James W. Hall wrote "Dead Last" a novel from his series about Thorn, a reclusive hero from Key Largo.
I heard James W. Hall speak Saturday and enjoyed the panel he was on with fellow mystery writers Jeff Abbott, John Connolly and Jeff Lindsay (Dexter author - he is very amusing). There were tables for signing after the session and opposite the tables were books on sale for the four authors who spoke. I wanted to buy James W. Hall's new book. They were out of it or maybe it wasn't released. No one knew. He was only speaking a few minutes before. How could they be out of it? Anyway, he soon left the autograph area getting no takers...as we struggled to find his book.
Books and Books or the Fair itself didn't have their act together on Saturday. We were issued a $5 coupon with our tickets good at Books and Books but no one knew where we had to go to redeem them.
We went to two events listed in the newspaper. Their locations were advertised in a pull-out of the Miami Herald. We never did find the sessions we wanted, instead we listened to bible scholar Richard Friedman talk about the Old Testament. We looked for Mark Kurlansky's new book "What". Couldn't find that either (we saw him by mistake too as he was not suppose to be in the room we went to). My big complaint -- there were too many versions of the timetables/room assignments and you weren't sure which one was most up-to-date and finding the books after the sessions was a monumental task in most cases.
Other years it seemed like it was more organized and people manning tables didn't say "I don't know."
One more complaint, the band in the food area was so loud you couldn't order without screaming nor could you sit at the tables to enjoy the over-priced food. Crepes and drinks in hand, we ran out of there and ate on the run. Let me balance my criticism with something good: I did enjoy hearing Ron Suskind Thursday and I also was glad I was able to see the panel with Mike Barnicle and Pete Hamill on it on Saturday. Also the mushroom, cheese and spinach crepe was good (what didn't end up on my shirt).
I believe your beef should be directed toward Miami-Dade College.
They're running the show these days.
MDC is in charge? That would explain it. I’ve always thought that the Book Fair was Miami’s best event of the year, every year, but in recent years it seems to have become a victim of its own success. Still, thank you Mitchell Kaplan for the many memorable moments I’ve had attending the Book Fair.
That's a shame. I know it stinks when you go speak somewhere and they don't have your book. This author was kinder than I would have been. Once, I attended a conference where the bookseller apparently didn't think I was important enough to order many copies of my books. During my autographing time, I sat at the table and, every time someone asked if they had my books, I directed them to the bookseller so he could know exactly how many sales he'd lost. If you're going to ask someone to speak for free, you owe it to them to have their books.
I totally agree Alex. That is why I wrote this blog, to support writers. They want to sell books and it is hard enough these days with the internet chewing up hard cover sales.
Yes, I have one of Alex's books and yes it is autographed.
MDC = joke
Took my son to see Jeff Kinney, of Diary of a Wimpy Kid fame. It was utter mayhem! More than 2,000 kids/parents in a chaotic frenzy and only one book fair volunteer try to coordinate. Oh, but lots of officers standing around, walkie-talkies in hand discussing their Sunday overtime pay, I assume.
Hi Genius--
It's James W. Hall here. Don't feel too sorry for me. Books and Books did have copies of Dead Last, and they apparently sold out early on Saturday. I did sign a few copies of the new book so it was around for a while.
Still, I certainly understand your frustration. Here's a deal for you. Write me an email. Send it to me via my website jameswhall.com and include your snail mail address. I'll send you a signed copy of Dead Last. No charge.
James Hall
I am so grateful that MDC is able to continue the Book Fair. We owe a debt of gratitude to MDC, a State School in Florida, for their continuing commitment to finance and manage such a tremendous event. It is an opportunity to see the streets of Miami as a sea of ideas and intellect, a peaceful gathering of readers who get to meet their favorite authors in person. What a delight. It is a disservice to complain at all about this event.
James Hall - that was a really nice but this Miami! You will probably get dozens of addresses claiming to be G.O.D.
Oh, I can use my secret yahoo...Geniusofdespair address Sparrow.
And those that say I shouldn't criticize...gimme a break. I didn't say it wasn't worth going. I offered some suggestions. Anyone that doesn't want to do things differently when things are wrong will end up like the original Mario the Baker in North Miami: Empty without customers.
Also, the Book Fair depends on scores of volunteers to make it happen. The MDC department that makes the Book Fair happen each year - the Center for Literary Ars (the Center) has about 3 full time employees - so it's miracle such a huge event happens at all. Maybe the Book Fair is too big for its own good - they offer a lot - books, authors, entertainment, food, writing classes. A lot of moving pieces. Constructive criticism is good. But volunteering is better.
This is the 3rd consecutive year I've attended the Miami Book Fair and I can honestly say I've never had a bad experience there.
I attended two presentations, including the Ron Suskind event you mentioned. The Suskind talk alone made the weekend memorable, absolutely excellent speech.
Hopefully they can correct the timetable/room mistakes you mentioned. My only complaint is the lack of accessibility to the main event speakers year in and year out.
Anonymous above Rob:
I volunteer for the Community about 5 to 6 hours a day 365 days a year.
Do you think this Blog writes itself?
You can do my 2,000 hours and I will gladly do 30 hours as a volunteer at the book fair.
This year was very very disorganized and seems to be done in the last minute.
The kids comic con was by far the worst since there was no big name to support the indie artists.
Maybe if the fair was planned months in advance then it would be the best place to go with the calender year
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