Monday, November 07, 2011

Abramoff on 60 Minutes: Occupy THAT ... by gimleteye

Here is a link to last night's astounding 60 Minutes interview with Jack Abramoff, once the most powerful lobbyist in Washington DC. Abramoff, recently released from prison, is now an office accountant for a pizza parlor. Since a lot of political insiders read this blog, I am hoping that those who missed the Abramoff report will listen for themselves, how easy it is to repent.

The United States is so desperately in need of reform of lobbying practices and campaign finance at all levels of government. Let Abramoff spread his new message of redemption far and wide. Even into the corner of the offices of Ron Book, Armando Guttierez, and Diaz Balart and the Diaz de la Portilla brothers. You don't have to do three and a half years in federal prison to acknowledge the ways that lobbying and fund raising for politicians has deformed democracy. In other words: come clean now. Support change.

Ron Book, you are wealthy enough. Help pass meaningful campaign finance reform. Step forward with new laws barring former elected officials from any kind of lobbying the government they once served. Period. Full stop. No more revolving door. No more "regulatory capture".

Abramoff tells 60 Minutes he justified his power and wealth by giving 80 percent of it away to charitable organizations. Our local version supports the homeless or the children. Abramoff now says he was totally blinded, the same way as our local yokels and their consigliere's. Hospitals and universities all bear the marks of "good works" that provide seeming excuse and cover for abuse of power. Think, US Century Bank that "named" the FIU arena.

Abramoff and then House majority leader Tom DeLay put into practice the K Street Project during the Bush White House terms, by which no lobbyists were permitted access to federal agencies unless they heavily supported Republican politicians. Abramoff, in his interview, notes how Bush White House staff crowded his restaurant looking for free handouts and entree to the next employment opportunity. 100 proof corruption.

Occupy, that.


Anonymous said...

Great interview. Very candid. Listen closely though, as to what he believes is one of the only ways to tackle lobbyist, insider and political corruption. Don’t allow political staff or politicians to become lobbyist after they leave government. Particularly political staff. That’s what this guy said and he should know. Of course, here in Miami Dade we get caught up with term limits, salaries and the like. Which is needed, but we fail to advocate or fight for what is truly and at the heart of the problem. I hope Brahman saw the interview. Include this reform into the charter changes NOW.

Don’t allow county staff or commissioners to lobby for a minimum of five years. (maybe ten) I don’t know. But that seems to be the only way to remedy or at least deter or dampen this culture of corruption that we face in Miami Dade. Please Genius, Gimleteye or Brahman are you listening??

Anonymous said...

Good point anon above. That seems like Substantive reform. I guess that’s why no one is pushing for it.

Geniusofdespair said...

Abramoff was deeply religious, giving to charities at the same time he was proud of his expertise of working the system illegally. He didn't see the conflict then but he does now. Book is a Jack in other clothing. I wish he could use his power to do good. I wish he would clean the system. I believe his family doesn't need money as much as they need a moral compass.

We don't even have the luxury of politicians first leaving office before becoming lobbyists here. Like Abramoff said. Erik Fresen and David Rivera and Miguel diaz de la Portilla -- they are lobbyists while IN office. It stinks.

Anonymous said...

It sure does stink Genius, but why not do something about it? Push for it to be on the ballot. They seem to listen to you.

Harold from NM said...

Book is the lobbyist for North Miami at the same time that he is lobbying for developer Swerdlow who is trying AGAIN to get control of Biscayne Landing in North Miami.

Anonymous said...

Lincoln Diaz Balart is shilling for Genting. Gag.

Geniusofdespair said...

Why don't I do something about it? We have to ALL do something about it. Are you going to the public hearing Wedneday? Did you call any of your elected officials, have you given money to a campaign? Did you vote in every election and make your family vote? It is not up to me.

Anonymous said...

FYI - Tom Delay was never House Speaker. I believe he was Whip. Big difference. Hastert was Speaker.

Anonymous said...

Yes on all counts Genius! I’ll be there Wednesday. I vote as does my family. However, why so defensive? I’m only bringing to light a key issue to look into. It seems to have fallen to the wayside. I don’t need you to do anything about it… I just thought it could be discussed here too.I guess this one is even a bit tough for us to talk about. Abramoff was right on the spot.

Geniusofdespair said...

Not being defensive...just acknowledging this will take the whole damn county of voters to whip this place into shape...

or sadly to say, one billionaire to whip the voters into shape.

Anonymous said...

Watch Casino Jack. It's about how he corrpted congress. Really worth watching.

Anonymous said...

Crooks that are generous to charities and their church or temple are just trying to do some penance out of guilt, to help justify their crime.

Juggalo said...

So you say "during the Bush White House terms... no lobbyists were permitted access to federal agencies unless they heavily supported Republican politicians."

Guess what? During the Clinton and Obama White House terms, no lobbyists were/are permitted access to federal agencies unless they heavily supported DEMOCRAT politicians.

The lobbyist problem applies to Democrats AND Republicans. Stop whining about Republicans in every one of your posts. It dilutes your advocacy.

Anonymous said...

To the first Anon, I think there is a rule on lobbying after leaving the county but it's all about individual ethics/morals. Some former staff members and/or elected officials still go to county hall to discretely lobby for items(just by going to "visit"). Terry Murphy was recently seen at county hall.... his brother's item was on the agenda... the item failed... but he was there "visiting"... who is he kidding.