highest bidder!