Monday, November 14, 2011

More Commissioner Recalls in Miami Dade County? By Geniusofdespair

Yesterday in the Miami Herald, it was reported that Norman Braman is considering two more recalls of Commissioner Pepe Diaz and Commission Chair Joe Martinez.

Specifically Braman said: they were part of a group "That just do not want to change."

Hello? We call that group the Unreformable Majority of the County Commission. We have at least 17 posts on them. Pepe Diaz and Joe Martinez have been longtime members of the group along with Bruno Barreiro, Javier Souto and Barbara Jordan. I am removing Audrey Edmonson from the Unreformable Majority, without Gimeleteye's knowledge but I hope he agrees. I saw her last week and thanked her for her lone vote against moving the UDB line for the Homestead Auto Racetrack. She looked me squarely in the eye and said: "It was the right thing to do." Yes, Audrey, it was. Thank you again.

I think Norman Braman would recall Barbara Jordan because she won't ever change, but I suspect he must have done some polling there. I think she is too popular within her district although toxic to the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

Hey, Norm: Don't forget Bell.

Anonymous said...

Edmunson approved the Cemex application for rock mining at the edge of the Everglades. Souto didn't. I'd put Edmunson back on the Unreformable list. One vote out of how many bad ones in regard to the Speedway?

Geniusofdespair said...

Hmmm. I guess I will have to follow them more closely. Tired of keeping track of this crew...

Anonymous said...

Didnt see anything in the Herald.

Cato II said...

If Braman goes after Martinez and Diaz, maybe Vanessa Brito can be persuaded to go after Edmundson and Jordan.

Anonymous said...

I think Braman should concentrate on the city of Miami. It needs farmore help than the county right now.

Geniusofdespair said...

You didn't see anything in the Herald?

Did you look on page 3B Sunday, November 13th first column by Patricia Mazzei?

It is not on line, or at least I couldn't find it. BUY THE FRIGGIN' PAPER.

Anonymous said...

These people just don't learn. They really think they are GOD!

If the only way to get them out is recall, then let's get busy!

Do nothing? Then we will have only ourselves to blame.

People should realize that these elected officials are not smart. They know very little about politics. They play tribal politics, intimidate their supporters who also don't know any better,promise them the world, throw a few crumbs their way and then go right on doing what they always do.

It's a sorry bunch alright. But we the voters are "sorrier" for taking this political abuse for so long. Consider this: If we don't clean house, who will? And,if we can't clean up our own backyard, how can we even try to clean up Washington?

Our communities are crumbling around us under political abuse and our only recourse is to stand by and do nothing? Are we mad? Have we lost our minds? These people cannot stop us. We start rising up? They get scared. Listen folks, all we need is somebody among us who can take the lead, and we can jump in as thousands of volunteers. How can they stop us? This is America Everybody! This is not supposed to happen here.

2012 is an election year. Let's push them out of the way and elect people with dignity, people who are honest and decent and, if they screw up, take them out in two years. The vote! That is what counts. The Vote!

Anonymous said...

If the voters approve the Petition Reform Charter Change on January 31, recall drives will have 120 days (not 60) to gather signatures.

By timing it right, there will be no for need for taxpayers to pay for special elections to recall the Even number candidates (all the Odd number candidates are up for election in 2012 - go find candidates.)

If you start a petition on February will have four months to gather signatures...complete by June 15th. If 4% signatures are certified, the BCC must call an election within 45-90 days...the August State Primary ballot falls within that window. If recall succeeds, the November ballot is available to elect a new Commissioner.

Now get to work on passing the January 31 Petition Reform and let the games begin.

Michelle Niemeyer said...

Here's a silly solution to our problems: when there's a regular election be informed, and then show up and VOTE!

If public officials commit crimes, they should be prosecuted and removed from office.

These people may or may not be acceptable representatives, in which case they should be voted out of office, but aside from that, who is Norman Braman to decide who should be in office and who should not? I didn't ask him to speak for me. Did you? In a community where almost no one votes, how are these recall efforts different from a coup, using petitions and absentee ballot efforts (ie: LOTS of money) instead of guns?

Think about it. As a taxpayer, I hope that the next time Mr. Braman decides to rattle his recall chains he will voluntarily pony up the millions of dollars the resulting election will cost the County.

Ray said...

Michelle Niemeyer,

Why on earth would Braman need to pay for a recall election? The government already has $7 billion of our dollars for FY2011-12. Isn't that enough to cover a special election? And aren't County officials smart enough to foresee special elections and budget for them?

Anonymous said...

Why would Braman recall Martinez and Diaz?
They didn't vote for the infamous budget of one year ago.
I volunteered in the recall against Alvarez and then realized Recall is not the answer.
Let them finish their term and then get them out.
Let's stop being the laugh of the nation and respect the will of the people not of a few.

Geniusofdespair said...

Norman don't listen to Michele keep them coming....

Anonymous said...

Citizens lets not get fooled by this change on commissioners which are all of a sudden changing their vote and thinking to support us. As soon as 2012 is over these commissioners such as District 8 Lynda Bell will be back to their old tricks again. Lets removed them now and the next commissioner that is elected will learn their lesson from the people who voted them into office. Recall now based on a commissioner previous votes. "Remember a leopard does not change its' spots."

Anonymous said...

He's only going after Martinez because Martinez is the only threat to Bramans puppet (the interim mayor). Mr. braman wants to distract Martinez from his 2012 mayoral campaign and have him focus on the recall campaign.

Lets keep wasting taxpayer dollars on recall elections, instead of waiting for their term to be over and vote the out, what is the difference?

Anonymous said...

Some of these elected officials we cannot wait until their term is up.For an example if they were recently elected in 2010 for 4 years, can you imagine the damage that can be done in four years. The price of a recall election is a small price to pay to stop corruption and destruction in their district.
Lets recall the ones we have that deserve recalling.

Anonymous said...

Martinez is running for mayor? LOL! That is a huge joke! I remember how he barely won his first commission election with the help of the worst rainstorm in decades. Martinez has ZERO chance of being elected as mayor.

Plus he likes being a commissioner too much. He wont give it up for a certain loss.

Anonymous said...

It's easy for the people here to spend Braman's money. Why not be an informed voter in the first place. I hear this over and over. If it was free to recall these people by all means recall them all every time they pass something you don't like. The problem is that does not solve the problem, which is our tax bill. Here is my idea, take the cost of the special election from a recall, then divide it by the number of signatures on the recall petition, and charge the people who signed it. Let's see how bad people really want someone out right now, intead of 8 months from now. Just my idea to save on my 7K tax bill.

Geniusofdespair said...

Natacha Seijas was weakened by the first recall - even though she was elected after the recall. I think the people really looked at her differently, with a more discerning eye. I don't care how expensive the recall is - it is our right in OUR charter and don't try to sway me from it with that tired old economic argument. I am not a fool.

Anonymous said...

Earth calling Anon’s! Joe Martinez can’t be recalled. You can’t recall a commissioner a year after their election or a year before their up for reelection. Sorry to rain on your parade. Learning the rules before going the bla, bla, bla way, may help next time.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes he can get recalled last poster of comment, here is the charter:

7. No recall petition against such an officer shall be certified within one year after he takes office nor within one year after a recall petition against him is defeated.

Anonymous said...

The economics is why the first group was recalled. Anyone who wanted to raise taxes was out. Now everyone wants to spend more money. It is our money, I'm asking not to blow it every 6 months on elections. Do your research and vote the right person for the job the first time. By all means, if someone has to go, get them out, but this he/she voted against what I think, they have to go is not going to get our taxes under control. Taxes were what all this started out being about.

Anonymous said...

Tine for Occupy the voting booths. Preceeded by Occupy Department of Elections (Voter Registration)